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“Joker” is set in the time period commonly known as the “Old West” or “Wild West” in the United States of America. The protagonist of the game is a young man nicknamed Wild, who lives in a quiet Native American village. Years ago, the village was hit by something its inhabitants have since called “The Great Disaster”. In order to seal the forces that caused the catastrophe, Wild’s father sacrificed his own life. Now, the ceremonial day of the White Magic approaches. The youngest in the line of witches, a girl named Laura, must predict the future for the village and the world. For an unknown reason, Laura is unable to see into the future. Concerned, the village elder sends Wild on a mission to the nearby town, to find out what could cause this and if there is a way to prevent the Great Disaster from returning…
Last update: 2024-12-15
Released: 1991-09-05
Creator (developer): Birdy Soft
Censored: Yes
Version: Final i guess… older than all of yas…..
OS: Windows
Language: Japanese….then English after the ai catches up, AI MTL
Translator: Gemutai –
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Joker [Final] [Birdy Soft]: screenshots
Jump on a thrilling adventure in the wild west with Joker [Final] [Birdy Soft]. Help Wild, the protagonist, uncover the secrets behind ‘The Great Disaster’ and prevent it from striking again. Guide Laura, the youngest witch, to predict the future and save the village. This classic game offers an immersive experience with its rich storyline, stunning graphics, and exciting genre elements. Don’t miss out on this nostalgic journey enhanced by AI translation for non-Japanese speakers. Download now and relive the adventure!