Accidental Woman is an interactive fiction life sim game for adults. It’s built in Twine Sugarcube, and can be played on most OSes and smartphones. In the game, you take the role of a recently single and unemployed man who takes the offer of a longtime friend to move to the secluded town of Appletree. Due to an unfortunate accident, you find yourself fullly transformed into a woman, and will have to deal with far more than just transitioning to small-town life!
Accidental Woman is an interactive fiction life sim game for adults. It’s built in Twine Sugarcube, and can be played on most OSes and smartphones. In the game, you take the role of a recently single and unemployed man who takes the offer of a longtime friend to move to the secluded town of Appletree. Due to an unfortunate accident, you find yourself fullly transformed into a woman, and will have to deal with far more than just transitioning to small-town life!
Last update: : 2019-01-07
Released: : 2019-01-07
Creator (developer): :
Censored: No
Version: 0.17.0 Public
Language: English
Transformation, Rape, Bdsm, Pregnancy, Fantasy, Female MC, Simulation, Boobs
Install instructions
1- Extract to desired location.
2- Click on “accidental woman.html” to start playing.
2- Click on “accidental woman.html” to start playing.
Whats new (last changes):
❖ Added the interact system to the game.
➢ Operates independently of Twine passage navigation, allowing persistent content without interrupting the flow of the game.
➢ Can load passages and content, and otherwise act like a separate instance of twine.
➢ State and content of the interact system is saved with game saves.
➢ Allows executing functions and custom code on window open and close.
❖ Improved the end-of-week summary display, fixed some issues with displayed values.
❖ Revised persistent game stats system
➢ New display of achievements and unlocks
➢ New functions to save achievements and unlocks as acquired, and check for specific unlocks.
❖ The Jobbening, part deux
➢ New functions to assign a job and handle promotions, job changes, and demotions.
➢ Conversion of old twine job data format to JS.
➢ The three Institute career paths expanded with 2 new ranks each.
➢ New Maid Pouffiasse career path [infull] (not available without dev tools).
➢ Improved time/schedule calculation, work outcomes & text.
➢ New event in the services division (janitor) career path.
❖ Expanded School System
➢ 3 new schools added to the game (Maid Pouffiasse, The Oldest Profession, Mrs. Fubb’s Parlor) for a total of 8.
➢ Schools have full description of the school itself as well as individual courses.
➢ School class expanded to allow unique events, event changes, and content.
➢ Many courses now have their own unique content for taking the class or share from a larger pool of content unique to the school.
➢ Total new content in schools is apx 13,500 words.
❖ Orifice stretching added for game characters.
➢ Orifices stretch based on size of insertion, wetness, and current status of the orifice.
▪ Stretching divided into two categories, temporary and permanent.
▪ Temporary stretching naturally recovers with time. Permanent stretching persists.
• The most likely time for permanent stretching would be upon losing one’s virginity and giving birth. Items will exist to “rejuvenate” stretched orifices (or use cheats).
➢ Monster Tamer Studio WILL result in some stretching.
❖ Several new actions such as exercise and masturbation are available in the home and residential areas
➢ Intended to help the player control stats at the expense of time.
❖ New encyclopedia entries for male mutations and children.
❖ New “Fake” NPC system
➢ Generates low-data NPCs to use to help populate Appletree
➢ NPCs are generated based on player settings
➢ Fake NPCs can be fed into procedural generator and converted into full NPCs
❖ Schedule generator to read NPC schedule data and apportion them to likely places around appletree.
❖ Combined Map NPC system that uses full & fake NPCs to place npcs in town, based on the relative popularity of the area and time of day.
❖ NPC suicide system is fully functional.
➢ System reads NPC data to determine if they are safe to delete.
➢ Scoring function will rank NPCs by popularity with the player to delete NPCs that are less popular
▪ This is to maintain a fairly constant number of NPCs in the game when fake NPCs are converted into full NPCs.
❖ Menu Conversion Progress
➢ More of the game menus are now part of the unified game menu.
▪ Theme menu added, with improved functionality.
• New phone backgrounds now available!
➢ NPC viewer menus have been added (nearby, acquaintances, friends, lovers).
▪ Allows you to browse through matching NPCs, shows basic information about the NPC, and gives the option to open the detail viewer or text an NPC with your phone.
➢ NPC Detail viewer is now available.
▪ Viewable information is based on what you know about the NPC
• Automatic functions to unlock this information are not implemented.
▪ Viewer isn’t full, only some fields are available.
❖ New arcade game available in the Applewood Mall in the Pleasure Buzzer Arcade.
❖ Broad testing of existing game code, bug fixes and improvements as a result.
➢ Fixes for problems in the sex scene system
▪ Loading gif displays between action selections
➢ Fixes to the character creation unlocks (unlocked via door lock/burger extruder codes), extra character creation options are once-again available.
➢ Fixes to character creation fertility calculation, proper fertility values for PC now calculated.
➢ Plenty of small fixes and improvements all over the place!
NONE. Seriously. Old saves and templates will crash your game, and you’ll have to restart. Trust me, they don’t work. Backward compatibility was killed by the whole new data structure and auto-backwardcompatibility work so that we don’t have to worry about this in future releases.
Known Issues:
There are bugs. I didn’t have any play test volunteers this time, but the level of fuckery was high anyway so it would have been hard to utilize.
• The sex scene system seems to be running slowly. Partially because of the contrast with the other
game areas being so fast now, but also I suspect an area in need of optimization.
• There are several instances where you will see something like ↂ.pc.example.words. This is a result of the conversion of the data system, and 99% of them have been reported corrected as of this release.
The below bugs were already reported and have been fixed, but remain in version 14.1:
• Complete switch to TypeScript with exception of SugarCube source, libraries, and some minor files
I have a reason not to convert (build process).
• Large shift to data framework, primarily to make other things possible.
• Dramatic improvement to game performance. Passage transition speed isnow 20 to 40 times faster depending on the game area. Other code areas range from 3 to 12 times faster than before.
• This was tested on high-end machines, lower-end machines will see a larger improvement in performance.
• Game save system performance improved considerably, reducing save and load times by as much as 50%. Again, this will be likely be better on lower-end machines.
• Proper resource file loading, along with a visible loading progress bar.
• In order to ensure that all players can load assets without problems, the full image load
occurs before moving to the start screen. While image load speeds haven’t actually changed
much at all, time spent on the loading screen is longer as a result.
• Complete (re)structuring of character data (PC & NPCs).
• Allows for more reliable and easier to code for data interactions.
• Removes the 5-10 active NPC limit entirely without impacting performance (overall performance considerably improved).
• Will allow for much faster processing of NPC changes/updates/mechanics on sleep and weekreview loading screens.
• Serious amount of bugs killed, including some that prevented certain content/mechanics from working properly or working at all.
Words: 778’379 words
JavaScript Code: 51’407
Words: 404’724 words
• Small amount of additional content added to female start. (about 1,500 words and 5 new images).
• Applewood Mall has been added to the game.
• New map area, with normal navigation and 8 distinct zones.
• Existing clothing stores (except Bullseye) have been moved to be located inside the mall. • The mall has been populated with stores, though they are mostly still placeholders at this point. You can see the different kinds of things that will be available there. • Plenty of little exhibitionist-type things to find throughout the mall, with a little better story explanation this time around.
• A possibly sexy secret hidden in the mall, revealing a little of something in store for Appletree. • Food court populated with functioning food stores.
• Peeper’s Cineplex with classic movie event posters.
• Fast Food Locations have been added to the game • There are 8 fast food-type restaurants, mostly available in the food court, but there are a couple spots downtown that have a stand-alone version.
• Restaurants have flavor text, menu items, and can confer minor benefits to the player upon eating. • Basic nutrition tracking in place to track eating food beyond the “assumed” food consumption. • Two new clothing stores have been added at the mall.
• THOT TOPIC, predictably for goths with lots of black.
• Ball Sack Sportswear for athletic clothing, though currently limited to swimwear. • Two new beauty salons added to the game
• A*Nails in the mall, and The Hand Job Pros downtown.
• Presently only offers hair options, makeup, nails, and other options to be added later. • Has a wider range of styles to learn than at Best Head (Bullseye). • Body condition system refactor & expansion.
• Now a much easier to use system to add various fluids and substances to make bodies dirty.
• Not restricted to limited substances, can track numerous different substances at once dynamically.
• Wet substances dry naturally over time, leaving stains if applicable.
• orifice (vagina & anus) fluids are now tracked using the same system and absorb their contents over time.
• Tied into sex system for semen, and leaked milk now gets on the player’s breasts. • fluid migration/clothing link/automatic sweating/etc. will be later • Showering (and shaving) now in the game.
• Cleans the body of stains/goo • Applies shaving settings to shave on a schedule based on your settings in the grooming menu.
• Custom override settings to allow shaving when not scheduled (or to make shaving manual-only).
• You can now try to wash out your hoo-hoo to remove any substances that are in there. This isn’t as effective as a douche.
• You can use an enema during the shower process if you have an enema kit to clean things out there too.
• Shower speed is now controllable, and you can take a quick, normal, or relaxing shower. Relaxing showers take longer, but are more refreshing. Quick showers are faster but offer little benefit to mental status.
• While body hair has grown in the game for a while, now you can actually remove it. Bushmageddon averted!
• Several restaurants added to downtown Appletree. The restaurants currently have no function, they will serve primarily as a part of dates and hangouts. Price information is listed.
• Improvement to AWR loading code.
• Story format bridge, now less work to specify resources, and more flexibility in the future. (also some potential optimizations)
• Game start loading now a little faster, loading image will display sooner. • Condoms are now properly used in sex scenes. You can offer a condom from your inventory when asking your partner to wear one, or let them wear their own (if they have one.)
• New Location sign display in certain map passages, visually displays the sign for different places in your vicinity.
• Basic UI for AI Training feedback added. • Several minor fixes and improvements throughout. • Of course the AI work.
The Deets:
Lines O’ Javascript: exactly 38,000
Word Count: 709,122
Times SadFlower was virtually slapped: 374
The Broken:
Clothing The outfits/wardrobe functionality is still broken.
Week Review The display is stretched into a super-long page… It’s annoying, but I didn’t have time to start cracking things open to fix it.
Parser You will probably find words that don’t make sense, and possibly see “parse error” text. Please report it! there is a metric fuckton of possible combos to check, so I know I probably didn’t catch them all. You may also notice that the word variety seems off. These are all guesstimate weightings, so if a particular word seems too common or out-of-place, let me know to help me adjust
The New:
The Parser! While there aren’t a ton of uses yet, you can see it in action in the appearance tab of the character menu, when milking yourself, and in the week review in a few places. (squashing bugs squashed any extra time for more demos)
Week Review It’s pretty ugly right now, there’s a conflict going on with the display JavaScript that needs sorted out, but it’s mostly functional. You can see it by sleeping on your first night after the prologue ends (and every Sunday night afterward).
Display Stuff Several items, such as Twatter and relocated items, removed sidebar, new action button system/location, and several other UI updates/changes including finishing the character creation makeover. The action buttons are more functional, they provide shortcuts to common actions, but they’re part display rather than pure function.
Lactation This kind-of got added in by accident, I started working on it in a daze following some thread of logic about needing to know the breast size when engorged with milk for the parser… Anyways, now the player can lactate. Milk will build up, and pressure will need to be relieved. You can milk yourself in the character menu -> actions tab. To become milky, choosing the hyperlactation mutation is the way to go.
❖ Added the interact system to the game.
➢ Operates independently of Twine passage navigation, allowing persistent content without interrupting the flow of the game.
➢ Can load passages and content, and otherwise act like a separate instance of twine.
➢ State and content of the interact system is saved with game saves.
➢ Allows executing functions and custom code on window open and close.
❖ Improved the end-of-week summary display, fixed some issues with displayed values.
❖ Revised persistent game stats system
➢ New display of achievements and unlocks
➢ New functions to save achievements and unlocks as acquired, and check for specific unlocks.
❖ The Jobbening, part deux
➢ New functions to assign a job and handle promotions, job changes, and demotions.
➢ Conversion of old twine job data format to JS.
➢ The three Institute career paths expanded with 2 new ranks each.
➢ New Maid Pouffiasse career path [infull] (not available without dev tools).
➢ Improved time/schedule calculation, work outcomes & text.
➢ New event in the services division (janitor) career path.
❖ Expanded School System
➢ 3 new schools added to the game (Maid Pouffiasse, The Oldest Profession, Mrs. Fubb’s Parlor) for a total of 8.
➢ Schools have full description of the school itself as well as individual courses.
➢ School class expanded to allow unique events, event changes, and content.
➢ Many courses now have their own unique content for taking the class or share from a larger pool of content unique to the school.
➢ Total new content in schools is apx 13,500 words.
❖ Orifice stretching added for game characters.
➢ Orifices stretch based on size of insertion, wetness, and current status of the orifice.
▪ Stretching divided into two categories, temporary and permanent.
▪ Temporary stretching naturally recovers with time. Permanent stretching persists.
• The most likely time for permanent stretching would be upon losing one’s virginity and giving birth. Items will exist to “rejuvenate” stretched orifices (or use cheats).
➢ Monster Tamer Studio WILL result in some stretching.
❖ Several new actions such as exercise and masturbation are available in the home and residential areas
➢ Intended to help the player control stats at the expense of time.
❖ New encyclopedia entries for male mutations and children.
❖ New “Fake” NPC system
➢ Generates low-data NPCs to use to help populate Appletree
➢ NPCs are generated based on player settings
➢ Fake NPCs can be fed into procedural generator and converted into full NPCs
❖ Schedule generator to read NPC schedule data and apportion them to likely places around appletree.
❖ Combined Map NPC system that uses full & fake NPCs to place npcs in town, based on the relative popularity of the area and time of day.
❖ NPC suicide system is fully functional.
➢ System reads NPC data to determine if they are safe to delete.
➢ Scoring function will rank NPCs by popularity with the player to delete NPCs that are less popular
▪ This is to maintain a fairly constant number of NPCs in the game when fake NPCs are converted into full NPCs.
❖ Menu Conversion Progress
➢ More of the game menus are now part of the unified game menu.
▪ Theme menu added, with improved functionality.
• New phone backgrounds now available!
➢ NPC viewer menus have been added (nearby, acquaintances, friends, lovers).
▪ Allows you to browse through matching NPCs, shows basic information about the NPC, and gives the option to open the detail viewer or text an NPC with your phone.
➢ NPC Detail viewer is now available.
▪ Viewable information is based on what you know about the NPC
• Automatic functions to unlock this information are not implemented.
▪ Viewer isn’t full, only some fields are available.
❖ New arcade game available in the Applewood Mall in the Pleasure Buzzer Arcade.
❖ Broad testing of existing game code, bug fixes and improvements as a result.
➢ Fixes for problems in the sex scene system
▪ Loading gif displays between action selections
➢ Fixes to the character creation unlocks (unlocked via door lock/burger extruder codes), extra character creation options are once-again available.
➢ Fixes to character creation fertility calculation, proper fertility values for PC now calculated.
➢ Plenty of small fixes and improvements all over the place!
NONE. Seriously. Old saves and templates will crash your game, and you’ll have to restart. Trust me, they don’t work. Backward compatibility was killed by the whole new data structure and auto-backwardcompatibility work so that we don’t have to worry about this in future releases.
Known Issues:
There are bugs. I didn’t have any play test volunteers this time, but the level of fuckery was high anyway so it would have been hard to utilize.
• The sex scene system seems to be running slowly. Partially because of the contrast with the other
game areas being so fast now, but also I suspect an area in need of optimization.
• There are several instances where you will see something like ↂ.pc.example.words. This is a result of the conversion of the data system, and 99% of them have been reported corrected as of this release.
The below bugs were already reported and have been fixed, but remain in version 14.1:
• Complete switch to TypeScript with exception of SugarCube source, libraries, and some minor files
I have a reason not to convert (build process).
• Large shift to data framework, primarily to make other things possible.
• Dramatic improvement to game performance. Passage transition speed isnow 20 to 40 times faster depending on the game area. Other code areas range from 3 to 12 times faster than before.
• This was tested on high-end machines, lower-end machines will see a larger improvement in performance.
• Game save system performance improved considerably, reducing save and load times by as much as 50%. Again, this will be likely be better on lower-end machines.
• Proper resource file loading, along with a visible loading progress bar.
• In order to ensure that all players can load assets without problems, the full image load
occurs before moving to the start screen. While image load speeds haven’t actually changed
much at all, time spent on the loading screen is longer as a result.
• Complete (re)structuring of character data (PC & NPCs).
• Allows for more reliable and easier to code for data interactions.
• Removes the 5-10 active NPC limit entirely without impacting performance (overall performance considerably improved).
• Will allow for much faster processing of NPC changes/updates/mechanics on sleep and weekreview loading screens.
• Serious amount of bugs killed, including some that prevented certain content/mechanics from working properly or working at all.
Words: 778’379 words
JavaScript Code: 51’407
Words: 404’724 words
• Small amount of additional content added to female start. (about 1,500 words and 5 new images).
• Applewood Mall has been added to the game.
• New map area, with normal navigation and 8 distinct zones.
• Existing clothing stores (except Bullseye) have been moved to be located inside the mall. • The mall has been populated with stores, though they are mostly still placeholders at this point. You can see the different kinds of things that will be available there. • Plenty of little exhibitionist-type things to find throughout the mall, with a little better story explanation this time around.
• A possibly sexy secret hidden in the mall, revealing a little of something in store for Appletree. • Food court populated with functioning food stores.
• Peeper’s Cineplex with classic movie event posters.
• Fast Food Locations have been added to the game • There are 8 fast food-type restaurants, mostly available in the food court, but there are a couple spots downtown that have a stand-alone version.
• Restaurants have flavor text, menu items, and can confer minor benefits to the player upon eating. • Basic nutrition tracking in place to track eating food beyond the “assumed” food consumption. • Two new clothing stores have been added at the mall.
• THOT TOPIC, predictably for goths with lots of black.
• Ball Sack Sportswear for athletic clothing, though currently limited to swimwear. • Two new beauty salons added to the game
• A*Nails in the mall, and The Hand Job Pros downtown.
• Presently only offers hair options, makeup, nails, and other options to be added later. • Has a wider range of styles to learn than at Best Head (Bullseye). • Body condition system refactor & expansion.
• Now a much easier to use system to add various fluids and substances to make bodies dirty.
• Not restricted to limited substances, can track numerous different substances at once dynamically.
• Wet substances dry naturally over time, leaving stains if applicable.
• orifice (vagina & anus) fluids are now tracked using the same system and absorb their contents over time.
• Tied into sex system for semen, and leaked milk now gets on the player’s breasts. • fluid migration/clothing link/automatic sweating/etc. will be later • Showering (and shaving) now in the game.
• Cleans the body of stains/goo • Applies shaving settings to shave on a schedule based on your settings in the grooming menu.
• Custom override settings to allow shaving when not scheduled (or to make shaving manual-only).
• You can now try to wash out your hoo-hoo to remove any substances that are in there. This isn’t as effective as a douche.
• You can use an enema during the shower process if you have an enema kit to clean things out there too.
• Shower speed is now controllable, and you can take a quick, normal, or relaxing shower. Relaxing showers take longer, but are more refreshing. Quick showers are faster but offer little benefit to mental status.
• While body hair has grown in the game for a while, now you can actually remove it. Bushmageddon averted!
• Several restaurants added to downtown Appletree. The restaurants currently have no function, they will serve primarily as a part of dates and hangouts. Price information is listed.
• Improvement to AWR loading code.
• Story format bridge, now less work to specify resources, and more flexibility in the future. (also some potential optimizations)
• Game start loading now a little faster, loading image will display sooner. • Condoms are now properly used in sex scenes. You can offer a condom from your inventory when asking your partner to wear one, or let them wear their own (if they have one.)
• New Location sign display in certain map passages, visually displays the sign for different places in your vicinity.
• Basic UI for AI Training feedback added. • Several minor fixes and improvements throughout. • Of course the AI work.
The Deets:
Lines O’ Javascript: exactly 38,000
Word Count: 709,122
Times SadFlower was virtually slapped: 374
The Broken:
Clothing The outfits/wardrobe functionality is still broken.
Week Review The display is stretched into a super-long page… It’s annoying, but I didn’t have time to start cracking things open to fix it.
Parser You will probably find words that don’t make sense, and possibly see “parse error” text. Please report it! there is a metric fuckton of possible combos to check, so I know I probably didn’t catch them all. You may also notice that the word variety seems off. These are all guesstimate weightings, so if a particular word seems too common or out-of-place, let me know to help me adjust
The New:
The Parser! While there aren’t a ton of uses yet, you can see it in action in the appearance tab of the character menu, when milking yourself, and in the week review in a few places. (squashing bugs squashed any extra time for more demos)
Week Review It’s pretty ugly right now, there’s a conflict going on with the display JavaScript that needs sorted out, but it’s mostly functional. You can see it by sleeping on your first night after the prologue ends (and every Sunday night afterward).
Display Stuff Several items, such as Twatter and relocated items, removed sidebar, new action button system/location, and several other UI updates/changes including finishing the character creation makeover. The action buttons are more functional, they provide shortcuts to common actions, but they’re part display rather than pure function.
Lactation This kind-of got added in by accident, I started working on it in a daze following some thread of logic about needing to know the breast size when engorged with milk for the parser… Anyways, now the player can lactate. Milk will build up, and pressure will need to be relieved. You can milk yourself in the character menu -> actions tab. To become milky, choosing the hyperlactation mutation is the way to go.
Accidental Woman: screenshots
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