Renryuu: Ascension follows the story of Ryen, a half dragon-half human. After some sudden events Ryen becomes the King of his country and starts his dutys as the King in the castle while also traveling around when needed to take care of many problems inside and outside of the country.
Updated: 2018-12-16
Developer/Publisher: –
Censorship: No
Version: 18/08/08
OS: Windows, Mac, linux
Language: English
RPG, other sex, erotic adventure, oral, blowjob, big boobs, tits fuck, fantasy, monster girl, cream pie, cum in pussy
Install instructions: :
1- Extract to desired location.
2- Click on “Game.exe” to start playing.
2- Click on “Game.exe” to start playing.
– The main point of this update it to fix a bug that gave you ship tickets or gambling coins instead of teleport stones during events. Should you’ve missed a teleport stone due to this bug, you can get them at the book in your bedroom.
– I also added a new scene for the tigergirl Naevy. It starts at your bedroom when you have the previous scene with her done and the recently added events with Mira and Maria also finished.
– A re-worked system for the warmap battles. Players might not see a difference, but this was done to prepare for more additions to the system.
– New events and CG scene with the girl at Norhall stronghold. When you already had her events of delivering a message and reported back to her, the continuation of the events start when going back to the priest in the castle of Calterburry.
– New title screen. My plan is to change the characters and backgrounds shown in it every once in a while. It also features the release date more visible together with the new content.
The foxgirl on the left is just a teaser. She’ll get into the game later with a beautiful CG scene
This update took waaaay longer than planned, as the warmap is very time intensive. That’s why I didn’t add any of the new features yet and will add them slowly over time instead. Otherwise it would simply take too long.
The new update is online!
– Amagal soldiers now have battlers that look like their character sprites, instead of a totally unrelated battler image.
– Lace’s battler image was replaced with a new CG as well.
– Bugfixes including the replay bug for Tsubaki’s new scene.
– Option to learn/remove the debug attack for all party members at the book at the sleeping chambers. Ryen will still have the attack in save files until you remove it, but he won’t automatically know the skill in new games from now on.
– Units that are defeated fullly in warmap battles will now reduce the moral of all your forces.
– The turn limit and the need for the first battle to start the turn system on the overview map was removed. The system is now always active and unlimited, but the enemies will be way stronger when you go past certain turn numbers to make up for your grow. But since their max strength is limited, you can also just advance the turns so much, that you’re way stronger again regardless.
– New option “auto-battle” for the warmap battles. This option will be available when you have enough healthy soldiers. With enough soldiers, you’ll always win the battle but the loss is based on your total numbers. Since you lose troops in this option, you might need to heal in order to use the option again for the next fight, making it impossible to just spam auto-battle without caring about your losses. This option is not available for the bonus battle in which you can farm resources.
– The luminous torch quest can now be finished.
– Continuation of the main story events. The new content starts when talking with Varea at Lualombo.
– The walkthrough has been updated and I added a shop list in it. This way you can now always check where to buy stuff like bread, fish, ropes or golden crosses.
– Two new events with Tsubaki. Requires 100 relationship with her and previous events done. Starts at the sleeping chambers by talking to her.
– Continuation of the main story line when talking with the King of Dorgania about the fragments. There are two new quests at the end that can’t be done yet, but there is a clear message when you reach the current end of the content. The missing content and continuation of the main events will be added within the next few weeks.
– New village Siriveta in Dorgania. Has a dungeon with a lot of enemy types that can captured, to make sure you’ll definitely have enough at your monsterhall. And farmable iron, coal and mithril ore.
– Siriveta also has a general store with some items that are otherwise hard to find or scattered around too many different places. This is supposed to make things easier for players that have advanced the story far enough to be in Dorgania.
– A trading option is now on Calterburry at the overview map, to trade hops for beer. This fixes my mistake of forgetting to add a brewery to do this in your own country. ^^
– Characters that aren’t unlocked yet at the CG room have a hint button now, which will tell you the location for the start of the event
– Guards in the castle of Kagabangui will now demand proof of your heritage before letting you to their king. You need to have the royal crown as proof.
– The king will have several options in his dialog including:
-> Domestic affairs – 3 dialogs about different topics, which can increase your relationship to Dorgania or increase/decrease it with other people based on your replies.
-> International affairs – 4 dialog options, including an option that will give you a quest after which the border between Central and Dorgania gets opened.
-> An open border will enable trade with Dorgania. This will also increase the relation with them.
-> Dialog options for the fragment mainquest and the quest with the vampire from Mike in Kagabangui become visible when you have the necessary quest. The fragments quest isn’t continued yet, but the quest with the imprisoned vampire can now be finished.
– The queen gives you a quest to take care of deserters.
– Trading on the overview map with Amagal is also possible now. Though they are only examples at the moment. I plan to put some more work into this in the future and add trading with Begus as well. The trading should give more worth to resources and let you get some easier and faster.
– The relaxed or strict trading policy choice in the dialog with Theremis will affect the trades on the overview map with the other countries.
– Closed borders will prevent you from trading.
– Using recipe items in the inventory will now show you all recipes in it with the items you can craft and the resources needed for it.
– The Headmaid’s blowjob scene can now be re-played by talking to her in the secret room.
– The walkthrough has been updated.
The new version is uploaded only as “Update files only .zip” for now. After the troubles with the last update, I decided to make uploads this way first and only upload the full versions one day later. Hopefully this will help to get some feedback additionally to the game tester, to prevent uploads of full versions with bugs. Thank you for your understanding.
– The second path for the events with the prince and the servant in the capital of Dorgania. There is a hidden switch above the events location, as shown in the screenshot above, which lets player reset the event. This is for the sake of people that did the first path for the event last update when there wasn’t a choice, but want to see or prefer the other option.
– CG scenes for the good path of the slaves Chieko and Glyntris (white hair wolf girl and green hair elf with green wings). The scenes can be seen at the brothel or at your castle when they’re your maids. The scenes at the castle require the secret room to be known to you, and for Glyntris you need to know about Ebron as well.
– Red Imps have new CGs and dialogs, similar to the grey Imps last update.
– A new slave can be bought at the slaver in Sunee. She can be send to your dungeon, the brothel or your castle.
– The sex scene with the slave Miyako has received additional CG edits, so that she still has the cum on her chest if you released it on it during the oral scene before. The edited images can also be seen at the CG room.
– There are three new events in Kagabanghui. Two short ones and one a bit longer. In these events, you can help poor people to improve Brad’s trust in you, as his trust in you will be needed in a future event. (The longer quests is supposed to have two possible routes, but currently only one is available. This route requires you to have 8 eloquence with Ryen from the training with the succubus. The second route will be available in the next update as an alternative. The result is the same, so don’t worry about missing too much.)
– Changing text speed and toggle auto-saving is now changed at a book next to your bed in the castle. (It’s the book that was previously in the entrance hall for the text speed).
– The “toggle auto save” option is no longer in the main menu. The list of options in the menu was also increased, so that all options are visible at once without having to scroll down first.
– New event with Kayelinth in Lalizan (Dorgania). Starts when talking to the the guy in the top right area, inside a fence and near a new chest. Requires Kayelinth in your party and 1500 gold.
– New grey Imp battler images and slightly changed dialog at the monsterhall. When you give the Imp at the monsterhall Iron with 80+ relationship, you’ll unlock a second CG. [Red Imp also has a new CG, but it’s not in the game yet.]
– New warmap battle after the forth battle where you capture Lind. It can be repeated endlessly and gives a bunch of supplies and resources. This is supposed to help the lack of resources due to the limited battles so far. The 6 enemy troops have exactly as many troops as your first 6 units. But you can still overpower them easily either by taking advantage of unit classes/bonis, by having 7+ units, or by having the better upgrades to make your units stronger.
Please let me know if you think the amount of resources obtained from a victory is worth the fight, or if it needs to get increased.
– I added a book at the entrance of your castle in Aldlyn, which allows you to set the message text to appear immediately instead of slowly appearing letter by letter. You can see the book’s location in the screenshot above. I’ll make a poll on patreon and gamejolt later, whether you would like to have this as default for new games, or keep it the current way.
Known warmap problems:
– The HP/AP bars sometimes don’t update themselves to show the correct amount of HP and AP.
– Enemies occasionally attack units in wrong locations, outside of their reach. I think I know where to find those problems, but couldn’t find the issue itself yet.
– New CG scene in Ebron. Requires the main story to be advanced to after the new dialog with Varea, and the event with Phraan picking flowers. Then you can meet Eloen outside at Ebron with a male elf in front of her. After the dialog there, you need to leave and re-enter the map to continue. You can then find her west of Ebron, where the path leads to another small forest at the storage building.
– Varea has a new dialog after you found the empty chest in Sunee. She’ll give you two new quest.
– Lalizan, the poisonwood keep, the El Arma Gravesite, Lualombo and Sinasoka in Dorgania are now all accessable. The last 4 of these 5 have dungeons for the new main story events.
[Riddle solutions in the walkthrough, if needed]
– The second quest of Varea brings you to the Yang Tower. If Chiyo’s Magic Knowledge is high enough, you can repair the teleport. The event there include a part which requires Mirel and Elly.
– The NPC’s in the new areas have mostly nothing interesting to say yet. They’ll receive more dialogs and quest in the future updates.
– Several new enemies were added, the most interesting one should be two Salamander girls, which change to their nude version when you’ve done enough damage. Give some special love to the artist of the new monstergirls shawn1013 at !
– [The new quest “Fragment Hunt” can’t be finished yet, since the events at the capital of Dorgania Kagabanghui aren’t done.]
– [If you downloaded the version 18.03.05 yesterday or the day before, please update your game. The files were buggy, that’s why I made another upload with the version 18.03.06 with all necessary fixes.]
The slaves at the thieves guild were originally created as “decoration” for the guild, since a slave trader seemed very fitting there. But since I added them to the game, there were a lot of people asking when you’ll be able to buy or free them. And now it is finally time for them to shine. Sadly the CGs for their “good” path aren’t done yet, but you can get their “evil” scenes by sending them to the brothel or into your secrect dungeon.
The content this update is solely those CG scenes, but I’m planning to put a more focus on story content and the main characters in the next few month. Which means you can look forward to more events in the next updates, to give you a break from the constant sex.
Update Content:
– New CG for Hellhound sex scene added
– Christmas event removed
– You can now buy the four slaves from the thieves guild either at the guild, or at the brothel if you set the law for to allow them.
– Slaves send to your secret dungeon can be raped.
– Slaves send to the brothel can be fucked hard (which are only slightly changed versions of the rape scenes.) and it’ll become possible to fuck them gently at the brothel as well in the future.
– Slaves send to your castle will appear at the sleeping chambers in maid outfits. They say one or two lines to thank you, but else don’t have any additional content on this path.
– Slaves freed or send to another country for better political relationship disappear for good. They can’t be found anywhere or brought back.
– The snow effect and presents of the christmas special are removed with this update. The christmas CG scene will be removed in the next update, as I forgot to do so before uploading. ^_^
– The brothel can now be entered. It doesn’t have any whores yet, but you’ll be able to purchase the slaves from the thieves guild later to change that. Other planned options for them is to send them to your dungeon, free them, or give them as presents to other countries to improve your relationship with them.
– A new event with Lady Akira at the brothel. You’ll need the event where you could pick to change Grey back or not before you can meet Lady Akira there.
– Cumshot edits have been added for the new CGs of the headmaid’s scene and Elly’s titfuck scene.
– The capital of Dorgania, Kagabangui has been added. You can explore the city and each building, but there are no events in the city yet.
17/12/26 – Christmas Special
A change of the tilesets to make everything in Central and Amagal covered in snow and ice. [Will look strange at places, since not everything was changed and the maps were not made for it obviously.]Presents were placed all over the world, mostly outside but in a few rare cases inside.Special CG scene, which can be slightly altered by two special presents. If you can’t find where the CG scene starts, maybe sleep a night over it. The new warmap system is working but not bug-free yet. I’ll continue to work on it and take care of all problems in the next days. My apologize for the inconvinient in the meantime.Elly’s titfuck CG was updated with the new CG version. If you already played the scene, you can check it at the CG room. 17/11/29
– Continuation of the main story line! Talk to Varea for the new quest.
– The dialog of Varea was changed. Instead of having several choices, she’ll now tell you about Lace’s location immediately and the main story will only proceed after defeating and capturing Lace.
– Additional floor for the secret prison. A guard there will give you a quest, which is required to get a new CG scene with Lace.
– 2 new cities, Minsk and Sunee.
– During the ship cruise to Minsk, you can talk with each party member privately. The dialogs with party members you don’t have yet can still be obtained by repeating the cruise later.
– A new dungeon, which includes the new enemy Anubis and Big/Small Spidergirls with placeholder sprites. The character sprites will change once I have an artist for them. All three new monsters are not catchable with Soul Lanterns yet.
– Several important characters have been added in the new content.
– The old CG of the head maids blowjob has been replaced by a remake from Mirayna.
– Corrected spelling mistakes in several old areas.
– Added new music. The new enemies all have different music playing for the battles with them. I might make similar changes to existing enemies, to make the battle music more varied.
– Improved the overview map tutorial with images for the stength/weakness of unit classes, and a legend for the resource images.
– Increased starting resources on the overview map. The new bonus can also be obtained in save game, by going to the overview map from the dialog option of Sir Edward in your throne room.
– New finances, laws and policies system. The system allows you to make several choices on how the country will be governed. The choices will affect 7 new variables of the people in your country, which will increase or decrease in the background while you do other things. There are no new events based on these numbers yet, but will be used in the future updates.
– New event with Vampire, starting at the Aldlyn city board with a new bounty quest.
– New event with Sia, starting at the sleeping chambers. Requires the Aldlyn bar upgrade from the overview map.
– New Icons at the CG room will now show which girl´s can get pregnant and if they are already impregnated.
– Changes to the option menu, allowing you to change the window color, and switch to wasd control or change the keyboard config manually for each key.
– The big farm, which you can build on the overview map, is now accessable. It’ll also allow for small and big harpies to be released now. (No CG scenes there yet.)
– New event with Jackie at the herbalist, after her previous event are done and you’ve build the monsterhall.
– Secret CG event, which will require you to find several dialogs with hints while the necessary characters are in your party, and some other requirements to be met, before you can get to it. (And no, I won’t give more hints/tips. And yes, I expect many people to go crazy about not finding it.)
– I’ve also made a change to the warmap pathfinding, which might reduce or even fix the movement problems. But it’ll require a bit more work and testing, to ensure everything is bugfree in it. Currently only the update files and windows version are up, Mac and Linux version will follow. Walkthrough will be updated later as well, including the solution for Lielle’s dungeon.
– Changed catching system for monsters. Alraunes, Mummies, Thunder kitties and Harpies can now be captured with the soul lanterns. The soul lanterns need to be used in battle now, and have an increased chance when the enemy’s HP are lower.
– New dialog at the Whisperwind farm when talking to the Soul Lantern woman, in which it’ll be mentioned that you can ask Sir Edward in your castle to build a monsterhall, which’ll allow for more monster races to be released after capture. (Dialog unnessecary to proceed, if you already had the previous dialog in a savegame.)
– Using the “Talk” option with Sir Edward after the dialog at the whisperwind farm, the Monsterhall will be available on the overview map.
– After building the Monsterhall, it becomes available from a stair on the left side of the sleeping chamber. The maid Vivian will allow you to release monsters there, transfer them to other locations, and check how many monsters you currently have in all locations.
– Each monsters has a relationship variable, which can be increased by petting them or giving them the item they request. Both option are usuable once for each monster, until you re-enter the room. Requested items change at certain relationship levels.
– Blue, Red and Green Slimegirl, Ice Harpy and Thunderkitty have CG scenes at 90+ relationship, being available after giving them the item they request.
– Thunder kitties can now be found and catched at the dungeon below Crysthaven in Amagal.
– More green slimegirls can be found at the swamp below the bitterroot farm and at the forest near Ebron.
– Alraunes and Mummies have no CG scenes yet.
– Each monster you capture and release to the monsterhall will give you it’s drop on a “harvest”. Monsters with 50+ relationship have an increased output. The timer to re-harvest them is set to 10 when harvesting, and is reduced by 1 for each requested item you give to a monster and by 1 for each time you pet a monser. The amount is doubled for monsters you had the CG scene with.
– The “big farm central”, which can be seen in the monster list, will be added in a similar way as the monsterhall with the next update. It’ll be the only place for small and big harpies to be released.
– New drops for Thunderkitties and mummies has been added.
– In the first dialog with Vivian in the monsterhall, she’ll give you a recipe for powerful weapon and equipment, which requires the drops of monsters to be crafted. This’ll give their drops more value and the yield of the monsterhall as well.
– New events and CG scene with Ariana, when you picked to help her before (“Good” path events). If you did the previous quest and she is now at the sleeping chamers, you can find Mekboss Mashgul and continue her events at the dungeon below Crysthaven.
– New nametags for locations on the worldmap.
Fixed bugs:
– Sia event shouldn’t advance in savegames from before it was added anymore and become unplayable.
– Replaying Sia’s scene will send you back to the CG screen now.
– Replaying Bess’ CG scene will send you back to the CG screen now.
– Fixed the Naevy+Demoness replay to bring you back to the point you started the replay and not sometimes to the other character.
– Fixed spelling mistakes in Moriko’s and the thieves guild events, and in Sia’s event.
– Lielle’s new scene can now be replayed.
– New cagefight system for Brad, including a training system and 2 new battles.
– A new event with Lielle, starting at the Aldlyn city board after the first encounter with her, and when Ryen is level 30 or higher.
– The new event with Lielle will bring you to a new dungeon, with new enemies, riddles, and a special bossfight.
– Finishing the dungeon will not only reward you with some powerup items, but also with a CG scene.
– Maid Bess is now available at the headmaids girl selection screen. The amazing CG is done by the artist burbur. Make sure to check out more of her work at !
– Mira can now learn a group healing spell at level 25. In savegames with her at level 25 or higher already, you can learn the spell by entering the CG screen from the main menu.
– Due to constant problems with the turn-system of the overview map, I changed the switch necessary to start the system. In savegames where you already had it active, you need to enter the overview map through the general (or Lind) at the sleeping chamber once to re-activate it.
– New pregnancy animation and trigger was added to all girls with internal cumshot, including: Grey-f, Maid Linda, Maid Mary, Maid Flore, Sia, Lace, Irinlia, Kurohime, Ariana, Demoness, Naevy, Moriko, Zady (the dark sorceress), Millaine, Earthspirit, Firespirit, Leneth and Hellhound. Aleah has a pregnancy trigger, but no animation since it’s a text only scene. Every girl has only a certain chance to get pregnant, but it can also be triggered during the replay of the scene. The impreg animation can only be triggered once per girl, for hopefully obvious reasons.
– New character with events and CGs in the top right corner of the worldmap, in the igloo.
– New events with CG scene starting with Naevy in your bedroom.
– New unit “Healer” in the warmap system added. They can be recruited at the Command Center building, or else you can change an existing unit to become healers.
– Fixed several bugs and spelling mistakes.
– The planned addition of the impreg image to all scenes in which a character can get pregnant was delayed for now. Due to some feedback, I decided a simple picture poping up in a corner is not good enough for something so major. That’s why it’ll be improved first.
– Rework version of the standing CGs of Mirel, Elly, Kayelinth, Ryoko, Sandra and Tsubaki.
– Skilltree and CG selection screen are now available from the main menu instead of the bed in your room. This option will bring you back exactly where you were before after you leave the screen, also with the “look” you had. For example, you should stay as the selection icon on the warmap, or in the uniform of Amagal while you’re in their secret dungeon.
– New quest and a follow up event with Flaire at the thieves guild.
– After the event, you can find Moriko in the bar of the thieves guild and have the second scene with her.
– A new image will show when the impregnation of the Maid Mary was succesful. It’s a 1/4 chance, even when you replay the scene. A succesful impregnation will trigger a switch for the game to remember it, but it has no effect as of yet.
Overview map changes:
– Fixed the south farm, to allow it to stop production now.
– Fixed a bug, where the logistics upgrade would only give you +20 instead of +30 supplies per round.
– Your own ranged units can now attack over other „events“ (which means over other units and some barricades). This change hasn’t been applied to the enemies yet.
– Higher base income for Stone, Wood and Iron.
– Fewer units in battle 4
– Higher mine production for resources (you have to re-select it in save games in order for the change to become active). This change doesn’t affect the gold income!
– You can now recruit new units at the Command Center building. The entire vanguard forces are limited to a max. of 15 seperated units.
– Lumberjacks can now be upgraded.
– Replaying battles at the arena now saves your HP before the start, sets every unit to full health, and returns it to the previous amount after the battle is over.
– Units HP and AP bar will now refresh properly after ending your turn.
– Vanguards on the overview map now stand in a special area, rather than in the middle of the worldmap.
Overview map bugs not yet fixed:
– Unintended long range attacks by some enemies
– Range attack on an enemy two tiles left with an event in the way doesn’t work. I couldn’t figure out why yet. Chances are other spots might be bugged as well.
– Occasionally wrong movement of the AP/HP bar, having it go to a different place than the unit.
Plans for the next update:
– Warmap fixes. Once the system is running smooth, I can finally continue the battles.
– Events with Cgs for a new character in the Igloo at the top right corner of the worldmap.
– Adding impregnation image and switches to more characters
– If I have enough time, CG scene(s) with Lielle, the maid Bess, Demoness or the Ice Harpy. Else they’ll be part of the next update
New content done for the update:
– 2 new Harpy enemies
– 1 new map, when you go up north next to the fort in Witton
– Ariana’s event in the Spire of Courage was reset and now enables a new quest at the Aldlyn city board when you wake her up instead of taking her prisoner.
– The arena on the overview map now has the option to replay previous battles. If you lost battle 4 before, you can now redo the battle and capture Lind.
– New ! events on the overview map including:
– Complete heal of all units (appears after first battle),
– Merchant selling 500 Supplies once for 20k gold
– A feast for Bread, Fish, Meat and Supplies to raise the moral of your troops by +50
– Option to sell Meat to Amagal
– Added reworks of the CGs of Tsubaki’s titfuck, the blue Slimegirl, and Chiyo’s standing image
– Tutorial added to the overview map, to clear the confusion about the turn-system.
– Some warmap bugs were fixed, but some movement and attack range bugs are still in this version.
– Starting attack stats of enemy units are now lower, but increase in battle 4.
– also added a new upgrade for each class in the warmap laboratory, which requires the class at level 1+ and silver to buy the upgrade.
Currently working on: – CG scene with the maid Linda, for the Headmaids girl selection screen.
Changes include:
– CG scene for a new character near Ebron, when you talk to the elf on the path west.
– CGs for Naevy’s scene added. Scene and replay option added to the CG selection screen.
– Bar and Logistics buildings on the overview map fixed. Logistics will now add +10 supplies for each turn and can be upgraded up to 3 times. When you already had the Logistics build, you can build it again.
– “Other none hentai CGs” option added to the CG selection screen. Currently it contains the 2 versions of the chibi CG from the encounter with Brad.
– Demoness from the Spire of Courage added to the CG selection screen.
– New events and scene for Lind, which includes the first animated CG!
– The amount of new characters in the CG selection screen also resulted in a new page at the CG selection screen. So make sure you don’t miss the events on the new page.
Everyone playing from savegames should start the new content with Lind’s event, as there is a 15-20mins waiting time after you paid her 1,5 mio gold.
(If you don’t have much money, build both mines and don’t forget to get the tax money at the throne room.)
Fixed problems:Bugfix – Version 17.05.31
– Sir Edward doesn’t reset your resources, bonis and units anymore, when entering the country overview map.
– Lumberjacks and the first mine cost no recources anymore, only gold. This should allow for a more secure resource gain.
– A bug for players who continued from savefiles in which they already finished the first warmap battle, where the turn-based system didn’t start again for the second battle, was fixed.
– Reduced the amount of soldiers in some enemy units for the second battle slightly, to make the battle challenging but not too frustrating.
Update 17.05.29
– New mummy girl enemies in the Dhranholl mine.
– New event with Grey, Elly and the Dark Sorceress. Starts with Grey at the sleeping chambers, after you’ve done the previous events for the three girls.
– The dialog of Sir Edward was changed. Most building options are now on the country overview map. For his quest, you need to use the “Talk” choices with him, which will disappear once the quest is done.
– New battle on the warmap.
– Laboratory can now switch between normal and warmap researches.
– New buildings and changes on the warmap.
– Negative production now uses resources from the storage and shuts off production when not enough resources are available.
– Buildings constructed on the overview map also appear on the worldmap, but have no interaction on the worldmap.
– The first battle on the warmap will now only be available when you’re told about it by the general, who doesn’t appear until you’ve freed Vampire.
Known issues:
– Warmap is still not done. A lot of resources don’t have a use and the balancing is probably off.
– New events aren’t spellchecked yet.
General changes include:
– Spire on Courage added to the Begus south map item
– Ryen can obtain his new level 15 skill now by sleeping in his bed, when you play in a savegame where he was already 15 or higher when the skill was added.
– Higher m.atk for Chiyo
– Fixed the bug, which gave you steel instead of coal from mining coal inside of the Spire of Courage
– Fixed a buggy demon in the Spire of Courage
– Added a CG scene with Vivian to the headmaids girl selecion screen
– The music on all maps was changed to the same volume
Warmap changes include:
– Completely new map in between battles
– All unit can change class now (but require the necessary resources for it)
– You can heal and train new troops for each unit
– The first farm can produce Wheat, Hops, Pigs or Horses
– The storage can be upgraded from 20 to 50 resources max
– Watchtower can be build directly on the new map. A lot of buildings will follow, which will eventually replace the old “choice tree” of Sir Edward in your throne room for constructions
– Special events marked with an “!” symbol give short dialogs on the new warmap. For example, having helped Val’s mercenarys before will give you a dialog at the blue villa on the new warmap, which gives you a few new recruits
– Constructions take several turns to full, but are instant while no battle is active.
– Battles show you the win/loss condition at the start now, and a “victory” or “defeat” image at the end. Winning and losing will make you gain/lose supplies
– If your supplies drop below zero, they’ll stay at zero but the moral of your troops goes down.
Bugs I’m aware of:
– Problem with unintended change of looking direction of enemy units when they’re marked as in your attack range
– The AP counter sometimes doesn’t refresh after the turn ends. The unit has the correct amount of AP, but the display is not updating until you move the unit again.
changes 7/4/17
The new version is up and contains:
– New CG scene with Aleah. This scene will be different, depending on whether you freed her or put her into your dungeon.
– New event with two different CGs for Grey, if your previous choices with him included keeping him in your castle.
– The solutions for the Magic Test during the events with Chiyo have been added to the walkthrough.
– The RPG Maker MV now has the option to export games for Linux. I’ve uploaded the newest version, but expect it to be buggy or not to work for certain Linux versions. As I don’t have a Linux system myself, I won’t be able to provide tech support for this version.
17 / 3 / 17
– You can now torture Lace after capturing her. Her Health and Mind value regenerates over time, so the entire process will take a while and requires you to leave and come back later several times.
– Lace scene can be replayed from the prison in a slightly different version or in the original version from the CG selection screen. The CG of the scene has a total of 7 different versions.
– Kayelinth’ hunger and playlust now increase over time while she is in your group. Hunger causes a 50% stat debuff if too high and can be decreased with Vegetables or Meat. Playlust makes Kayelinth auto-attack in battle once it’s too high and requires the new present item Toys to decrease it or a new event, which is available at the sleeping chamber after the new event together with Chiyo. (Toys can be bought at Havaria port and Whitestone citadel.)
– A new event with Kayelinth and Chiyo will start when entering Chiyo’s room with playlust over 80 and Chiyo’s first scene already seen. (Obviously you also need both as party member)
– After the event of both girls together, Chiyo’s second CG scene will be available by talking with her in her room with 70+ relationship.
– The Sara + Kunoichi scene has received a CG. The scene can be replayed in the cellar of Sara’s house, even if you’ve already seen it. Afterwards it becomes available in the CG selection screen as well.
– New movementsystem for unit inside of the warmap.
Changes: 16/2/17
– New map “The Drunken Cave” contains:
1. A rematch with Lace (you need to speak with Varea about Lace and her group in Manastyr, before Lace will appear in the dungeon).
2. Outside of the cave waits Maria for you, if you sealed or helped the Ice Spirit before, and starts an event where you’ll meet the Spirit again.
– New map Millwater, in which you’ll stumble across a murder scene and search for the murderer.
– Several balancing changes in skills and character stats.
– New enemy type Water Fairy, Gazer, Ice Harpy and Minotaur.
– Changed Mary’s face picture with expressions for her sex scene.
– The Dark Sorceress at the Bitterroot farm has a new event with CG scene. It requires a Love Potion, so I added a hole with one at Millwater, for people who’ve already used all existing Love Potions.
– Mary’s and the Dark Sorceress scenes have been added to the CG selection screen.
– The paperwork still had a bug under certain circumstances. This should be fixed now.
– The main point of this update it to fix a bug that gave you ship tickets or gambling coins instead of teleport stones during events. Should you’ve missed a teleport stone due to this bug, you can get them at the book in your bedroom.
– I also added a new scene for the tigergirl Naevy. It starts at your bedroom when you have the previous scene with her done and the recently added events with Mira and Maria also finished.
– A re-worked system for the warmap battles. Players might not see a difference, but this was done to prepare for more additions to the system.
– New events and CG scene with the girl at Norhall stronghold. When you already had her events of delivering a message and reported back to her, the continuation of the events start when going back to the priest in the castle of Calterburry.
– New title screen. My plan is to change the characters and backgrounds shown in it every once in a while. It also features the release date more visible together with the new content.
The foxgirl on the left is just a teaser. She’ll get into the game later with a beautiful CG scene
This update took waaaay longer than planned, as the warmap is very time intensive. That’s why I didn’t add any of the new features yet and will add them slowly over time instead. Otherwise it would simply take too long.
The new update is online!
– Amagal soldiers now have battlers that look like their character sprites, instead of a totally unrelated battler image.
– Lace’s battler image was replaced with a new CG as well.
– Bugfixes including the replay bug for Tsubaki’s new scene.
– Option to learn/remove the debug attack for all party members at the book at the sleeping chambers. Ryen will still have the attack in save files until you remove it, but he won’t automatically know the skill in new games from now on.
– Units that are defeated fullly in warmap battles will now reduce the moral of all your forces.
– The turn limit and the need for the first battle to start the turn system on the overview map was removed. The system is now always active and unlimited, but the enemies will be way stronger when you go past certain turn numbers to make up for your grow. But since their max strength is limited, you can also just advance the turns so much, that you’re way stronger again regardless.
– New option “auto-battle” for the warmap battles. This option will be available when you have enough healthy soldiers. With enough soldiers, you’ll always win the battle but the loss is based on your total numbers. Since you lose troops in this option, you might need to heal in order to use the option again for the next fight, making it impossible to just spam auto-battle without caring about your losses. This option is not available for the bonus battle in which you can farm resources.
– The luminous torch quest can now be finished.
– Continuation of the main story events. The new content starts when talking with Varea at Lualombo.
– The walkthrough has been updated and I added a shop list in it. This way you can now always check where to buy stuff like bread, fish, ropes or golden crosses.
– Two new events with Tsubaki. Requires 100 relationship with her and previous events done. Starts at the sleeping chambers by talking to her.
– Continuation of the main story line when talking with the King of Dorgania about the fragments. There are two new quests at the end that can’t be done yet, but there is a clear message when you reach the current end of the content. The missing content and continuation of the main events will be added within the next few weeks.
– New village Siriveta in Dorgania. Has a dungeon with a lot of enemy types that can captured, to make sure you’ll definitely have enough at your monsterhall. And farmable iron, coal and mithril ore.
– Siriveta also has a general store with some items that are otherwise hard to find or scattered around too many different places. This is supposed to make things easier for players that have advanced the story far enough to be in Dorgania.
– A trading option is now on Calterburry at the overview map, to trade hops for beer. This fixes my mistake of forgetting to add a brewery to do this in your own country. ^^
– Characters that aren’t unlocked yet at the CG room have a hint button now, which will tell you the location for the start of the event
– Guards in the castle of Kagabangui will now demand proof of your heritage before letting you to their king. You need to have the royal crown as proof.
– The king will have several options in his dialog including:
-> Domestic affairs – 3 dialogs about different topics, which can increase your relationship to Dorgania or increase/decrease it with other people based on your replies.
-> International affairs – 4 dialog options, including an option that will give you a quest after which the border between Central and Dorgania gets opened.
-> An open border will enable trade with Dorgania. This will also increase the relation with them.
-> Dialog options for the fragment mainquest and the quest with the vampire from Mike in Kagabangui become visible when you have the necessary quest. The fragments quest isn’t continued yet, but the quest with the imprisoned vampire can now be finished.
– The queen gives you a quest to take care of deserters.
– Trading on the overview map with Amagal is also possible now. Though they are only examples at the moment. I plan to put some more work into this in the future and add trading with Begus as well. The trading should give more worth to resources and let you get some easier and faster.
– The relaxed or strict trading policy choice in the dialog with Theremis will affect the trades on the overview map with the other countries.
– Closed borders will prevent you from trading.
– Using recipe items in the inventory will now show you all recipes in it with the items you can craft and the resources needed for it.
– The Headmaid’s blowjob scene can now be re-played by talking to her in the secret room.
– The walkthrough has been updated.
The new version is uploaded only as “Update files only .zip” for now. After the troubles with the last update, I decided to make uploads this way first and only upload the full versions one day later. Hopefully this will help to get some feedback additionally to the game tester, to prevent uploads of full versions with bugs. Thank you for your understanding.
– The second path for the events with the prince and the servant in the capital of Dorgania. There is a hidden switch above the events location, as shown in the screenshot above, which lets player reset the event. This is for the sake of people that did the first path for the event last update when there wasn’t a choice, but want to see or prefer the other option.
– CG scenes for the good path of the slaves Chieko and Glyntris (white hair wolf girl and green hair elf with green wings). The scenes can be seen at the brothel or at your castle when they’re your maids. The scenes at the castle require the secret room to be known to you, and for Glyntris you need to know about Ebron as well.
– Red Imps have new CGs and dialogs, similar to the grey Imps last update.
– A new slave can be bought at the slaver in Sunee. She can be send to your dungeon, the brothel or your castle.
– The sex scene with the slave Miyako has received additional CG edits, so that she still has the cum on her chest if you released it on it during the oral scene before. The edited images can also be seen at the CG room.
– There are three new events in Kagabanghui. Two short ones and one a bit longer. In these events, you can help poor people to improve Brad’s trust in you, as his trust in you will be needed in a future event. (The longer quests is supposed to have two possible routes, but currently only one is available. This route requires you to have 8 eloquence with Ryen from the training with the succubus. The second route will be available in the next update as an alternative. The result is the same, so don’t worry about missing too much.)
– Changing text speed and toggle auto-saving is now changed at a book next to your bed in the castle. (It’s the book that was previously in the entrance hall for the text speed).
– The “toggle auto save” option is no longer in the main menu. The list of options in the menu was also increased, so that all options are visible at once without having to scroll down first.
– New event with Kayelinth in Lalizan (Dorgania). Starts when talking to the the guy in the top right area, inside a fence and near a new chest. Requires Kayelinth in your party and 1500 gold.
– New grey Imp battler images and slightly changed dialog at the monsterhall. When you give the Imp at the monsterhall Iron with 80+ relationship, you’ll unlock a second CG. [Red Imp also has a new CG, but it’s not in the game yet.]
– New warmap battle after the forth battle where you capture Lind. It can be repeated endlessly and gives a bunch of supplies and resources. This is supposed to help the lack of resources due to the limited battles so far. The 6 enemy troops have exactly as many troops as your first 6 units. But you can still overpower them easily either by taking advantage of unit classes/bonis, by having 7+ units, or by having the better upgrades to make your units stronger.
Please let me know if you think the amount of resources obtained from a victory is worth the fight, or if it needs to get increased.
– I added a book at the entrance of your castle in Aldlyn, which allows you to set the message text to appear immediately instead of slowly appearing letter by letter. You can see the book’s location in the screenshot above. I’ll make a poll on patreon and gamejolt later, whether you would like to have this as default for new games, or keep it the current way.
Known warmap problems:
– The HP/AP bars sometimes don’t update themselves to show the correct amount of HP and AP.
– Enemies occasionally attack units in wrong locations, outside of their reach. I think I know where to find those problems, but couldn’t find the issue itself yet.
– New CG scene in Ebron. Requires the main story to be advanced to after the new dialog with Varea, and the event with Phraan picking flowers. Then you can meet Eloen outside at Ebron with a male elf in front of her. After the dialog there, you need to leave and re-enter the map to continue. You can then find her west of Ebron, where the path leads to another small forest at the storage building.
– Varea has a new dialog after you found the empty chest in Sunee. She’ll give you two new quest.
– Lalizan, the poisonwood keep, the El Arma Gravesite, Lualombo and Sinasoka in Dorgania are now all accessable. The last 4 of these 5 have dungeons for the new main story events.
[Riddle solutions in the walkthrough, if needed]
– The second quest of Varea brings you to the Yang Tower. If Chiyo’s Magic Knowledge is high enough, you can repair the teleport. The event there include a part which requires Mirel and Elly.
– The NPC’s in the new areas have mostly nothing interesting to say yet. They’ll receive more dialogs and quest in the future updates.
– Several new enemies were added, the most interesting one should be two Salamander girls, which change to their nude version when you’ve done enough damage. Give some special love to the artist of the new monstergirls shawn1013 at !
– [The new quest “Fragment Hunt” can’t be finished yet, since the events at the capital of Dorgania Kagabanghui aren’t done.]
– [If you downloaded the version 18.03.05 yesterday or the day before, please update your game. The files were buggy, that’s why I made another upload with the version 18.03.06 with all necessary fixes.]
The slaves at the thieves guild were originally created as “decoration” for the guild, since a slave trader seemed very fitting there. But since I added them to the game, there were a lot of people asking when you’ll be able to buy or free them. And now it is finally time for them to shine. Sadly the CGs for their “good” path aren’t done yet, but you can get their “evil” scenes by sending them to the brothel or into your secrect dungeon.
The content this update is solely those CG scenes, but I’m planning to put a more focus on story content and the main characters in the next few month. Which means you can look forward to more events in the next updates, to give you a break from the constant sex.
Update Content:
– New CG for Hellhound sex scene added
– Christmas event removed
– You can now buy the four slaves from the thieves guild either at the guild, or at the brothel if you set the law for to allow them.
– Slaves send to your secret dungeon can be raped.
– Slaves send to the brothel can be fucked hard (which are only slightly changed versions of the rape scenes.) and it’ll become possible to fuck them gently at the brothel as well in the future.
– Slaves send to your castle will appear at the sleeping chambers in maid outfits. They say one or two lines to thank you, but else don’t have any additional content on this path.
– Slaves freed or send to another country for better political relationship disappear for good. They can’t be found anywhere or brought back.
– The snow effect and presents of the christmas special are removed with this update. The christmas CG scene will be removed in the next update, as I forgot to do so before uploading. ^_^
– The brothel can now be entered. It doesn’t have any whores yet, but you’ll be able to purchase the slaves from the thieves guild later to change that. Other planned options for them is to send them to your dungeon, free them, or give them as presents to other countries to improve your relationship with them.
– A new event with Lady Akira at the brothel. You’ll need the event where you could pick to change Grey back or not before you can meet Lady Akira there.
– Cumshot edits have been added for the new CGs of the headmaid’s scene and Elly’s titfuck scene.
– The capital of Dorgania, Kagabangui has been added. You can explore the city and each building, but there are no events in the city yet.
17/12/26 – Christmas Special
A change of the tilesets to make everything in Central and Amagal covered in snow and ice. [Will look strange at places, since not everything was changed and the maps were not made for it obviously.]Presents were placed all over the world, mostly outside but in a few rare cases inside.Special CG scene, which can be slightly altered by two special presents. If you can’t find where the CG scene starts, maybe sleep a night over it. The new warmap system is working but not bug-free yet. I’ll continue to work on it and take care of all problems in the next days. My apologize for the inconvinient in the meantime.Elly’s titfuck CG was updated with the new CG version. If you already played the scene, you can check it at the CG room. 17/11/29
– Continuation of the main story line! Talk to Varea for the new quest.
– The dialog of Varea was changed. Instead of having several choices, she’ll now tell you about Lace’s location immediately and the main story will only proceed after defeating and capturing Lace.
– Additional floor for the secret prison. A guard there will give you a quest, which is required to get a new CG scene with Lace.
– 2 new cities, Minsk and Sunee.
– During the ship cruise to Minsk, you can talk with each party member privately. The dialogs with party members you don’t have yet can still be obtained by repeating the cruise later.
– A new dungeon, which includes the new enemy Anubis and Big/Small Spidergirls with placeholder sprites. The character sprites will change once I have an artist for them. All three new monsters are not catchable with Soul Lanterns yet.
– Several important characters have been added in the new content.
– The old CG of the head maids blowjob has been replaced by a remake from Mirayna.
– Corrected spelling mistakes in several old areas.
– Added new music. The new enemies all have different music playing for the battles with them. I might make similar changes to existing enemies, to make the battle music more varied.
– Improved the overview map tutorial with images for the stength/weakness of unit classes, and a legend for the resource images.
– Increased starting resources on the overview map. The new bonus can also be obtained in save game, by going to the overview map from the dialog option of Sir Edward in your throne room.
– New finances, laws and policies system. The system allows you to make several choices on how the country will be governed. The choices will affect 7 new variables of the people in your country, which will increase or decrease in the background while you do other things. There are no new events based on these numbers yet, but will be used in the future updates.
– New event with Vampire, starting at the Aldlyn city board with a new bounty quest.
– New event with Sia, starting at the sleeping chambers. Requires the Aldlyn bar upgrade from the overview map.
– New Icons at the CG room will now show which girl´s can get pregnant and if they are already impregnated.
– Changes to the option menu, allowing you to change the window color, and switch to wasd control or change the keyboard config manually for each key.
– The big farm, which you can build on the overview map, is now accessable. It’ll also allow for small and big harpies to be released now. (No CG scenes there yet.)
– New event with Jackie at the herbalist, after her previous event are done and you’ve build the monsterhall.
– Secret CG event, which will require you to find several dialogs with hints while the necessary characters are in your party, and some other requirements to be met, before you can get to it. (And no, I won’t give more hints/tips. And yes, I expect many people to go crazy about not finding it.)
– I’ve also made a change to the warmap pathfinding, which might reduce or even fix the movement problems. But it’ll require a bit more work and testing, to ensure everything is bugfree in it. Currently only the update files and windows version are up, Mac and Linux version will follow. Walkthrough will be updated later as well, including the solution for Lielle’s dungeon.
– Changed catching system for monsters. Alraunes, Mummies, Thunder kitties and Harpies can now be captured with the soul lanterns. The soul lanterns need to be used in battle now, and have an increased chance when the enemy’s HP are lower.
– New dialog at the Whisperwind farm when talking to the Soul Lantern woman, in which it’ll be mentioned that you can ask Sir Edward in your castle to build a monsterhall, which’ll allow for more monster races to be released after capture. (Dialog unnessecary to proceed, if you already had the previous dialog in a savegame.)
– Using the “Talk” option with Sir Edward after the dialog at the whisperwind farm, the Monsterhall will be available on the overview map.
– After building the Monsterhall, it becomes available from a stair on the left side of the sleeping chamber. The maid Vivian will allow you to release monsters there, transfer them to other locations, and check how many monsters you currently have in all locations.
– Each monsters has a relationship variable, which can be increased by petting them or giving them the item they request. Both option are usuable once for each monster, until you re-enter the room. Requested items change at certain relationship levels.
– Blue, Red and Green Slimegirl, Ice Harpy and Thunderkitty have CG scenes at 90+ relationship, being available after giving them the item they request.
– Thunder kitties can now be found and catched at the dungeon below Crysthaven in Amagal.
– More green slimegirls can be found at the swamp below the bitterroot farm and at the forest near Ebron.
– Alraunes and Mummies have no CG scenes yet.
– Each monster you capture and release to the monsterhall will give you it’s drop on a “harvest”. Monsters with 50+ relationship have an increased output. The timer to re-harvest them is set to 10 when harvesting, and is reduced by 1 for each requested item you give to a monster and by 1 for each time you pet a monser. The amount is doubled for monsters you had the CG scene with.
– The “big farm central”, which can be seen in the monster list, will be added in a similar way as the monsterhall with the next update. It’ll be the only place for small and big harpies to be released.
– New drops for Thunderkitties and mummies has been added.
– In the first dialog with Vivian in the monsterhall, she’ll give you a recipe for powerful weapon and equipment, which requires the drops of monsters to be crafted. This’ll give their drops more value and the yield of the monsterhall as well.
– New events and CG scene with Ariana, when you picked to help her before (“Good” path events). If you did the previous quest and she is now at the sleeping chamers, you can find Mekboss Mashgul and continue her events at the dungeon below Crysthaven.
– New nametags for locations on the worldmap.
Fixed bugs:
– Sia event shouldn’t advance in savegames from before it was added anymore and become unplayable.
– Replaying Sia’s scene will send you back to the CG screen now.
– Replaying Bess’ CG scene will send you back to the CG screen now.
– Fixed the Naevy+Demoness replay to bring you back to the point you started the replay and not sometimes to the other character.
– Fixed spelling mistakes in Moriko’s and the thieves guild events, and in Sia’s event.
– Lielle’s new scene can now be replayed.
– New cagefight system for Brad, including a training system and 2 new battles.
– A new event with Lielle, starting at the Aldlyn city board after the first encounter with her, and when Ryen is level 30 or higher.
– The new event with Lielle will bring you to a new dungeon, with new enemies, riddles, and a special bossfight.
– Finishing the dungeon will not only reward you with some powerup items, but also with a CG scene.
– Maid Bess is now available at the headmaids girl selection screen. The amazing CG is done by the artist burbur. Make sure to check out more of her work at !
– Mira can now learn a group healing spell at level 25. In savegames with her at level 25 or higher already, you can learn the spell by entering the CG screen from the main menu.
– Due to constant problems with the turn-system of the overview map, I changed the switch necessary to start the system. In savegames where you already had it active, you need to enter the overview map through the general (or Lind) at the sleeping chamber once to re-activate it.
– New pregnancy animation and trigger was added to all girls with internal cumshot, including: Grey-f, Maid Linda, Maid Mary, Maid Flore, Sia, Lace, Irinlia, Kurohime, Ariana, Demoness, Naevy, Moriko, Zady (the dark sorceress), Millaine, Earthspirit, Firespirit, Leneth and Hellhound. Aleah has a pregnancy trigger, but no animation since it’s a text only scene. Every girl has only a certain chance to get pregnant, but it can also be triggered during the replay of the scene. The impreg animation can only be triggered once per girl, for hopefully obvious reasons.
– New character with events and CGs in the top right corner of the worldmap, in the igloo.
– New events with CG scene starting with Naevy in your bedroom.
– New unit “Healer” in the warmap system added. They can be recruited at the Command Center building, or else you can change an existing unit to become healers.
– Fixed several bugs and spelling mistakes.
– The planned addition of the impreg image to all scenes in which a character can get pregnant was delayed for now. Due to some feedback, I decided a simple picture poping up in a corner is not good enough for something so major. That’s why it’ll be improved first.
– Rework version of the standing CGs of Mirel, Elly, Kayelinth, Ryoko, Sandra and Tsubaki.
– Skilltree and CG selection screen are now available from the main menu instead of the bed in your room. This option will bring you back exactly where you were before after you leave the screen, also with the “look” you had. For example, you should stay as the selection icon on the warmap, or in the uniform of Amagal while you’re in their secret dungeon.
– New quest and a follow up event with Flaire at the thieves guild.
– After the event, you can find Moriko in the bar of the thieves guild and have the second scene with her.
– A new image will show when the impregnation of the Maid Mary was succesful. It’s a 1/4 chance, even when you replay the scene. A succesful impregnation will trigger a switch for the game to remember it, but it has no effect as of yet.
Overview map changes:
– Fixed the south farm, to allow it to stop production now.
– Fixed a bug, where the logistics upgrade would only give you +20 instead of +30 supplies per round.
– Your own ranged units can now attack over other „events“ (which means over other units and some barricades). This change hasn’t been applied to the enemies yet.
– Higher base income for Stone, Wood and Iron.
– Fewer units in battle 4
– Higher mine production for resources (you have to re-select it in save games in order for the change to become active). This change doesn’t affect the gold income!
– You can now recruit new units at the Command Center building. The entire vanguard forces are limited to a max. of 15 seperated units.
– Lumberjacks can now be upgraded.
– Replaying battles at the arena now saves your HP before the start, sets every unit to full health, and returns it to the previous amount after the battle is over.
– Units HP and AP bar will now refresh properly after ending your turn.
– Vanguards on the overview map now stand in a special area, rather than in the middle of the worldmap.
Overview map bugs not yet fixed:
– Unintended long range attacks by some enemies
– Range attack on an enemy two tiles left with an event in the way doesn’t work. I couldn’t figure out why yet. Chances are other spots might be bugged as well.
– Occasionally wrong movement of the AP/HP bar, having it go to a different place than the unit.
Plans for the next update:
– Warmap fixes. Once the system is running smooth, I can finally continue the battles.
– Events with Cgs for a new character in the Igloo at the top right corner of the worldmap.
– Adding impregnation image and switches to more characters
– If I have enough time, CG scene(s) with Lielle, the maid Bess, Demoness or the Ice Harpy. Else they’ll be part of the next update
New content done for the update:
– 2 new Harpy enemies
– 1 new map, when you go up north next to the fort in Witton
– Ariana’s event in the Spire of Courage was reset and now enables a new quest at the Aldlyn city board when you wake her up instead of taking her prisoner.
– The arena on the overview map now has the option to replay previous battles. If you lost battle 4 before, you can now redo the battle and capture Lind.
– New ! events on the overview map including:
– Complete heal of all units (appears after first battle),
– Merchant selling 500 Supplies once for 20k gold
– A feast for Bread, Fish, Meat and Supplies to raise the moral of your troops by +50
– Option to sell Meat to Amagal
– Added reworks of the CGs of Tsubaki’s titfuck, the blue Slimegirl, and Chiyo’s standing image
– Tutorial added to the overview map, to clear the confusion about the turn-system.
– Some warmap bugs were fixed, but some movement and attack range bugs are still in this version.
– Starting attack stats of enemy units are now lower, but increase in battle 4.
– also added a new upgrade for each class in the warmap laboratory, which requires the class at level 1+ and silver to buy the upgrade.
Currently working on: – CG scene with the maid Linda, for the Headmaids girl selection screen.
Changes include:
– CG scene for a new character near Ebron, when you talk to the elf on the path west.
– CGs for Naevy’s scene added. Scene and replay option added to the CG selection screen.
– Bar and Logistics buildings on the overview map fixed. Logistics will now add +10 supplies for each turn and can be upgraded up to 3 times. When you already had the Logistics build, you can build it again.
– “Other none hentai CGs” option added to the CG selection screen. Currently it contains the 2 versions of the chibi CG from the encounter with Brad.
– Demoness from the Spire of Courage added to the CG selection screen.
– New events and scene for Lind, which includes the first animated CG!
– The amount of new characters in the CG selection screen also resulted in a new page at the CG selection screen. So make sure you don’t miss the events on the new page.
Everyone playing from savegames should start the new content with Lind’s event, as there is a 15-20mins waiting time after you paid her 1,5 mio gold.
(If you don’t have much money, build both mines and don’t forget to get the tax money at the throne room.)
Fixed problems:Bugfix – Version 17.05.31
– Sir Edward doesn’t reset your resources, bonis and units anymore, when entering the country overview map.
– Lumberjacks and the first mine cost no recources anymore, only gold. This should allow for a more secure resource gain.
– A bug for players who continued from savefiles in which they already finished the first warmap battle, where the turn-based system didn’t start again for the second battle, was fixed.
– Reduced the amount of soldiers in some enemy units for the second battle slightly, to make the battle challenging but not too frustrating.
Update 17.05.29
– New mummy girl enemies in the Dhranholl mine.
– New event with Grey, Elly and the Dark Sorceress. Starts with Grey at the sleeping chambers, after you’ve done the previous events for the three girls.
– The dialog of Sir Edward was changed. Most building options are now on the country overview map. For his quest, you need to use the “Talk” choices with him, which will disappear once the quest is done.
– New battle on the warmap.
– Laboratory can now switch between normal and warmap researches.
– New buildings and changes on the warmap.
– Negative production now uses resources from the storage and shuts off production when not enough resources are available.
– Buildings constructed on the overview map also appear on the worldmap, but have no interaction on the worldmap.
– The first battle on the warmap will now only be available when you’re told about it by the general, who doesn’t appear until you’ve freed Vampire.
Known issues:
– Warmap is still not done. A lot of resources don’t have a use and the balancing is probably off.
– New events aren’t spellchecked yet.
General changes include:
– Spire on Courage added to the Begus south map item
– Ryen can obtain his new level 15 skill now by sleeping in his bed, when you play in a savegame where he was already 15 or higher when the skill was added.
– Higher m.atk for Chiyo
– Fixed the bug, which gave you steel instead of coal from mining coal inside of the Spire of Courage
– Fixed a buggy demon in the Spire of Courage
– Added a CG scene with Vivian to the headmaids girl selecion screen
– The music on all maps was changed to the same volume
Warmap changes include:
– Completely new map in between battles
– All unit can change class now (but require the necessary resources for it)
– You can heal and train new troops for each unit
– The first farm can produce Wheat, Hops, Pigs or Horses
– The storage can be upgraded from 20 to 50 resources max
– Watchtower can be build directly on the new map. A lot of buildings will follow, which will eventually replace the old “choice tree” of Sir Edward in your throne room for constructions
– Special events marked with an “!” symbol give short dialogs on the new warmap. For example, having helped Val’s mercenarys before will give you a dialog at the blue villa on the new warmap, which gives you a few new recruits
– Constructions take several turns to full, but are instant while no battle is active.
– Battles show you the win/loss condition at the start now, and a “victory” or “defeat” image at the end. Winning and losing will make you gain/lose supplies
– If your supplies drop below zero, they’ll stay at zero but the moral of your troops goes down.
Bugs I’m aware of:
– Problem with unintended change of looking direction of enemy units when they’re marked as in your attack range
– The AP counter sometimes doesn’t refresh after the turn ends. The unit has the correct amount of AP, but the display is not updating until you move the unit again.
changes 7/4/17
The new version is up and contains:
– New CG scene with Aleah. This scene will be different, depending on whether you freed her or put her into your dungeon.
– New event with two different CGs for Grey, if your previous choices with him included keeping him in your castle.
– The solutions for the Magic Test during the events with Chiyo have been added to the walkthrough.
– The RPG Maker MV now has the option to export games for Linux. I’ve uploaded the newest version, but expect it to be buggy or not to work for certain Linux versions. As I don’t have a Linux system myself, I won’t be able to provide tech support for this version.
17 / 3 / 17
– You can now torture Lace after capturing her. Her Health and Mind value regenerates over time, so the entire process will take a while and requires you to leave and come back later several times.
– Lace scene can be replayed from the prison in a slightly different version or in the original version from the CG selection screen. The CG of the scene has a total of 7 different versions.
– Kayelinth’ hunger and playlust now increase over time while she is in your group. Hunger causes a 50% stat debuff if too high and can be decreased with Vegetables or Meat. Playlust makes Kayelinth auto-attack in battle once it’s too high and requires the new present item Toys to decrease it or a new event, which is available at the sleeping chamber after the new event together with Chiyo. (Toys can be bought at Havaria port and Whitestone citadel.)
– A new event with Kayelinth and Chiyo will start when entering Chiyo’s room with playlust over 80 and Chiyo’s first scene already seen. (Obviously you also need both as party member)
– After the event of both girls together, Chiyo’s second CG scene will be available by talking with her in her room with 70+ relationship.
– The Sara + Kunoichi scene has received a CG. The scene can be replayed in the cellar of Sara’s house, even if you’ve already seen it. Afterwards it becomes available in the CG selection screen as well.
– New movementsystem for unit inside of the warmap.
Changes: 16/2/17
– New map “The Drunken Cave” contains:
1. A rematch with Lace (you need to speak with Varea about Lace and her group in Manastyr, before Lace will appear in the dungeon).
2. Outside of the cave waits Maria for you, if you sealed or helped the Ice Spirit before, and starts an event where you’ll meet the Spirit again.
– New map Millwater, in which you’ll stumble across a murder scene and search for the murderer.
– Several balancing changes in skills and character stats.
– New enemy type Water Fairy, Gazer, Ice Harpy and Minotaur.
– Changed Mary’s face picture with expressions for her sex scene.
– The Dark Sorceress at the Bitterroot farm has a new event with CG scene. It requires a Love Potion, so I added a hole with one at Millwater, for people who’ve already used all existing Love Potions.
– Mary’s and the Dark Sorceress scenes have been added to the CG selection screen.
– The paperwork still had a bug under certain circumstances. This should be fixed now.
– An open world to explore
– Plenty of girls to have sex with
– Beautiful CGs
– Political meetings with other countrys
– Change the world by making choices
– Several minigames
– Mature topics including racism, misogyny, apathy, slavery, rape, death and religion
– Plenty of girls to have sex with
– Beautiful CGs
– Political meetings with other countrys
– Change the world by making choices
– Several minigames
– Mature topics including racism, misogyny, apathy, slavery, rape, death and religion
General info & Characters:
General information:
– You can continue to play your old progress by copying the old save folder into the folder of the new game version.
– Saveslot 19 and 20 are used for auto-saves. Don’t save your own progress there if you don’t want it to get overwritten with auto-saves or toggle off auto-saves in the main menu.
– You can find a “update files only” zip in the download folder, which contains only the changed/added files since the last version 24.10.16. If you already have the previous version you can download these files by themselves instead of downloading the entire game again. These files are not necessary when you download the entire new game version “Renryuu Ascension Testversion 06.11.16”.
I would appreciate it if someone could help me by writing a good summary/description of the game. I would use this to replace my outdated game description at the places the game has been posted.
The main protagonist. He is a dragonic, half dragon-half human, who is definitely better with the sword than with words. He can be cruel and cold-blooded at times but he usually doesn’t enjoy murdering. He is simply so used to killing that he has no hesitation about it and it invokes no emotions anymore.
After his troublesome and bloody past he went to a military academy. He was hoping to change himself and find his peace of mind there.
A cheerful girl but none the less dangerous. She trained swordsmanship for most of her life, as it is tradition in her family. When Ryen joined the military academy and soon became it’s strongest, she started to hang around and train with him a lot in hope to learn from him. Since killing is no problem to her, she was fine with Ryens sometimes problematic attitude.
The head of the royal guards. Trey is a brave and honest person, who has fought many battles for his beloved country already. It is his duty to protect Ryen as the new King.
The angel Mira is really weak, but even if she can’t fight very good, her healing ability is still a valuable addition to every party. She is always cheerful and loves to help people, but there seems to be quite a big shadow hidden behind that smile.
The mysterious vampire is the tsundere of the group. She often gets angry when someone treats her like a child, but at the same time she secretly loves to be spoiled. Ryen finds her sealed away in a dungeon by chance, but it seems as if the two of them are somehow connected.
As most elves, Mirel is very skilled in handeling her bow. After her parents died she was raised by their towns chief. During her life, she had to endure hardships as a result from being an elf several times, so she wants to help in the fight against this racism.
A fugitive from another country, or atleast that what she claims to be. Her ability to pick locks and other skills leave some doubts to her honesty, but they often come in handy. It’s easy to tell from those abilitys that she used to live in the streets and managed to survive through them.
A former slave that ran away from his owner. Having lost everything he ever had, he sure knows the true value of the word freedom and the price for it. Because he had to fight for the amusment of his owner, Brad is now a fairly good brawler.
A young mage, who is still weak and ignorant to the world, but she has a big talent and improves fast. Her abilitys are mostly magic spells of different elements. She used to live a peaceful life in Amagal, until the Earl gained more power and suddenly things went for worse in the country.
One of the very few gunslingers left in the world. Because her fighting style costs a lot of money, she works as a high prized mercenary. Usually she is a very calm and collected person but sometimes drinks a bit too much.
A demon girl who has been a slave every since she has been a child. Because of that, she has a hard time making decisions on her own and has a constant urge to recieve orders from her master.
A young dragonic girl, who is still fullly ignorant to the world.
– You can continue to play your old progress by copying the old save folder into the folder of the new game version.
– Saveslot 19 and 20 are used for auto-saves. Don’t save your own progress there if you don’t want it to get overwritten with auto-saves or toggle off auto-saves in the main menu.
– You can find a “update files only” zip in the download folder, which contains only the changed/added files since the last version 24.10.16. If you already have the previous version you can download these files by themselves instead of downloading the entire game again. These files are not necessary when you download the entire new game version “Renryuu Ascension Testversion 06.11.16”.
I would appreciate it if someone could help me by writing a good summary/description of the game. I would use this to replace my outdated game description at the places the game has been posted.
The main protagonist. He is a dragonic, half dragon-half human, who is definitely better with the sword than with words. He can be cruel and cold-blooded at times but he usually doesn’t enjoy murdering. He is simply so used to killing that he has no hesitation about it and it invokes no emotions anymore.
After his troublesome and bloody past he went to a military academy. He was hoping to change himself and find his peace of mind there.
A cheerful girl but none the less dangerous. She trained swordsmanship for most of her life, as it is tradition in her family. When Ryen joined the military academy and soon became it’s strongest, she started to hang around and train with him a lot in hope to learn from him. Since killing is no problem to her, she was fine with Ryens sometimes problematic attitude.
The head of the royal guards. Trey is a brave and honest person, who has fought many battles for his beloved country already. It is his duty to protect Ryen as the new King.
The angel Mira is really weak, but even if she can’t fight very good, her healing ability is still a valuable addition to every party. She is always cheerful and loves to help people, but there seems to be quite a big shadow hidden behind that smile.
The mysterious vampire is the tsundere of the group. She often gets angry when someone treats her like a child, but at the same time she secretly loves to be spoiled. Ryen finds her sealed away in a dungeon by chance, but it seems as if the two of them are somehow connected.
As most elves, Mirel is very skilled in handeling her bow. After her parents died she was raised by their towns chief. During her life, she had to endure hardships as a result from being an elf several times, so she wants to help in the fight against this racism.
A fugitive from another country, or atleast that what she claims to be. Her ability to pick locks and other skills leave some doubts to her honesty, but they often come in handy. It’s easy to tell from those abilitys that she used to live in the streets and managed to survive through them.
A former slave that ran away from his owner. Having lost everything he ever had, he sure knows the true value of the word freedom and the price for it. Because he had to fight for the amusment of his owner, Brad is now a fairly good brawler.
A young mage, who is still weak and ignorant to the world, but she has a big talent and improves fast. Her abilitys are mostly magic spells of different elements. She used to live a peaceful life in Amagal, until the Earl gained more power and suddenly things went for worse in the country.
One of the very few gunslingers left in the world. Because her fighting style costs a lot of money, she works as a high prized mercenary. Usually she is a very calm and collected person but sometimes drinks a bit too much.
A demon girl who has been a slave every since she has been a child. Because of that, she has a hard time making decisions on her own and has a constant urge to recieve orders from her master.
A young dragonic girl, who is still fullly ignorant to the world.
Renryuu: Ascension: screenshots
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