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This is a story about a typical guy who still lives with his mom and due to unexpected circumstances will have to help an alien girl. Traveling across our galaxy, an alien girl got attacked by a hostile race. Her ship crashed near the protagonist’s city and therefore having no other ways she escaped through the cave, which leads her to sewers and a secret bunker.
Other aliens are haunting her, wanting to turn her into a sex slave because of her species.
Right after shipwrecking, she activated an automaton, which was her only protection before she met Arron.
Last update: 2021-01-29
Released: 2021-01-28
Creator (developer): JimReynor
Censored: No
Version: 0.1.0
OS: Windows
Language: English
Install instructions:
Whats new (last changes):
Developer Notes:
Progress of every aspect of the game:
Real time system 100%Lighting system 70%Weather system 0%Mechanic development 23%Map development 10%Development of 3D characters 15%Development of audio support 17%Event programming 5%Battle system 0%
ArronHD: screenshots
Enter an virtual world of meetings with your wishes. Free download from MEGA or other file hostings right now, unzip, easy install in a couple of minutes and play this porn game.
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