No Haven is a side game to the dungeon crawler Whorelock’s Revenge (formerly Deeper Dungeons: Enhanced). Here you have command of a small group of slavers initially and from there you can send out your men, woman, assorted fantasy races, monsters and so on out on various assignments to earn gold, supplies and slaves.
Updated: 2018-11-27
Censorship: None
Version: 0.832 public
OS: PC/Windows (RAGS)
Language: English
Management, Mind Break, MM, MF, FF, MMF, Shemale, Furry, Futa, BDSM, Rape … lots more
Install instructions: :
1- Extract to desired location.
2- Click on “noheaven.rags” to start playing.
2- Click on “noheaven.rags” to start playing.
-Due to the large number of new starts the TF Edition ones have a set trait selection outside of as appropriate to the race like fleet on Centaurs, though you can fully customise these as normal. If you do these the race traits will persist through the full custom like they do currently with harpies and the like.
-Introduced the Puppet-Leader of the Encampment position where you’re technically still in charge, but everyone knows who really calls the shots. You lose the assignment bonus, will have a much harder time with respect checks, and be immune to takeover attempts for now. The standard city elf noble start, and the super negatives Lacey’s Toy and Chosen of Itzpa’ux (TF Edition) will all gain this, and there will be other ways for this to happen in future.
-Added more checks to the slaver takeover so now uniques are always happier being the power behind the throne, some races won’t takeover due to being unsuited to lead others like wisps, and will check more traits, height (with a special bonus for unusually large members of smaller races), the second-in-command optional histories, whether they have challenged you before, and reputation to see who is willing and most likely to attempt to overthrow you.
-The slaver takeover functionality now has more triggers as an alternative to the old game over, being stuck in bondage, the reputations obsessed over and pariah, becoming sissy, or gaining bimbo. It’s no longer a straight loss with you having options to defend yourself based on your traits like dominator/hypnotic and your race.
-Plugged Quick as you like slavers will no contribute to a treacherous encampment as they have other things on their mind. They also won’t try to takeover either.
-Due to this the blessings of perversion corruption Pretty Maid can now give sissy, and the corruption Bimboborn can now hit you.
-Been meaning to do this for ages and this seemed like a good opportunity to make Orkhai a properly playable race with an three new male and three new fem/futa portraits, and one post gender transformation.
-I noticed while doing that Orkhais didn’t have a proper set of racial trait packages which has now been corrected.
-For consistency added the Monster trait to all the golem starts and to the transformed Ogre, and if you full custom Ogres or Golems now that trait will also be kept for free.
-New assignment courtesy of the patreon discord.
-New unique and playable draenei wright start with commissioned art thanks to the patron to make this the first unique with both a female and futanari version.
-Sea elf overhaul to make them a lot more distinct. Extra paragraphs added to their lore page, specific eyes, and more skin variation. New compositions for the female examine, and added new ones for futa and slaves.
-Two new commissions for drow and lamia bimbo examines that will also be used for bimbo training.
-Added patron provided commissions for the Kat unique’s special game over, two for the Into the Depths crit, and a special one for a certain corruption. Thank you so much for those! Due to this I’ve improved some of the logic on Depths and also tightened up the text while splitting it into a before and after exactly what happens.
-Because of this added new text and variation to what is currently the final stage of the Ensnared Rose debt effects to account for you not always having a pussy which includes the first tickling scene in the game. Hope I’ve done it justice.
-Rethought how to handle the owned slavers auto accompanying count as them not being included in the number busy was eventually resulting in an unplayable state.
-Updated the planning assignments text which now include your bed warmer(s) if applicable.
-Changed up some of the finish day mechanics and checks in an attempt to fix the crash issues. Also added the auto planning to Tall Tales.
-New skin tones for Sea Elves, Harpy Lyonixin, Lizardmen, Asanei, and Oozes.
-Added 14 new lore unlocks.
-Added a specific eye description for wrights.
-Added the pointed ears, horns, and other bits that were missing on the scenario starts.
-Improved some slave value bonuses in regards to training and origin.
-Improved the protection bonus from crafted armour, for qualities above Masterwork, and more clothing will help than before.
-More feedback on choosing an item to show how it will help or hinder protection, assignments, and reputation.
-Orally Accommodating with the Form a Line is now available as a Super Negative in TF Edition, though it does run the risk of affecting your reputation if you are not a Fae. Due to this added a couple of variations due to lamia still insisting on not having knees. Also added an occasional check so you can specifically lose reputation by being naked or in slutty outfits like slaver’s can.
-Due to the aspect bimboborn doing nothing for you as the player character I’ve changed it so that corruption has somewhat altered text and instead of the aspect you get the trait instead.
-Changed the wording on ooze colouring.
-Added a new gender toggle under help and options to control how you experience the possible male to female transformations.
-Added a toggle to turn off finish day auto skipping when you’re away for those experiencing crashes that seemed to be linked to that.
-Added some additional checks for reputation (mainly involving what is and is not worn) and improved the feedback for getting the sluttier ones.
-Added some more eye variation to make the rarer ones more rare.
-Added auto planning to Elven Hospitality.
-The current marlsune and kitsune starts ear and tail descriptions were in the wrong place so updated that, and added new specific descriptions for them. Also updated the current harpy starts to move their ear descriptions.
-Personalised the message if you are the one to find the hidden region.
-Fix for certain later acquired slavers having broken level ups.
-Fix for broken lore unlocks including on Cathay, dwarf beer, Light on Shallya, and goddess of the forest goblins.
-Fix for the possessed dream not checking correctly.
-Fix for Intimidate not giving weak slavers the proper penalty.
-Fix for Thrallforge not helping you with dominate their will checks.
-Fix for multi-race having wrights having no values for race.
-Fixed the potential for male asanei from assignment rewards, and also boosted the futa odds on a why not basis while I was there.
-Fix for expiry issue with the seven day variant of Toll Bridge.
-Fix for assignment tracking issue with Tyrannical Legacy.
-Fix for losing your ornamental butt wings.
-Fix for assignment issues with slave recapture.
-Fix for formatting on lore unlock for noble responsibilities.
-Some text fixes.
Known bugs
-Aspects for you are currently limited as 3 rather than 5.
-Added a new ogre start using the commision for Scout the Deep Mountains.
-Added some better checks to avoid the rare cases when uniques might have incorrect talk to options.
-Toned down the number of corruptions on the Pursuit of Arrogance success result.
-In something I’d not thought of at all if you send a slave(s) for the Fulfil Opportunity from Male Perfidity they will have more appropriate removal text if they weren’t actually the drow males in question.
-Added pointed ears to the your character races as appropriate.
-Fixes for the far too many issues with Treachery Most Foul.
-Fix for repeated demonic visages.
-Text fixes.
-Two new alternative neko succubus playable starts. Old one has updated traits, and one of the new ones is patron requested with their own commissioned art, lore page, and new gameplay.
-Two new connected assignments in the Deep Mountains resulting in the possibility of one of two new unique slavers.
-New scenario for Golems with an alternate win condition tied into another new assignment in the Deep Mountains which also can result in a unique slaver.
-New commissioned art for Basic Blowjob Training and Expert Cumslut Training.
-Reputation wasn’t affecting treachery correctly. Now Desired / Obsessed Over / Disgraced / Pariah slavers don’t contribute treachery at all as no one cares what they think, while a beloved or dreaded leader amongst your slavers with low morale is a lot more dangerous to keep around.
-The addictive cum corruption now allows any race to count as an orc for certain trait checks like for Orc Cum Addict training. It is also now listed under examine integrated into the cock description.
-You can now see the number of hypnotic triggers after a success.
-Cum thirst is no longer reduced at the skill check stage which could result in an assignment being cancelled and it going down. Now it’s only reduced on assignments by the appropriate results like Taste of Glory.
-Cum thirst can now be increased by sucking off a slave with addictive cum with some new text to reflect this, and by certain results with the orc at the tavern.
-Malevolence is now counted as an innate physical trait and so is not lost on full personality reset.
-Bred to be Broken and one of the new assignments need you to have a minimum amount of gold to find due to their high requirements.
-Added the option to Do Nothing or cancelling out of make use of.
-Added a trait description for Insatiable including variations for mounting levels of cum thirst.
-Added more checks for chastity belts.
-Had another go at sorting the ongoing problems with the Into the Depths crit.
-While really funny it’s no longer possible for a slave to full their slaver training by failing to escape.
-Due to unseen complications I need to rethink for now slavers in owned relationships may not go on QAYL.
-Fixes for the not having clothing and armour issues.
-Fix for issues when starting as a demi-angel, succubus or fallen relating to your heritage.
-Fix for the slave/slaver being sold on a Whore Makers crit not being removed properly.
-Fix for clumsy not affecting Biomancy like it does Corruption.
-Fix for issues with the larger corrupted wings.
-Fix for only getting Tall Tales the one time.
-Fix for Lago’Mae starting with strong but not having it shown on the examine.
-Fix for allowing access to slave pit after a ban not doing anything.
-Fix for the not enough gold message on Lead Astray.
-Fix for your replacement nicking your Ensnared Rose accessories.
-Fix for Ensnared Rose accessories including the replacement text forever.
-Fix for bedwarmers being used by slavers, and this also turned up that some slaves were being used too much when their use should have been more limited.
-Fix for losing your previous personality and nothing happening.
-Fix for Corruptor not having an estimate value, and being able to take Desolators without it.
-Fix for Harmony for Goblins being listed as -6 rather than the correct value of -4.
-Fix for the Orc wright not having her flying despite still being having listed her mount of full custom. She was also losing her racial Malevolence so now she gets to keep both.
-Fix for cancel issues on slave escapes.
-Fix for encampment status not showing the increased xp requirements for later level ups.
-Fix for sissification name change not showing on a slave’s bondage description.
-Fix for mid-slave training cancels removing your slavers.
-Fix for looking for maid armour giving you restraints instead.
-Fix for the unexpected return text cropping up again.
-Fix for Babydoll saying it grants sissy on assignments when it only happens to males.
-Fix for job skills like Training not being included in recommendations.
-Fix for repicking slavers on slave training assignments leading to illogical odds.
-Fix for the issues with the new unique Hylla.
-Fix for repeated description issues on certain races including lamia and wisps.
-Fix for infull modest armour and clothing descriptions. Modest should also be a more reliable order.
-Fix for owned slavers making the number busy incorrect.
-More text fixes
-Turns out there was an issue with the new dwarf unique which hopefully should be sorted now, and there was also a problem with the Anal Slut aspect wording.
-Three new uniques in a northern zealot of the Frozen Queen, a golem stalker utilizing long forgotten secrets, and a dwarf jill-of-all-trades with a particular zeal for restraints of all kinds.
-Replaced the previous goblin female examine composition due to it annoying me one too many times while testing.
-Improved the feedback on full custom and stopped you losing the points when you take corrupter with demi-angel.
-Rethought how the second in command customization was working as it clearly wasn’t. There’s now feedback if you select with an invalid gender and that choice will be removed.
-Under Blessing of Perversion shrinking is now uncommon rather than common, and added the Anal Slut aspect after only mentioning it in the previous notes, but not actually including it. I’ve also fixed the you being able to get bimbo so like sissy that will be slaver/slave only for now. Hoping to change that back very soon so you can get both as I think I’ve come up with a good way to handle the immediate consequences before I can do the full power struggles amongst your slavers and against you content.
-Also added under BoP: Onslaught, Aggressive, and Brutal removal. An alternate wording for Defiant removal under the same group, and added a chance to gain Peaceful.
-Added additional larger breast description for smaller characters.
-Quick restart should keep your aspects now if you imported your character.
-Did some refactoring on assignment finishing which should hopefully make the long ones more stable.
-Fix for golems starting with standard surnames or getting non-golem titles.
-Fix for inconsistent names that can crop on occasion with races with other race heritages.
-Fix for gaining Fem despite already having Exc.
-Fix for some inconsistencies with biomancy options.
-Fix for extra arms being lost after gaining them, and for some of the arm decorations not having values.
-Fix for Brief Foray not showing Alchemy in the third slot preview.
-More text fixes.
-Critical fix for Quick as you like causing invalid references and CT errors. Also updated the outcome text to show the result rather than Special, and other changes if applicable.
-Fix for repeatedly gaining fel makeup.
-Fix for you being able to gain traits from level up and so end up talking to yourself.
-Fix for not being able to use armour in the stash.
-All assignments that didn’t have them now have specific text for you being present for all results. For a lot of them this isn’t just a case of changing the identifiers, but also expanding the text to add more detail to reflect you being there. The google documents where I saved all the text was around 22k words so while there’s some repeats and adapted existing content there’s a decent chunk of words, words, and more words in there.
-Where appropriate some assignments also have improved text for you not being present where what was there before was very basic like the Draenei Farm. This also includes new submissive specific content on Lead Astray, Raid High Elven Dwelling, and Gone for a Soldier.
-You can now go on Quick as You Like yourself in a solo choice driven mini-adventure.
-Massive corruption overhaul including with all the old corruptions split into four new categories, new options, and the chance to use it on your slavers, or to have your slavers use it on your. New corruptions include gaining powerful aspects, most of the super negatives from the scenarios/tf edition, some of the slave wear outcomes like adherent of pain/baby doll, long requested changes like gaining bimbo/sissy/exceptional beauty, and many more.
-One of the new options for corruption is checking the portents beforehand which involves six schools of thought of how corruption may or may not work, and can give some clue of just what you about to do by invoking such power.
-There are three new aspects gainable purely through corruption, Anointed One has been improved and is also now only gainable from corruption, and the limit of aspects has increased from three to five for everyone.
-Pretty Maid, Exhibitionist, Anal Slut, and Oral Fixation along with being able to be gained from corruption have received improvements, including new examine text for new examine text for the first two. These and other aspects can now affect estimated slave value.
-The Nightly Activity to corrupt the encampment also gives the bonus to your slavers as well as you doing it.
-New Auction event rewarding visible corruption.
-Added the following new commissions: For the Lead Astray, Hold Back the Dark, and ‘Toll’ Bridge assignments. For female Ogre examine and scout the deep mountains. For advanced blowjob training and slave Shadow Outcasts. For ‘Toll’ Bridge. For Ori’Nek slaves that will also be used for an assignment in the next update. The new commission for the male draenei portrait as a new starting option.
-New Keldan starting option, new Draenei unique slaver, and new Keldan unique slaver with commissioned art from one of my patrons. Both of the new Keldans have their own specific lore pages.
-Believe I’ve solved the RAGS 3 issues so if you’d prefer much faster load times at the cost of needing to update the text and broken boxes you should be okay using it now.
-Eye improvements including proper heterochromia generation both as a corruption, and a potential to start with (much more likely for nekos). I’ve also made improvements to the examine text for better variation and later expansion.
-Rearranged the examine description for those with longer sentences talking about their boobs.
-Added a mechanic previously to attempt to mix up which slaves were use which has now been enabled. Slavers should now be more choosy especially with slaves of low condition when better ones are available.
-Elves have discovered the secret of goblin pussy tightness along with demi-angels, fallen, and succubi with those heritages, while there made some wording/trait including improvements.
-Updated many of the old assignments that were using the old xp system to the new timer (should be no visibility front end outside of you not gaining individual xp).
-Lots more backend refactoring mainly focusing on clothing/armour which should fix the outstanding problems with those, the examines which among other issues will provide a fix for sissification and babydoll removing corrupted hair, and skill checks.
-Improvements to the mount and pet generators.
-Your make use of choice is now cleared after it’s taken place which should fix some issues.
-Untying petrified slaves will now have a different more appropriate Patreon.
-You will no longer attempt to break slave’s mind with dominator when caring for them.
-Reduced the size of golems in general so they’re still big, but not quite as big.
-Due to text overload at the beginning of the game, I’ve move some of the acknowledgements to where the art sources are.
-Added a list of the aspects prior to the glossary for them.
-Fix for the biomancy on you issues.
-Fix for taking Recruiter/Strong Right Arm more than once.
-Fix for succubus strong right arm summonees having their race be overwritten.
-Fix for the stimulating stimulation armour of over stimulating.
-Fix for certain races messing up biomancy.
-Fix for drow outcast issue.
-Fix for recruited mercenaries turned into slavers thinking they’re banned from the slave pit.
-Fix for one of the High Elf trait packages not working correctly.
-Fix for the final slave to slaver promotion assignment messing up the busy slavers number.
-Fix for changing certain preferences removing the Dominant trait.
-Fix for your clothing not helping out with being friendly and seduction on your slavers.
-Fix for Heavenly Debauchery not boosting Seductive correctly.
-Fix for Sneaky not helping with Wounding/Removal.
-Fix for being able to try repeated biomancy attempts on the same day after a slaver has already turned you down.
-Fix for the ‘slave?’ CT error in town.
-Fix for double trainers.
-Fix for the old Corrupt rather than newer Depraved on Scout the Deep Mountains.
-Fix for the non-Kitsune present variant on Diplomacy version of Tall Tales.
-Some text fixes.
-Due to the large number of new starts the TF Edition ones have a set trait selection outside of as appropriate to the race like fleet on Centaurs, though you can fully customise these as normal. If you do these the race traits will persist through the full custom like they do currently with harpies and the like.
-Introduced the Puppet-Leader of the Encampment position where you’re technically still in charge, but everyone knows who really calls the shots. You lose the assignment bonus, will have a much harder time with respect checks, and be immune to takeover attempts for now. The standard city elf noble start, and the super negatives Lacey’s Toy and Chosen of Itzpa’ux (TF Edition) will all gain this, and there will be other ways for this to happen in future.
-Added more checks to the slaver takeover so now uniques are always happier being the power behind the throne, some races won’t takeover due to being unsuited to lead others like wisps, and will check more traits, height (with a special bonus for unusually large members of smaller races), the second-in-command optional histories, whether they have challenged you before, and reputation to see who is willing and most likely to attempt to overthrow you.
-The slaver takeover functionality now has more triggers as an alternative to the old game over, being stuck in bondage, the reputations obsessed over and pariah, becoming sissy, or gaining bimbo. It’s no longer a straight loss with you having options to defend yourself based on your traits like dominator/hypnotic and your race.
-Plugged Quick as you like slavers will no contribute to a treacherous encampment as they have other things on their mind. They also won’t try to takeover either.
-Due to this the blessings of perversion corruption Pretty Maid can now give sissy, and the corruption Bimboborn can now hit you.
-Been meaning to do this for ages and this seemed like a good opportunity to make Orkhai a properly playable race with an three new male and three new fem/futa portraits, and one post gender transformation.
-I noticed while doing that Orkhais didn’t have a proper set of racial trait packages which has now been corrected.
-For consistency added the Monster trait to all the golem starts and to the transformed Ogre, and if you full custom Ogres or Golems now that trait will also be kept for free.
-New assignment courtesy of the patreon discord.
-New unique and playable draenei wright start with commissioned art thanks to the patron to make this the first unique with both a female and futanari version.
-Sea elf overhaul to make them a lot more distinct. Extra paragraphs added to their lore page, specific eyes, and more skin variation. New compositions for the female examine, and added new ones for futa and slaves.
-Two new commissions for drow and lamia bimbo examines that will also be used for bimbo training.
-Added patron provided commissions for the Kat unique’s special game over, two for the Into the Depths crit, and a special one for a certain corruption. Thank you so much for those! Due to this I’ve improved some of the logic on Depths and also tightened up the text while splitting it into a before and after exactly what happens.
-Because of this added new text and variation to what is currently the final stage of the Ensnared Rose debt effects to account for you not always having a pussy which includes the first tickling scene in the game. Hope I’ve done it justice.
-Rethought how to handle the owned slavers auto accompanying count as them not being included in the number busy was eventually resulting in an unplayable state.
-Updated the planning assignments text which now include your bed warmer(s) if applicable.
-Changed up some of the finish day mechanics and checks in an attempt to fix the crash issues. Also added the auto planning to Tall Tales.
-New skin tones for Sea Elves, Harpy Lyonixin, Lizardmen, Asanei, and Oozes.
-Added 14 new lore unlocks.
-Added a specific eye description for wrights.
-Added the pointed ears, horns, and other bits that were missing on the scenario starts.
-Improved some slave value bonuses in regards to training and origin.
-Improved the protection bonus from crafted armour, for qualities above Masterwork, and more clothing will help than before.
-More feedback on choosing an item to show how it will help or hinder protection, assignments, and reputation.
-Orally Accommodating with the Form a Line is now available as a Super Negative in TF Edition, though it does run the risk of affecting your reputation if you are not a Fae. Due to this added a couple of variations due to lamia still insisting on not having knees. Also added an occasional check so you can specifically lose reputation by being naked or in slutty outfits like slaver’s can.
-Due to the aspect bimboborn doing nothing for you as the player character I’ve changed it so that corruption has somewhat altered text and instead of the aspect you get the trait instead.
-Changed the wording on ooze colouring.
-Added a new gender toggle under help and options to control how you experience the possible male to female transformations.
-Added a toggle to turn off finish day auto skipping when you’re away for those experiencing crashes that seemed to be linked to that.
-Added some additional checks for reputation (mainly involving what is and is not worn) and improved the feedback for getting the sluttier ones.
-Added some more eye variation to make the rarer ones more rare.
-Added auto planning to Elven Hospitality.
-The current marlsune and kitsune starts ear and tail descriptions were in the wrong place so updated that, and added new specific descriptions for them. Also updated the current harpy starts to move their ear descriptions.
-Personalised the message if you are the one to find the hidden region.
-Fix for certain later acquired slavers having broken level ups.
-Fix for broken lore unlocks including on Cathay, dwarf beer, Light on Shallya, and goddess of the forest goblins.
-Fix for the possessed dream not checking correctly.
-Fix for Intimidate not giving weak slavers the proper penalty.
-Fix for Thrallforge not helping you with dominate their will checks.
-Fix for multi-race having wrights having no values for race.
-Fixed the potential for male asanei from assignment rewards, and also boosted the futa odds on a why not basis while I was there.
-Fix for expiry issue with the seven day variant of Toll Bridge.
-Fix for assignment tracking issue with Tyrannical Legacy.
-Fix for losing your ornamental butt wings.
-Fix for assignment issues with slave recapture.
-Fix for formatting on lore unlock for noble responsibilities.
-Some text fixes.
Known bugs
-Aspects for you are currently limited as 3 rather than 5.
-Added a new ogre start using the commision for Scout the Deep Mountains.
-Added some better checks to avoid the rare cases when uniques might have incorrect talk to options.
-Toned down the number of corruptions on the Pursuit of Arrogance success result.
-In something I’d not thought of at all if you send a slave(s) for the Fulfil Opportunity from Male Perfidity they will have more appropriate removal text if they weren’t actually the drow males in question.
-Added pointed ears to the your character races as appropriate.
-Fixes for the far too many issues with Treachery Most Foul.
-Fix for repeated demonic visages.
-Text fixes.
-Two new alternative neko succubus playable starts. Old one has updated traits, and one of the new ones is patron requested with their own commissioned art, lore page, and new gameplay.
-Two new connected assignments in the Deep Mountains resulting in the possibility of one of two new unique slavers.
-New scenario for Golems with an alternate win condition tied into another new assignment in the Deep Mountains which also can result in a unique slaver.
-New commissioned art for Basic Blowjob Training and Expert Cumslut Training.
-Reputation wasn’t affecting treachery correctly. Now Desired / Obsessed Over / Disgraced / Pariah slavers don’t contribute treachery at all as no one cares what they think, while a beloved or dreaded leader amongst your slavers with low morale is a lot more dangerous to keep around.
-The addictive cum corruption now allows any race to count as an orc for certain trait checks like for Orc Cum Addict training. It is also now listed under examine integrated into the cock description.
-You can now see the number of hypnotic triggers after a success.
-Cum thirst is no longer reduced at the skill check stage which could result in an assignment being cancelled and it going down. Now it’s only reduced on assignments by the appropriate results like Taste of Glory.
-Cum thirst can now be increased by sucking off a slave with addictive cum with some new text to reflect this, and by certain results with the orc at the tavern.
-Malevolence is now counted as an innate physical trait and so is not lost on full personality reset.
-Bred to be Broken and one of the new assignments need you to have a minimum amount of gold to find due to their high requirements.
-Added the option to Do Nothing or cancelling out of make use of.
-Added a trait description for Insatiable including variations for mounting levels of cum thirst.
-Added more checks for chastity belts.
-Had another go at sorting the ongoing problems with the Into the Depths crit.
-While really funny it’s no longer possible for a slave to full their slaver training by failing to escape.
-Due to unseen complications I need to rethink for now slavers in owned relationships may not go on QAYL.
-Fixes for the not having clothing and armour issues.
-Fix for issues when starting as a demi-angel, succubus or fallen relating to your heritage.
-Fix for the slave/slaver being sold on a Whore Makers crit not being removed properly.
-Fix for clumsy not affecting Biomancy like it does Corruption.
-Fix for issues with the larger corrupted wings.
-Fix for only getting Tall Tales the one time.
-Fix for Lago’Mae starting with strong but not having it shown on the examine.
-Fix for allowing access to slave pit after a ban not doing anything.
-Fix for the not enough gold message on Lead Astray.
-Fix for your replacement nicking your Ensnared Rose accessories.
-Fix for Ensnared Rose accessories including the replacement text forever.
-Fix for bedwarmers being used by slavers, and this also turned up that some slaves were being used too much when their use should have been more limited.
-Fix for losing your previous personality and nothing happening.
-Fix for Corruptor not having an estimate value, and being able to take Desolators without it.
-Fix for Harmony for Goblins being listed as -6 rather than the correct value of -4.
-Fix for the Orc wright not having her flying despite still being having listed her mount of full custom. She was also losing her racial Malevolence so now she gets to keep both.
-Fix for cancel issues on slave escapes.
-Fix for encampment status not showing the increased xp requirements for later level ups.
-Fix for sissification name change not showing on a slave’s bondage description.
-Fix for mid-slave training cancels removing your slavers.
-Fix for looking for maid armour giving you restraints instead.
-Fix for the unexpected return text cropping up again.
-Fix for Babydoll saying it grants sissy on assignments when it only happens to males.
-Fix for job skills like Training not being included in recommendations.
-Fix for repicking slavers on slave training assignments leading to illogical odds.
-Fix for the issues with the new unique Hylla.
-Fix for repeated description issues on certain races including lamia and wisps.
-Fix for infull modest armour and clothing descriptions. Modest should also be a more reliable order.
-Fix for owned slavers making the number busy incorrect.
-More text fixes
-Turns out there was an issue with the new dwarf unique which hopefully should be sorted now, and there was also a problem with the Anal Slut aspect wording.
-Three new uniques in a northern zealot of the Frozen Queen, a golem stalker utilizing long forgotten secrets, and a dwarf jill-of-all-trades with a particular zeal for restraints of all kinds.
-Replaced the previous goblin female examine composition due to it annoying me one too many times while testing.
-Improved the feedback on full custom and stopped you losing the points when you take corrupter with demi-angel.
-Rethought how the second in command customization was working as it clearly wasn’t. There’s now feedback if you select with an invalid gender and that choice will be removed.
-Under Blessing of Perversion shrinking is now uncommon rather than common, and added the Anal Slut aspect after only mentioning it in the previous notes, but not actually including it. I’ve also fixed the you being able to get bimbo so like sissy that will be slaver/slave only for now. Hoping to change that back very soon so you can get both as I think I’ve come up with a good way to handle the immediate consequences before I can do the full power struggles amongst your slavers and against you content.
-Also added under BoP: Onslaught, Aggressive, and Brutal removal. An alternate wording for Defiant removal under the same group, and added a chance to gain Peaceful.
-Added additional larger breast description for smaller characters.
-Quick restart should keep your aspects now if you imported your character.
-Did some refactoring on assignment finishing which should hopefully make the long ones more stable.
-Fix for golems starting with standard surnames or getting non-golem titles.
-Fix for inconsistent names that can crop on occasion with races with other race heritages.
-Fix for gaining Fem despite already having Exc.
-Fix for some inconsistencies with biomancy options.
-Fix for extra arms being lost after gaining them, and for some of the arm decorations not having values.
-Fix for Brief Foray not showing Alchemy in the third slot preview.
-More text fixes.
-Critical fix for Quick as you like causing invalid references and CT errors. Also updated the outcome text to show the result rather than Special, and other changes if applicable.
-Fix for repeatedly gaining fel makeup.
-Fix for you being able to gain traits from level up and so end up talking to yourself.
-Fix for not being able to use armour in the stash.
-All assignments that didn’t have them now have specific text for you being present for all results. For a lot of them this isn’t just a case of changing the identifiers, but also expanding the text to add more detail to reflect you being there. The google documents where I saved all the text was around 22k words so while there’s some repeats and adapted existing content there’s a decent chunk of words, words, and more words in there.
-Where appropriate some assignments also have improved text for you not being present where what was there before was very basic like the Draenei Farm. This also includes new submissive specific content on Lead Astray, Raid High Elven Dwelling, and Gone for a Soldier.
-You can now go on Quick as You Like yourself in a solo choice driven mini-adventure.
-Massive corruption overhaul including with all the old corruptions split into four new categories, new options, and the chance to use it on your slavers, or to have your slavers use it on your. New corruptions include gaining powerful aspects, most of the super negatives from the scenarios/tf edition, some of the slave wear outcomes like adherent of pain/baby doll, long requested changes like gaining bimbo/sissy/exceptional beauty, and many more.
-One of the new options for corruption is checking the portents beforehand which involves six schools of thought of how corruption may or may not work, and can give some clue of just what you about to do by invoking such power.
-There are three new aspects gainable purely through corruption, Anointed One has been improved and is also now only gainable from corruption, and the limit of aspects has increased from three to five for everyone.
-Pretty Maid, Exhibitionist, Anal Slut, and Oral Fixation along with being able to be gained from corruption have received improvements, including new examine text for new examine text for the first two. These and other aspects can now affect estimated slave value.
-The Nightly Activity to corrupt the encampment also gives the bonus to your slavers as well as you doing it.
-New Auction event rewarding visible corruption.
-Added the following new commissions: For the Lead Astray, Hold Back the Dark, and ‘Toll’ Bridge assignments. For female Ogre examine and scout the deep mountains. For advanced blowjob training and slave Shadow Outcasts. For ‘Toll’ Bridge. For Ori’Nek slaves that will also be used for an assignment in the next update. The new commission for the male draenei portrait as a new starting option.
-New Keldan starting option, new Draenei unique slaver, and new Keldan unique slaver with commissioned art from one of my patrons. Both of the new Keldans have their own specific lore pages.
-Believe I’ve solved the RAGS 3 issues so if you’d prefer much faster load times at the cost of needing to update the text and broken boxes you should be okay using it now.
-Eye improvements including proper heterochromia generation both as a corruption, and a potential to start with (much more likely for nekos). I’ve also made improvements to the examine text for better variation and later expansion.
-Rearranged the examine description for those with longer sentences talking about their boobs.
-Added a mechanic previously to attempt to mix up which slaves were use which has now been enabled. Slavers should now be more choosy especially with slaves of low condition when better ones are available.
-Elves have discovered the secret of goblin pussy tightness along with demi-angels, fallen, and succubi with those heritages, while there made some wording/trait including improvements.
-Updated many of the old assignments that were using the old xp system to the new timer (should be no visibility front end outside of you not gaining individual xp).
-Lots more backend refactoring mainly focusing on clothing/armour which should fix the outstanding problems with those, the examines which among other issues will provide a fix for sissification and babydoll removing corrupted hair, and skill checks.
-Improvements to the mount and pet generators.
-Your make use of choice is now cleared after it’s taken place which should fix some issues.
-Untying petrified slaves will now have a different more appropriate Patreon.
-You will no longer attempt to break slave’s mind with dominator when caring for them.
-Reduced the size of golems in general so they’re still big, but not quite as big.
-Due to text overload at the beginning of the game, I’ve move some of the acknowledgements to where the art sources are.
-Added a list of the aspects prior to the glossary for them.
-Fix for the biomancy on you issues.
-Fix for taking Recruiter/Strong Right Arm more than once.
-Fix for succubus strong right arm summonees having their race be overwritten.
-Fix for the stimulating stimulation armour of over stimulating.
-Fix for certain races messing up biomancy.
-Fix for drow outcast issue.
-Fix for recruited mercenaries turned into slavers thinking they’re banned from the slave pit.
-Fix for one of the High Elf trait packages not working correctly.
-Fix for the final slave to slaver promotion assignment messing up the busy slavers number.
-Fix for changing certain preferences removing the Dominant trait.
-Fix for your clothing not helping out with being friendly and seduction on your slavers.
-Fix for Heavenly Debauchery not boosting Seductive correctly.
-Fix for Sneaky not helping with Wounding/Removal.
-Fix for being able to try repeated biomancy attempts on the same day after a slaver has already turned you down.
-Fix for the ‘slave?’ CT error in town.
-Fix for double trainers.
-Fix for the old Corrupt rather than newer Depraved on Scout the Deep Mountains.
-Fix for the non-Kitsune present variant on Diplomacy version of Tall Tales.
-Some text fixes.
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