Creature reaction inside the ship! 2 is published on xGames in our large porn games collection. Direct download of this adult game is provided via few clicks. All new games are are always available for you is always here.
Two female members of the space police receive an SOS signal coming from an old, rusted freighter.
As they investigate the strange noise that fills the ship, they see…
Last update: 2021-11-10
Released: 2021-04-11
Creator (developer): Arekara4nen –
Censored: Yes
Version: 1.00
OS: Windows
Language: Japanese, English (Fan Translated)
Voiced: Japanese
Install instructions:
Whats new (last changes):
Developer Notes:
– the conversation part has been made as short as possible!
– all scenes are pre-unlocked!
– you can put mosaics on creatures’ faces
– random voice features to make the same scene fresh!
– 1024×576 (16:9) widescreen resolution
– 60FPS animations
– can be controlled either with a keyboard or mouse.
– voiced with BGM
– Lots of breast assault!
– English UI included
– Video files (MP4) are included as a bonus content
– Normal patterns x 43
– Sped up patterns x 43
– Finishing Scenes etc. x 24
= 110 total patterns + extra
Translator Notes:
All text and voice lines are translated.
Just put the mod folder in the game directory (do not rename this, needs to be named mod to work correctly) and replace the data.xp3 file. You can delete the existing _mod folder if you want.
The game requires your system locale to be Japan or use Locale Emulator, refer to here: How to run Japanese games on Windows
On startup, you’ll get a dialogue asking if you want fullscreen or not.
Then just toggle the language UI from Japanese to English, and enjoy!
Creature reaction inside the ship! 2: screenshots
Enter an world of meetings with your wishes. Free download from MEGA or other file hostings right now, unzip, easy install and play this adult game.
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