Pocket Campfire [v2.0] [PawPunch] v2.0

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Last update: 2024-06-01

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Pocket Campfire [v2.0] [PawPunch] poster

Pocket Campfire is available here in our large porn games collection. Free access to this game is provided with just a few clicks. Games like Pocket Campfire are are always available for you on daily basis by xGames.

Gather ingredients and cook up recipes to attract various ‘Mons to your campsite.
Chat, interact and bond with your new friends to unlock new things to do with them.
See if you can get all of them to REALLY like you…
Presenting Pocket Campfire, a Tamagotchi-style experience with a handful of different ‘Mons to collect and interact with! You play as a seasoned camper who loves to get to know the local ‘Mons, making friends and exploring sexuality with them.​

Last update: 2024-06-01
Released: 2020-09-08
Creator (developer): PawPunch –
Censored: No
Version: 2.0
OS: Windows, Android
Language: English

2DCG, Anal sex, Animated, Creampie, Furry, Gay, Male domination, Male protagonist, Mobile game, Monster, Oral sex, Parody, Rpg, Simulator, Vaginal sex

Install instructions:

1. Extract and run.

Whats new (last changes):

There’s been a LOT of time between last update and this one and it’s obvious a lot of stuff currently doesn’t work properly. There’s been a lot of issues and silence, but after the previous programmer’s leave from the project we’ve been rebuilding!
A comelete final update has been released, with the game having been rebuilt in a different engine from the ground up. You can expect the following:
New Content:
Completely rebuilt in GameMaker Studio 2 (downloadable game!)1 New ‘Mon joined the roster!Over 2000 new dialogue linesNew additional sprites and more elaborate ‘Interact’ sequencesNew cooking items with more varying effectsReworks & Features:
Completely new contextual dialogue system (based on e.g. affection, energy).New contextual sprites (ties in with new dialogue system).Cooking overhaul with more thought-out recipe crafting and additional items.Audio re-do for all NSFW animationsMiscellaneous visual & experience polishFixes:
Turned NSFW animations into video (better file size & load times)All game animations fixed (e.g. walking, berry dropping)RNG improvements (pseudo-RNG measures to make things less grindy).Rebalancing to improve the general experienceVarious quality of life changesWe know it’s long overdue, but we hope you’ll love this final installment of Pocket Campfire!
We’ve released the first version of our game, woohoo!
There’s still things we need to fix and implement, such as a few better gameplay animations and sound effects. Some things may still feel a little rough.
Here’s a little summary of all the content you can find:
Interacting with ‘Mons in your camp.Cooking to attract new ‘Mons and feed current ones.Berry catch minigame to collect ingredients.3 different ‘Mons to collect (each has male & female variants).Animated NSFW scenes for each ‘Mon.We’ll be implementing bugfixes and new ‘Mons over time, but the main gameplay likely won’t see too many changes.
NOTE: We have temporarily disabled a scene for one of the ‘Mons. We’re reworking it at the moment and will add it to the game soon!
Next to the web version we have now, we’re planning to create a downloadable version soon, which will have save functionality.
We hope you’ll enjoy the game!

Pocket Campfire [v2.0] [PawPunch]

PC, Mac, Linux
Game rating: 5 93

Pocket Campfire [v2.0] [PawPunch]: screenshots

Pocket Campfire [v2.0] [PawPunch] screenshot 0Pocket Campfire [v2.0] [PawPunch] screenshot 1Pocket Campfire [v2.0] [PawPunch] screenshot 2

Enter an world of meetings with your secret wishes. Get this from MEGA or other file hostings, unpack, easy install and play this interactive game.

Try to be a good man and take what you really want. And it will be you next second life, there will be a lot of interesting persons that you will met.​ What will you do? Will you be a good man? Will you abuse your power and authority? Start now!

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