The Mage Depot v0.9

Demo version:No
Last update: 2019-01-05

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The Mage Depot poster

The first Kim storyline! along with the branches of the storyline that lead to Trisha being turned into a bimbo and sexualy assulting Vincent. And one with her and Kim both becoming bimbos resulting in a X rated scene. Thats X for Xylophone people!​

Last update: : 2019-01-04
Released: : 2018-11-19
Censorship: none
Version: 0.9
OS: PC/Windows
Language: English

visual novel, adv, adventure, sexy girl, big boobs, mature humor, nudity, transformation, fantasy, erotic adventure, corruption

Install instructions: :

1- Extract to desired location.
2- Click on “executable_name.exe” to start playing.

The Mage Depot

PC, Mac, Linux
Game rating: 5 17

The Mage Depot: screenshots

The Mage Depot screenshot 0The Mage Depot screenshot 1The Mage Depot screenshot 2The Mage Depot screenshot 3The Mage Depot screenshot 4The Mage Depot screenshot 5

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