![Duel Savior Justice/Destiny [COMPLETED] Duel Savior Justice/Destiny [COMPLETED]](/wp-content/uploads/screenshots/mk2/mk23e2cxul-nbsp-Duel-Savior-JusticeDestiny-xgames-poster.jpg)
There is a prophecy that every 1000 years, when the destruction draws near, the Messiah will come from a different world to the root world of Avatar and save them all.
Mia Touma, while returning home from school, finds an old but highly decorated book. When she shows it to her brother, Taiga, the book teleports them to another world – Avatar.
When they awaken, they find themselves in a world reminiscent of Medieval Europe. Before they understand what’s happening, an energetic woman comes before them and tells them they have become Savior Candidates.
They must use the training they learn at the school to defeat the Lords of Ruin and Ruin itself to save Avatar and every other world along with their friends. However, Taiga finds he has become the Red Apostle, which complicates matters greatly. What is going on with the fight with Ruin? Will he actually be able to become the Messiah and save Avatar?
Title: Duel Savior
Original Title: Duel Savior
Aliases: デュエル・セイヴァー, ds, dsj, dsd
VN Lenght: Long (30 – 50 Hours)
Release Date: 01/10/2004 (Japanese) – 01/10/2012 (English patch)
Developers: &
Publishers: & (Japanese) – (English patch)
Censorship: Yes (Mosaic)
Version: Final
OS: Windows
Language: English
Voice: Japanese
Install instructions
2- Click on the “Setup.exe” without AppLocale (or if doesn’t work, then use AppLocale as administrator). Click on the first option marked to the left and don’t worry about the strange font. Next is the location on which the game will be installed. You can leave “C:” or change it. Click once again the first option to the left, then “Yes” (this is a prompt in which tells you that the folder doesn’t exist and then the installer will create that folder), and then wait for the fulld installation. Press “Ok” at the end and close the setup with the right option.
3- Download and extract the patch provided and then follow the instructions within the archive, the “readme.txt” file.
4- Play with AppLocale!
Important – Torrent Info:
(Preferred Download)
Run Duel Savior.exe or DuelSaviorMod.exe.Duel Savior.exe is the original executable from the English patch. It is not compatible with Windows 8 and 10 and you wont be able to switch the game to windowed mode unless you change to 16-bit color.DuelSaviorMod.exe enables windowed mode without changing the color and should fix the typical DirectDraw issues encountered on Windows 8 and 10 but can also be used for Windows XP/Vista/7.The modifications to the DuelSaviorMod.exe consist of the following:Game will use the ddraw implementation from Wine – (renamed as edraw.dll)Game will be able to play in windowed mode regardless of screen color depth. The original game required 16-bit color depth at all times.Game will use Sleep() in the idle loop instead of hammering the clock. This eliminates the excessive CPU consumption from the original exe.Game will use 32-bit color depth for fullscreen. (the 32 is hardcoded)Duel Savior Destiny is the PS2 version, Duel Savior Justice is the adult PC version. Differences between the two versions:
Voice Actor Configuration:By default, PC voices will be used for all content.If you wish to use PS2 voices where they are available, then rename Voice1.pac to Voice2.pac and vice-versa.If you wish to use PS2 battle/system voices, rename Justice2.pac to Justice2PC.pac and rename Justice2PS2.pac to Justice2.pac.See here for a full list and samples of the voice actors: !!! Bugs, Notes, and Issues: Check the file or visit .
!!! Fix making the game playable on Windows 8/10 by binaryfail.
!!! Link for the rest of the fan translated games:
After launching the game and the new game mode, there should be a prompt in which the game ask you for the version you want to play. According to Justice is the PC version (less censored), while “Destiny” it’s the PS2 version (more censored).
Duel Savior Justice/Destiny: screenshots
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