“C” for jump (Only on one level) / “Shift” for run.
Do you know the stories like this? You’ve come to get a very good job… but you suddenly realize that it’s not as great as you thought.The story about our heroine, the young maid Mari, is no exception. She got caught in a trap on her first job. A trap that cursed her with an addiction to sex! Now Mari must figure out how to remove the curse, if she can that is…10 base CGs 102 variations! with great text!
“C” for jump (Only on one level) / “Shift” for run.
「こんなストーリー、今までに聞いた事ある?君は、素晴らしい仕事を手に入れる。しかし、それは君が思っていた程素晴らしい仕事では無かった様だ!この物語は、我らがヒロイン、若いメイドのマリの物語。彼女は最初の“シゴト”でワナにかかる。彼女はセックス中毒になる呪いにかかり、そこから逃れる術を見つけなかればならない。基本10のCG、102のバリエーション!«C» =ジャンプ(1つのレベルのみです)
Maid X Demon: Mari’s First Job (PileN): screenshots
Welcome to the adult world with your secret wishes. Free download from MEGA or other file hostings right now, unzip, easy install in a couple of minutes and play this adult game.
Be a smart player and get what you really want. And it will be you next second life, there will be a lot of familiar characters that you’re totally gonna like. What will you do? Will you be a good man? Will you user your power and authority? Try now!