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Iragon v0.53

Demo version:No
Engine:Unreal Engine
Last update: 2019-10-08

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The best way to tell you about this game is to tell you how we came up with the idea. Everyone at Repulse loves anime. Especially fantasy stuff like Full Metal Alchemist, Attack on Titan, Berserk.

: More info
We have been making VR games for 3 years now. When we finished our last project the question came up. What if, we could bring what we love most about fantasy anime to a full interactive VR experience.
We didn’t want to do just a story that you can watch. Or just the sex, or just a battle system. We want everything: A story, To participate in the battles, To fly through skies using a grappling hook, To explore an anime world, choices, and to do whatever we feel like with sexy anime girls.
All of this in full VR, and of course with the option to play without VR.
We are putting together some of the pieces. We have an early pre-alpha that you can check out. We will update it every 2 weeks and also provide changelogs, and videos explaining the changes.

IMPORTANT! There will be adult content in future builds. Everything shown thus far is subject to change.​

Last update: : 2019-10-04
Released: : 2019-09-27
Creator (developer): : Repulse – – –
Censored: No
Version: 0.53
OS: Windows
Language: English
Voices: English
Other game:

3D Game, Male Protagonist, Virtual Reality, Voiced, Adventure, Combat, Fantasy, No Sexual Content, Romance,

Install instructions: :

1. Extract VR or Non-VR build (depending on what you want to play).
2. Run the Iragon.exe file.

Whats new (last changes):

Build 27.09.19
Loading screens – There used to be these gaps in gameplay where you just got a black screen while the next level loads, but there was no indication that you were waiting for a new level. To stop the confusion, we have added a loading screen that has the logo and tells you that it’s loading.
Unlock item prompt – Finding an item or person in the world now shows you a prompt that tells you where you have to go to use or interact with what you have found.
Gallery – The gallery, finally got some love and a devent design. Now all we have to do is capture some nice moments from your adventure that you might want to look at and reminisce.
New sounds – Some of the more notable new sounds are those of the collectables, the chest opening and the prompt sounds. You might also notice that when you upgrade a spell, you get a sound corresponding to the type of spell.
Build 13.09.19
Rita – A new lady enters the world of Iragon. Rita can be found at the end of the demo. She is in the company of the other girls. I’d say that’s good company.
Paige’s hair – Paige got bored with her black hair and she wanted to stand out a bit more from the others. So she decided that coloring her hair hot pink is the best solution.
Entering the camp – Going to the camp at any point though the menu felt a bit off. You can’t do that anymore. Instead you have to find places all over the map where you can set up your camp if you want to upgrade your spells.
Upgrade menu – Speaking of spells, we have a new menu. It’s fullly redesigned and has icons for all the spells and their upgrades.
Locked girls – The girls in the camp are no longer all there from the start. In their place you get silhouettes to hint that they are locked. To get a girl to appear in the camp, you first need to find her out in the world and then she will grace you with her company.
Camp improvements – As for the camp itself, there are some small changes. We moved some things around and scaled things a bit better. We hope it feels nicer over there and that the feng shui is better.
Boob physics – We made some changes to the way boobs interact with your hands in VR. Hopefully now it’s a pleasant enough experience that will provide our players with endless boob touching fun.
Makeup – The girls from the gang had a ladies night out and came back with some changes. Other than Paige’s new hair and the new girl, Rita, they all got new makeup. We think that they were pretty as they were, but you know, girls will be girls.
Build 30.08.2019
Upgrades NPC – With all the new spells and weapons and everything, things were beginning to turn into chaos. Hopefully, with our new friend, who we lovingly named, the upgrade NPC, things will be a bit more structured from now on. Oh, I’m just kidding. That’s not his name. It’s the spell dude, or Dan the upgrade man. Okay, we’ll get back to you with the final name. The point is that you can now go to this particular NPC for all your upgrade needs.
Potential love interests – There sure are a lot of girls hanging around in the camp and if you play your cards right and choose the correct approach for each of them, you can get them to show you a good time. That is, do a sexy little dance for you. For now the system is quite primitive, but we will show it some love in the near future and it will become quite an interesting part of the game.
Dummy punching bag – Everyone thinks they’re a tough guy but have never proved it to be true. Now the people over at the camp level have it all figured out. They have a fighting dummy that shows you how much damage you do with each hit. That way you can actually prove how tough you are.
New Camp level – We really like the idea of the camp level but it was just a bit empty in its graybox state. So, naturally, we added art and made it all pretty and cozy.
Build 16.08.2019
Code Name Wildlander – Wildlander is the name we have given to the new costume for Darick. It looks quite different from the last costume he had. Hopefully it makes him look more like the aspiring hero he is.
Annah’s kinky side – Annah has always been the damsel in distress. But as the old saying goes “Girls just wanna have fun” and I guess it’s true. She now has an alternative outfit that’s quite a bit more provocative than her green dress.
Mana orbs everywhere! – Up to this point we had these big levels with no reason to explore them. Well that’s not the case anymore. There are mana orbs floating around the levels. Now, you may ask “But what do I need the beautiful orbs of pure magical energy for?”, and that’s a good question.
Going camping – Oh, what’s this? A camp that you can access from anywhere in the world and use to fiddle around in your inventory. What? There’s more to do in the camp! You can interact with charming young ladies in order to upgrade your spells, health and mana in exchange for the mana orbs from the last paragraph! Well isn’t that convenient?
Pause menu – No one is forcing you to go to the camp to take a breather though. You can just hit escape and go grab a coffee, use the restroom, do your daily blood sacrifice to the goat demons, check your e-mail or do whatever you want, without having to worry about the game.
Gallery – Here’s another new feature that will definitely get better with time. Talking to the girls in the camp gives you access to a gallery with pictures that will eventually be full of all the girls. So far it’s just the same picture over and over again.
Build 02.08.2019
NPC – After you have obtained a good amount of mana orbs you will then be able to exchange those orbs with an NPC. You have two options: you can either upgrade your mana or your health. More mana equals more spells you can use to destroy your enemies. More health is just more health.
Mana orbs – While on your journey you will find mana orbs in the levels that you can collect. There is no way to miss them they’re glowing and have cool particle effects. You will be able to see how many orbs you have.
Inventory – A traveler should have a place to carry the treasures they find and the weapons they wield. This is why we have added an inventory where you can stash all the goods you get.
Collectable weapons – Hidden in the ancient lands of Iragon lie collectable weapons that improve the fighting skills of the owner. One of these weapons is an amazing axe that will grant you melle abilities.
Dynamic camera movement – Moving around in the world of Iragon is more immersive. With the new dynamic camera movement fighting, grappling and movement in general looks more realistic.
New tutorial level – We decided to take a new approach to the tutorial to see what works best for the players.
Build 19.07.2019
Spells and enchantments – We know that you might have gotten bored of just using fire to slay your enemies. Well guess what. We have a big change for you this week. All four of our current spells are available for testing now. You now have fire, lightning and ice. Unique spells, unique weapon enchantments, unique effects, unique sounds, unique everything. This ought to be a fun one.
Darick – After all this time spent playing as a blank placeholder for a main character, we finally added our protagonist. His name is Darick and he is a strapping young lad with blond hair and blue eyes. Like him or not, you have to admit that he is a huge improvement from the blank faceless expression on the placeholder’s face.
Page & Lucia – We got a bit tired of Annah being the only girl in the world of Iragon. After many long hours, it’s finally time for a big reveal. Ladies and gentlemen, we present to you, Paige and Lucia. Pretty faces and beautiful figures aren’t the only things that these girls bring to the table. They also have some killer dance moves. Mainly because they aren’t yet implemented into the levels properly, but you can find them dancing next to a fire right after the swinging section.
Captain – The knights are stronger and cooler than ever but they are simple foot soldiers. That means that they usually have someone guiding them and giving them orders. That burden falls on the shoulders of the captain. Like the regular knights, he is a foot soldier, but he wields a big axe and orders the regular knights around. He also boosts their morale and I assume that their pumped up battlecries pump him up as well.
Crow knight – Knights come in all shapes and sizes and it just so happens that some have crow heads. Well, crow helmets at least. For now there is only one and he is stuck in a T pose but he at least he is in the company of the dancing Page and Lucia.
Destructibles – Killing bad guys is fun and all, but what is violence without a bit of destruction to go along with it? You may not be able to hit people with tables and tables with people like in a Jackie Chan movie, but we added a little something to satisfy your destructive needs. Barrels! Destructible barrels. With sounds. Hey, it’s a start.
Build 04.07.2019
Baby’s first grapple – We noticed that a lot of players were having trouble the first time they encountered swinging and they were dying a bunch. And it makes sense. Players need to learn a new mechanic in an environment that does not give them much leeway for experimentation. That’s why we made the gap that they have to swing over quite a bit smaller. Hopefully this translates to an easier and more pleasant learning experience.
Soldier should be able to fight – We think that the armored soldiers in Iragon look pretty cool. However, we also think that they have no clue how to fight. So, we sent them off to knight college and they came back quite more proficient at the art of the blade. They now approach you with their shields up and once they reach you, they will try to surround you and attack you from all directions. They will also divide their forces between you and your companions who decide to put up a fight.
Mages – Bulky guys in armor is good and all, but what is a fantasy world without mages? These slippery arcane tricksters will throw fireballs at you from a safe distance and try to teleport away once you come near them.
Health bars – Mages and soldiers who can actually fight. Things seem to have gotten a bit harder but don’t worry, we have given the player a tiny bit of help too. You will now see health bars above the enemies. Hopefully this will make it easier to prioritize enemies with lower health and make fighting groups of baddies less of a threat.
Sword fighting animations – With our new combat system we needed cool new animations. So we put some in. Fighting with swords looks way better now, regardless of if you are using one sword in one of your hands or dual wielding.
Main menu sounds – The main menu of Iragon might still be in a very early stage of its development but that doesn’t mean that it shouldn’t even have sound effects.
Red tree crowns – They are now red. Sounds weird but it’s true. The red tree crowns stand out way more in our snowy swinging level and it makes it way easier to plan your route of swinging. Bushes are also the same color. Hopefully that helps players realize that they can grapple to them to make their lives a bit easier.
New rocks – We have made new rocks to replace the old ones, that looked like they were pulled straight out of a game from 2005. The new rocks look way better and go a long way towards making the whole level more pleasant to look at.
Swinging level art – The first swinging level has gone through many, many changes and has stayed in graybox for far too long now. Those days are over. It is now almost entirely finished and we hope you like it.
Build 20.06.2019
Combat – We decided to spice up the fighting in Iragon by making it a bit more dynamic. Now you can choose between wielding a sword or a magic spell in each hand. If you feel like going full melee, just equip two swords. And if spells are more your thing use both hands to cast.
Dodge and Stagger – With new ways to fight we also needed some new mechanics to make things even more interesting. When you hit an enemy it staggers for a second, giving you a chance to reposition. If they do get to you and try to land a hit, try dodging out of the way.
Weapon enchanting – If you have a fiery spell in one hand and a sword in the other, you can choose to enchant your sword with the spell. You still keep the spell in one hand but the sword in the other is enveloped in flames.
Equipment menu – New weapon/spell loadouts means that we need a new way of selecting what to equip in each hand. That’s why we made a simple menu for each hand, with which you can change your fighting strategy on the fly.
Level changes – We have been working on a few levels that are not available in the build that we give to testers. This is not because we don’t want them to be seen. We just need time to make them nice and interesting for the players so that they are not disappointed when they finally get to play them. This time we changed the beginning of one of the levels with a beautiful cave with glowing red crystals that you can grapple to. We might have also added a few secret paths and places in there.
Swords – We have some history with swords. We had one when we first started making Iragon. Then we decided that we will only be doing spells and removed it. Well, as you might have read at the start of this changelog, we added the sword back. Not only that, but it now has a fancy new model and it looks great. The soldiers also have two new swords. Your sword also leaves a trail when you swing it.
Sounds – Oh boy, there are quite a few new sounds in the game. While walking around, you might notice that there are three new sounds for stepping on snow and three for stepping on stone. When fighting with a sword you will hear three new sounds when hitting an enemy and the sound of blood flying. And if your sword happens to be on fire, you will hear another three new sounds. Spells also have new sound effects.
Other sounds – So far I have told you about what happens when you hit an enemy, but what about when an enemy hits you? There are now sounds for Darick taking damage. And if things aren’t going well and you end up with low health, you will hear your own heartbeat and all other sounds will go numb.
Ambient – There are new ambient sounds in the cave in the beginning of one of the new levels. The cool thing is that the cave ambient makes a smooth transition into the ambient sounds from outside of the cave.

Win: – – –
PC, Mac, Linux
Game rating: 5 88

Iragon: screenshots

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Try to be a good player and take what you want. And it will be not just simple robots, there will be a lot of familiar characters that you will met.​ What will you do? Will you be a good man? Will you abuse your power and authority? Try now!

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