Kaiju Princess 2 is available here in our large porn games collection. Free access to this sex game is served with just a few clicks. All new games and different updates are are always available for you on daily basis by xGames.
Two years after the chaos caused by the first Kaiju Princess, the world finds itself under threat once again. A new and mischievous Kaiju girl has arrived, ready to wreak havoc! Guide her destructive powers while managing her quirky personality and daily life. Can you balance being her caretaker and saving the city from full devastation?
Last update: 2024-12-13
Released: 2024-12-13
Creator (developer): PantyParrot
Censored: No
Version: 1.01 + DLC
OS: Windows
Language: English, Japanese, Chinese
Other Games:
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Whats new (last changes):
Bug Fixes:Resolved several crashes during dialogue interactions.Fixed an issue where CG scenes failed to load properly in specific story routes.Addressed occasional soft-locks during interactive city events.Improvements:Optimized performance for smoother gameplay on lower-end systems.Added quality-of-life enhancements to the UI, including quicker save/load options.Improved text display for dialogue clarity and consistency.Content Updates:Added 2 new CG scenes for character interactions (specific characters unnamed to avoid spoilers).Implemented minor dialogue refinements for better story immersion.Enhanced background art details for 2 additional locations.
Developer Notes:
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Kaiju Princess 2 [v1.01 + DLC] [PantyParrot]: screenshots
Kaiju Princess 2 is a visually stunning, management-style game that will leave you on the edge of your seat. Join the protagonist in guiding a mischievous new Kaiju girl as she wreaks havoc and saves the city from devastation. With immersive gameplay, unique outfits to collect, and an engaging story, this game has it all! Download now and experience the exciting world of Kaiju Princess 2.