Alien Temptation is available here in our large porn games collection. Free access to this adult game is provided with just a few clicks. All new games and different updates are delivered to you is always here.
One night, caught in the middle of something shady, you wake up on a mysterious spaceship. The commander greets you with a chilling revelation, thrusting you into an unsettling journey through the ship’s dark, wet, and enigmatic corridors. Every step you take brings you closer to the truth or deeper into the void. Will you uncover the ship’s secrets, or will you be lost in the shadows? It’s all up to…
Last update: 2024-12-02
Released: 2024-12-02
Creator (developer): Oiwa Kuna – – –
Censored: No
Version: Free
OS: Windows
Language: English
Install instructions:
Whats new (last changes):
Some Collision Bugs Fixed Optimization Improved Some UI Bugs Fixed
Free Version
Initial Release
Developer Notes:
What you have here is the free version, which only includes Sector 1 and one character.
Other version is available on Patreon. So, what perks does it have?
Let me explain:
A massive section of the spaceship opens: Sector 2.You can control Ruby, a very sexy and passionate female character.Dress Ruby in various sexy outfits.A larger map with more story and dialogue.More dangerous AIs.Sexual interactions with rescued NPCsClick here to get the version now, space travelers!
Win: – – –
Alien Temptation [Free Version] [Oiwa Kuna]: screenshots
Jump on an unsettling journey through the mysterious corridors of a spaceship in Alien Temptation, a thrilling and enigmatic game by Oiwa Kuna. As you uncover the ship’s dark secrets, will you face the truth or be lost forever in its void? Experience 3DCG graphics, 3D gameplay, and provocative content as you guide your male protagonist through the ship’s many dangers. Download now to take the first step into this captivating and chilling adventure!