Crazy Tales

Crazy Tales

An evil force is putting the world of fairy tales and sagas into chaos. With a card game that unites the souls of the inhabitants of this world, you must ensure justice and peace. Do you face the prop

My Old Soul v0.01

My Old Soul v0.01

My Old soul is a game that follows the soul of a man who was once a great wizard, but traded his soul (for the first 10,000 years after his death) for his wish to send 80% of all sentient life, includ

Yukiya Hot Spring ~The Waters of Fertility~

Yukiya Hot Spring ~The Waters of Fertility~

48手で子授け伝授、雪積もる温泉旅館の一夜を舞台とした箱庭型ドットHシミュレーター。■基本操作方向キー 移動、選択Z 決定、その他X 憑りつく、憑りつき解除*タイトル画面でXを押すとBGMの音量を変えられます。裏技(「H」keyで神通力無尽蔵 )アーケードゲームライクなスコア制ですが、テクニカルな操作は必要ありません。得点を稼げば稼ぐだけHできます。(1200点ごとに神通力+1) 時間制限もありま
