Now Lucky v0.1

What would happen when someone who didn’t have that good of a life (for certain reasons) and has extremely bad luck, almost supernatural-like bad luck, dies? And then actually gets saved and swapped i


Camp Apocalypse

Camp Apocalypse is a simulation game in which you control a young man who is enjoying his freedom after five years in a shelter, when the world seems to be heading for its end. The only place you have


Familial Bonds v.01

Overview: This is a text-based CYOA (choose-your-own-adventure) story, with pictures strewn through the story. You follow the sexcapades of a young man as he tries to navigate his home life, college,


Book of Chastity v0.01

Overview: This game is about you meeting a dominant mysterious woman and becoming her chastity-slave.There is not much content at the moment, the lockup is the end for now.​Last update: 2021-04-19Rele


Plucking Stars

A story about a young man that goes through various hardships of life on his journey through movie industry. Betrayal, corruption, back alley deals and more.​Last update: 2021-03-22Released: 2021-03-2


Apotheosis v0.13

This is a text-based game of interactive fiction. It starts with your death and introduction to the afterlife where you discover an eternal struggle between the forces of Paradise and the Pit. How it


Reform School v00.1

Getting sent to St. Agnes Reform School really sucks. It sucks, even more, when you discover your worst bully is also there to torment you. Wait, why does he have a hard-on?Reform School allows you to


Lord Of The Manor v0.1

“Flax…my obliviously-handsome, socially-not-quite-there-but-working-on-it equine friend: even you can’t fail to drown in a sea of dick at this place.”: MoreStep into the hooves of Flax, semi-awkward
