Wish Gone Wild

The story is about a young man called Nathan Spade who has the misfortune of become a woman mysteriously. The game is text based and is inspired by the game Disco Elysium. Disco Elysium is about what


Homecoming v0.1

The story in Homecoming is a botched heist has our hero transformed into a woman by a powerful demon. Not only that he is sent half way across the world. Now he must find a way to return home and take


The Potion Room v0.1

In the potion room, an over-ambitious student witch experiments with some prohibited potions, which to her dismay, seem to have some very lewd effects. The player will have to consult books, experimen


Coffee Demo

Experience a lewd dreamworld. Physical changes within a dream will potentially alter the character once the dream is over.Inspired by Yume Nikki, .flow, LSD Dream Emulator and some others.​Last update
