Loser v0.02.01

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Last update: 2019-08-22

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Loser v0.02.01

Loser is brought to you by xGames in our large porn games collection. Free access to this sex game is served with just a few clicks. All new games and different updates are are always available for you on xGames.


PC, Mac, Linux
Game rating: 5 94

Loser: screenshots

Loser screenshot 0Loser screenshot 1Loser screenshot 2Loser screenshot 3Loser screenshot 4Loser screenshot 5

xGames opinion:

The game speak up itself by it’s title there (if you can’t the beat the game). Iam quite shock on how complex and detailed the game mechanism is. If you are looking for a challenging yet also related about life sims this one will fit for you. The tutorial itself little rough in my opinion people would still confused progressing the game where do you need to start what to do and your main objective is up to you as probably doing and focussed on improving girls relationship is the close one that I think is the main objective. There is no story, it’s just more likely incest since girls around you right now (I don’t really sure if they are going to added more but the chance is high). Improving your skills, unlocking achievement and skills, your stats, and money are also part of the game so yep. The resolution is quite bit annoying actually hope the developer could make an improvement on that one or add resolution setting in the menu instead just audio. It’s just too much in detail for a game I guess could be simplified but it makes a diffrent among other games.

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