The story takes place in the continent of Briuna, more precisely in the kingdom of Olaron. In this kingdom the Order of the Illuminated, the main religion there, foresaw that evil forces are rising to take over the world, so a young nun named Mivinna was given the task to find the choosen by the gods, which is Linnora, a young and skilled berserker, who likes to fight wearing almost nothing. Follow the adventures of these two in their quest to save the world (and maybe finding some clothes for Linnora).
Last update: : 2019-03-10
Released: : 2019-03-10
Creator (developer): : BlackBarba –
Censored: No
Version: 0.1.0
OS: Windows
Language: English
Install instructions: :
Whats new (last changes):
First release
Briuna’s Chronicles – HeroRise: screenshots
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