Insimology v0.2

You play as a young boy living in an Indian family somewhere in the world. You have absolutely no problems in your life but things will start taking turns as you explore your life and


Taboo Island v1.0

This is an RPG game that combines elements of adventure, collection, battle, love, etc. In this game,you will play a boy on a deserted island and meet various heroines of different sty


Edgewater v1.0

Set in a fantasy world with swords, magic and beautiful women, the tale is a coming of age story about a young outcast in a small, backwater village. A struggle lies ahead. Will you he



After obtaining your hypnotherapy license, you decide to open your own practice in an effort to help people (and make a shit ton of money.) You won’t stop with clients, however, as th


Brazen Sonnet

This is a love story about how you found a woman washed up near a river who lost her memory and the trials the two of you face after returning to mend her life back together. As you a
