Parasite Infection is a sexually explicit game dealing with multiple niche fetishes. It is currently a text and picture adventure game being developed in Twine.
Parasite Infection is a sexually explicit game dealing with multiple niche fetishes. It is currently a text and picture adventure game being developed in Twine.
Updated: 12-November-2018
Developer/Publisher: |
Censorship: None
OS: Windows
Language: English
2D game, Monster, FF, F-Self, Sub, Dom, Preg, Swap, F2M, Involuntary TF, M2F, Possession, Herm, Corr, Voluntary TF
Install instructions
1- Extract to desired location.
2- Click on “Parasite Infection 2.16G.html” to start playing
2- Click on “Parasite Infection 2.16G.html” to start playing
2.42b “cleaning up tons of bugs”:
– Unique infestation scenes for each store
– Stores are part of the data structure
– Stores have a patronage value which will infect/infest the city at a certain rate, which will be displayed somewhere in game once I get the mechanism running
– Fixed some grammar in sex passages (not all errors were caught here)
– Can now only infect 1-2 places per day
– Fixed Julie’s art to properly display pregnancy and breast sizes
– Updated Sandra’s art
– Updated credits
– Some text cosmetic fixes in part 1
– Used to have a bug where incubating werms would be detected as a full cock for sex scenes, that has been fixed
– Fixed parasites carrying over from part 1 to part 2 when going through ‘normal’ plotline
– Fixed breast infest art displaying based on gender rather than breast size
– Bug fix – mouthwerm breastfuck was targeting “breast” rather than “breasts”
– Fixed music for Tracie’s room
– Fixed music for some infestations in Gabrielle’s lab and Robyn’s changing room
– Made changes to breast size reset when using escape pod to advance
– Fixed Mall Infest sequences exiting directly to dining room rather than advancing time
– Spaceship is… technically visitable now but still no important plot advances in this update
There’s a Patreon about going back to the simple version. I understand your feeling, but I like it better the way its going now. But I want to clarify some stuff. For the sex menu, typically I don’t even read the paragraphs, and I just sort of spam-click through right now. It will be better balanced in the future but for now the stats are still not that important. But I actually like it better this way than the way it was before. And once I get to the balancing, it should get even better.
Part 2 –
The sex module should be pretty much done at this point. This is a test round to find any bugs and see if it generally works, then I’ll implement it everywhere that it should be implemented then move on to the mall. Rebalancing of stat changes and effects of specific sex actions will happen over time.
– Sex is now a separate encounter, with both the NPC and the Player taking actions in turn which affect pleasure, arousal, and tension.
– Lots of sex acts available
– Each sex act has certain requirements, such as the presence of specific parasites or a certain arousal/pleasure threshold
– Orgasm is required for parasite infestations. For instance, you can fuck someone with your parasitic cock but only if an orgasm is triggered (at sufficient arousal) will they be infested because of it.
– Having canal and werm parasites in various orifices mutates the various sex acts slightly.
– Being mindfucked or mindfucking someone then orgasming should end the encounter and allow you to change their behavior.
– NPC’s can automatically initiate sex against you if they are horny enough. They should do this at maximum once per ‘time cycle’. If you have low resistance, you will be unable to stop them.
– Explanations start at the bottom then scroll upward, separated by a line. The stat portion at the top displays current arousal and pleasure. I think to the right of the stats is probably a good place to put the art.
Part 1 is broken now, I’ll have to fix it later. This update is only for the sex module. However, there were a couple other things updated:
– massive passage renaming scheme, shouldn’t affect anything you can see but its becoming more data driven
– Art for Julie has been updated except forgot to include preg/large breasts.
– Art for Robyn has been updated, ditto on the preg.
– Somehow the code that sped up the game got lost in the last few updates, it got put back in this one so the game should run really fast now.
– Implemented a system that allows all NPC’s to move around randomly
– Direct infestation mechanic is working now
– If an NPC is infected, there is no chance they’ll be discovered. Only infested characters can get caught and have parasites removed.
– Sex ed, Altar Room, Quinn Workplace seem to be working. Strip club is only partially working, something is wrong with Robyn’s private room but I haven’t figured out what it is yet. Laboratory isn’t working.
– Fixed some art bugs with the main characters
– Fixed some typos and description issues in part 1
– Trapping rooms was reworked slightly, you now automatically retrieve excess parasites used in traps
– Infesting yourself raises Force w/ additional parasites
No bug reports are necessary for this version. I’m well aware of what is broken and am working on it.
To do list:
– Parasite interactivity with each other
– Finish side rooms
– Harmony-influenced main quest
– Submissive stories for various NPC sexing the main characters neck
– The Mall
– Biosuits
– Money and money purchases
– Acceptance mechanic
Part 2
– During the Day and During the Night code overhauled.
– Main game loop is mostly working
– Infestations are working
– Side character locations accessible, not quite working yet
– Parasite trapping and room infestations overhauled
– The mall is fullly populated with stores but is mostly broken
Part 1
– Main title art updated
– The way line breaks were handled in the entire game has been changed. Mostly cosmetic.
Fixed all the bugs mentioned from the previous round of bug checking.
Polished music in part 1
Fixed Joan’s quest triggers again
Fixed Scientist
Updated map for the spaceship
Fixed a bug for inserting eggs into rectum
Fixed captain not being able to be brain infested if the player infested their own brain first
Fixed an issue with Twine that was causing lag to build up as the game progressed. It should run extremely fast now.
– Updated introduction art sequence
– Updated profile art for part 2
– Updated male neck infestation art for helmet scene
– Altered canal infestation in part 2 to reflect human skin tone
– Removed horniness barrier for escape pod (felt kind of annoying)
– Altered parasite brain infestation
– Parasite brain infestation now generates a list of quests. Fulfilling these quests makes you more submissive to the parasite. You can do the quests before infesting your brain and it will allow the story to progress w/o being submissive to the parasite.
– Fixed some bugs but there is weird behavior for the space station, sometimes it returns to the wrong room. I’ll try to fix that next.
– Sarah will now let player advance to space station
– Neck infestation voiceover plays
– Removed duplicated file, reducing the download size by ~20mb
– Partially changed the werm brain infestation for part 1
– Infesting a person with a parasite now changes their status to infested immediately
– Updated Quinn and Tracie (lesbian girl)
– Tracie doesn’t have a profile pic yet
– Because there’s no way to mind control Tracie, her behavior is set to never get caught
– Added altar for Tracie’s pathway – can convert parasites from werms into other forms
– Access altar by having C-cup breasts and being fully female when talking to Tracie (hard to access as male start)
– Quinn office takeover works
– Fixed gender issue for part 2
– Altered parasite canisters to spawn faster and have same pattern for both genders
– Tracie is accessible on any day now
– Updated infection description
– Fixed main character force resetting every day
– Fixed characters losing 60 resistance multiple times due to infection (should only happen once now)
– Werm incubation in NPC ass/stomach now correctly shows
– Added description to infest neck and fuck their neck
– People getting caught and cured should work correctly
– Infesting peoples necks with werms now sets their behavior to help you against being caught (temporary fix, will be changed again in the future)
– Strip club reworked, Robyn should be working correctly
– Rearranged canister parasites to make more sense
– Fixed massage parlor <<if>> error
– Claire sex ed is now working, accessible by fucking her neck and altering her thoughts
Altered part 2 Julie, Jessica, and Sandra with a new system of infestation
– Rooms are now objects that have their own variables. Rooms can be infected. An infected room has a 60% chance to infect the occupant during the day.
– Direct infestation will now be % based on target resistance and main character ability.
– Rooms can be trapped with multiple parasites. Additional parasites cause % success chance of stealth infestation to increase. Also, more than 1 hole may be infested. Chance of multi-hole infestations has diminished success. For instance, if you use 8 werms it’s an initial 80% success chance for first infestation, then 40% chance to infest the next hole, then 20% chance for the third. To be honest it’s not that important yet but may be in the future.
– Since tons of werms are needed, they now birth after 1 day and will asexually reproduce from every orifice. I’ll put in a better system for werm collection so that parasites get rounded up during the wake sequence.
Updated scientist interaction in part 1Updated mess hall interaction in part 1Updated navigation in Julie’s room when going to lab Fixed a bug at Gabrielle’s labStarted reformatting dialogue in part 2 to the new format, it has issues with the picture setupRemoved werm fertility from oral/anal sex in part 2Decreased birthing speed in part 1 by 50% Fixed week to have 7 days in part 2Altered condition for advancing plot in mallv2.16E
Removed defunct school mapAltered code on Steve’s pageFixed error for infesting pussy if starting as Chet in part 2Fixed Jessica’s room not displaying correctlyAdded Brett in the LAN center, not fully tested
– Unique infestation scenes for each store
– Stores are part of the data structure
– Stores have a patronage value which will infect/infest the city at a certain rate, which will be displayed somewhere in game once I get the mechanism running
– Fixed some grammar in sex passages (not all errors were caught here)
– Can now only infect 1-2 places per day
– Fixed Julie’s art to properly display pregnancy and breast sizes
– Updated Sandra’s art
– Updated credits
– Some text cosmetic fixes in part 1
– Used to have a bug where incubating werms would be detected as a full cock for sex scenes, that has been fixed
– Fixed parasites carrying over from part 1 to part 2 when going through ‘normal’ plotline
– Fixed breast infest art displaying based on gender rather than breast size
– Bug fix – mouthwerm breastfuck was targeting “breast” rather than “breasts”
– Fixed music for Tracie’s room
– Fixed music for some infestations in Gabrielle’s lab and Robyn’s changing room
– Made changes to breast size reset when using escape pod to advance
– Fixed Mall Infest sequences exiting directly to dining room rather than advancing time
– Spaceship is… technically visitable now but still no important plot advances in this update
There’s a Patreon about going back to the simple version. I understand your feeling, but I like it better the way its going now. But I want to clarify some stuff. For the sex menu, typically I don’t even read the paragraphs, and I just sort of spam-click through right now. It will be better balanced in the future but for now the stats are still not that important. But I actually like it better this way than the way it was before. And once I get to the balancing, it should get even better.
Part 2 –
The sex module should be pretty much done at this point. This is a test round to find any bugs and see if it generally works, then I’ll implement it everywhere that it should be implemented then move on to the mall. Rebalancing of stat changes and effects of specific sex actions will happen over time.
– Sex is now a separate encounter, with both the NPC and the Player taking actions in turn which affect pleasure, arousal, and tension.
– Lots of sex acts available
– Each sex act has certain requirements, such as the presence of specific parasites or a certain arousal/pleasure threshold
– Orgasm is required for parasite infestations. For instance, you can fuck someone with your parasitic cock but only if an orgasm is triggered (at sufficient arousal) will they be infested because of it.
– Having canal and werm parasites in various orifices mutates the various sex acts slightly.
– Being mindfucked or mindfucking someone then orgasming should end the encounter and allow you to change their behavior.
– NPC’s can automatically initiate sex against you if they are horny enough. They should do this at maximum once per ‘time cycle’. If you have low resistance, you will be unable to stop them.
– Explanations start at the bottom then scroll upward, separated by a line. The stat portion at the top displays current arousal and pleasure. I think to the right of the stats is probably a good place to put the art.
Part 1 is broken now, I’ll have to fix it later. This update is only for the sex module. However, there were a couple other things updated:
– massive passage renaming scheme, shouldn’t affect anything you can see but its becoming more data driven
– Art for Julie has been updated except forgot to include preg/large breasts.
– Art for Robyn has been updated, ditto on the preg.
– Somehow the code that sped up the game got lost in the last few updates, it got put back in this one so the game should run really fast now.
– Implemented a system that allows all NPC’s to move around randomly
– Direct infestation mechanic is working now
– If an NPC is infected, there is no chance they’ll be discovered. Only infested characters can get caught and have parasites removed.
– Sex ed, Altar Room, Quinn Workplace seem to be working. Strip club is only partially working, something is wrong with Robyn’s private room but I haven’t figured out what it is yet. Laboratory isn’t working.
– Fixed some art bugs with the main characters
– Fixed some typos and description issues in part 1
– Trapping rooms was reworked slightly, you now automatically retrieve excess parasites used in traps
– Infesting yourself raises Force w/ additional parasites
No bug reports are necessary for this version. I’m well aware of what is broken and am working on it.
To do list:
– Parasite interactivity with each other
– Finish side rooms
– Harmony-influenced main quest
– Submissive stories for various NPC sexing the main characters neck
– The Mall
– Biosuits
– Money and money purchases
– Acceptance mechanic
Part 2
– During the Day and During the Night code overhauled.
– Main game loop is mostly working
– Infestations are working
– Side character locations accessible, not quite working yet
– Parasite trapping and room infestations overhauled
– The mall is fullly populated with stores but is mostly broken
Part 1
– Main title art updated
– The way line breaks were handled in the entire game has been changed. Mostly cosmetic.
Fixed all the bugs mentioned from the previous round of bug checking.
Polished music in part 1
Fixed Joan’s quest triggers again
Fixed Scientist
Updated map for the spaceship
Fixed a bug for inserting eggs into rectum
Fixed captain not being able to be brain infested if the player infested their own brain first
Fixed an issue with Twine that was causing lag to build up as the game progressed. It should run extremely fast now.
– Updated introduction art sequence
– Updated profile art for part 2
– Updated male neck infestation art for helmet scene
– Altered canal infestation in part 2 to reflect human skin tone
– Removed horniness barrier for escape pod (felt kind of annoying)
– Altered parasite brain infestation
– Parasite brain infestation now generates a list of quests. Fulfilling these quests makes you more submissive to the parasite. You can do the quests before infesting your brain and it will allow the story to progress w/o being submissive to the parasite.
– Fixed some bugs but there is weird behavior for the space station, sometimes it returns to the wrong room. I’ll try to fix that next.
– Sarah will now let player advance to space station
– Neck infestation voiceover plays
– Removed duplicated file, reducing the download size by ~20mb
– Partially changed the werm brain infestation for part 1
– Infesting a person with a parasite now changes their status to infested immediately
– Updated Quinn and Tracie (lesbian girl)
– Tracie doesn’t have a profile pic yet
– Because there’s no way to mind control Tracie, her behavior is set to never get caught
– Added altar for Tracie’s pathway – can convert parasites from werms into other forms
– Access altar by having C-cup breasts and being fully female when talking to Tracie (hard to access as male start)
– Quinn office takeover works
– Fixed gender issue for part 2
– Altered parasite canisters to spawn faster and have same pattern for both genders
– Tracie is accessible on any day now
– Updated infection description
– Fixed main character force resetting every day
– Fixed characters losing 60 resistance multiple times due to infection (should only happen once now)
– Werm incubation in NPC ass/stomach now correctly shows
– Added description to infest neck and fuck their neck
– People getting caught and cured should work correctly
– Infesting peoples necks with werms now sets their behavior to help you against being caught (temporary fix, will be changed again in the future)
– Strip club reworked, Robyn should be working correctly
– Rearranged canister parasites to make more sense
– Fixed massage parlor <<if>> error
– Claire sex ed is now working, accessible by fucking her neck and altering her thoughts
Altered part 2 Julie, Jessica, and Sandra with a new system of infestation
– Rooms are now objects that have their own variables. Rooms can be infected. An infected room has a 60% chance to infect the occupant during the day.
– Direct infestation will now be % based on target resistance and main character ability.
– Rooms can be trapped with multiple parasites. Additional parasites cause % success chance of stealth infestation to increase. Also, more than 1 hole may be infested. Chance of multi-hole infestations has diminished success. For instance, if you use 8 werms it’s an initial 80% success chance for first infestation, then 40% chance to infest the next hole, then 20% chance for the third. To be honest it’s not that important yet but may be in the future.
– Since tons of werms are needed, they now birth after 1 day and will asexually reproduce from every orifice. I’ll put in a better system for werm collection so that parasites get rounded up during the wake sequence.
Updated scientist interaction in part 1Updated mess hall interaction in part 1Updated navigation in Julie’s room when going to lab Fixed a bug at Gabrielle’s labStarted reformatting dialogue in part 2 to the new format, it has issues with the picture setupRemoved werm fertility from oral/anal sex in part 2Decreased birthing speed in part 1 by 50% Fixed week to have 7 days in part 2Altered condition for advancing plot in mallv2.16E
Removed defunct school mapAltered code on Steve’s pageFixed error for infesting pussy if starting as Chet in part 2Fixed Jessica’s room not displaying correctlyAdded Brett in the LAN center, not fully tested
Parasite Infection: screenshots
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