Troubles with altered Tofu

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Last update: 2018-08-18

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Troubles with altered Tofu poster

Troubles with Altered Tofu is a media-heavy transformation game. You play a young man with peculiar allergies to genetically modified foods. The game currently features 4 seducable characters, MtF and FtM transformation, and 4 types of sexual actions in 4 locations.
The game is now in BETA stage. The core functionality of the game is mostly established. The game now needs to be filled out with content.
Updated: 24/04/18
Censorship: None
Version: 18.04.23
OS: Windows/ Mac / Linux
Language: English

HTML, adventure, transformation , MtF, FtM, Breast Enlargement, mental changes, shemale, slow transformation, voluntary transformation

Install instructions: :

1- Extract to desired location.
2- Click on HTML File to start playing.


First public alpha release.17.10.10 release:
Added Downtown and Park scenesRevealed “Confirm” button. Added houseover hint to double click on action element or hit enter.17.10.11 release:
Added energy and sleepyness to game.Added new food type “BigEnergy Bar”17.10.12 release:
Added three new types of food in two different locations.17.10.14 release:
Rebuild videos and images for “HD” releaseAdded vendor at beachAdded FtM transitionrebuilt interface to work at a wider range of resolutions17.10.15 patch:
fixed styling quirks on firefox.17.10.15 Interface redesign:
interface has been restyled and tested on chrome and firefox.Gave each character their own narration and interaction content.17.10.15 Full build:
Same content as 17.10.15 Interface redesign build. Includes all media from 17.10.14 build.17.10.22:
Re-balanced gameplay to make full MtF and FtM content easier to access17.11.10:
Re-processed all images and videos from original sources for better quality.Added new videosGave NPC’s their own daily schedules17.11.11
Fixed a bug that was making the player sleepy all the timeAdded additional narration for allergic events.Tweaked interface to look better at lower resolutions.18.02.05
Added Save/Load functionalityTweaked energy and foodAdded CollegeAdded day/night cycle18.03.11
Added drug dealingTweaked game balance

Troubles with altered Tofu

PC, Mac, Linux
Game rating: 5 80

Troubles with altered Tofu: screenshots

Troubles with altered Tofu screenshot 0Troubles with altered Tofu screenshot 1Troubles with altered Tofu screenshot 2Troubles with altered Tofu screenshot 3Troubles with altered Tofu screenshot 4Troubles with altered Tofu screenshot 5Troubles with altered Tofu screenshot 6

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