
Demo version:No
Last update: 2020-03-23

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Anthophobia is published on xGames as a part of our best adult games list. Free download of this game is available with just a few clicks. Games like Anthophobia are delivered to you is always here.

*Ver. 2.00

1. Giant female zombie added CV: Mafuyu Hiiragi

2. Three(exclude special monster) new monsters added

3. Three new boss monsters added

4. Ending for each female zombie added

5. +about 25(or more depends on how to count it?) H pixel animation added

6. +5 new gold cards added

7. Chapter 4 and 5 added for new Ending

8. More Achievement added

9. Changed to New UI

10. Player now can change Window size by visiting option tab

11. Boss trial mode added

12. New Illustration from Kome Tsuyuta

13. New Illustration from Jotti

+30 H pixel animation added

Total +75 H pixel animation

+10 new illustration added

Total +29 Game over illustration + @

* Ver.

Anthophobia is side-scrolling action survival horror.

Play as the protagonist who kept herself hidden in her apartment for three months.

Her apartment is falling apart. and water is disconnected.

Now she needs a new shelter.

1. Please test the demo before full purchase:

If the game is too slow, please go to [Option] -> [Light effect on] -> [Light effect off] and try again.

If the game is still slow even when the light effect is off, then the full version may not work as well.

2. If you are using Avast, the antivirus software, please turn it off:

Avast blocks the game sometime, this could be the reason why the game is not working.

* Please check the trial version to confirm compatibility.

Average play time : about 5 ~ 6 hours


1. Fixed : Dead body for butlerino bob goes invisible during gameplay

2. Fixed : Typo on Achievement

3. Fixed : Achievement was not showing properly

4. Fixed : Giant female zombie’s jail door not making sound

5. Added : Aim sensitivity support function on FPS mode(use X key to operate)

6. Fixed : Boss 2 freezing bug

7. Changed : Boss 2’s landmine is now breakable

8. Changed : Boss 2’s Grab attack became harder to escape

9. Changed : Boss 2 now jump more often

10. Fixed : Chapter 1.5 tile was misplaced

11. Fixed : Chapter 4 tile was misplaced

12. Fixed : Now Achievement “Witness Fusion” works properly

13. Fixed : “Don’t play with fire while being controlled” achievement was impossible to obtain while wearing cloth but now it fixed.


PC, Mac, Linux
Game rating: 5 78

Anthophobia: screenshots

Anthophobia screenshot 0Anthophobia screenshot 1Anthophobia screenshot 2Anthophobia screenshot 3

xGames opinion:

Anthophobia is a side-scrolling survival horror hentai game set after a horrific disease has swept the Earth, turning humans into mutated plant-like zombies obsessed with sexual stimulation. At the start of the game, the seasons change and a young girl decides that she must find a new shelter. Equipped with a pipe, a handgun, a few Molotov cocktails and a handful of glow sticks, she steps out of her apartment into the ravaged remnants of a once great civilization. Anthophobia’s gameplay is slow and methodical. You’ll control a young girl as she makes her way through infested streets and buildings, guided by radio messages openly broadcast by another survivor. Most of the time, you’ll try to make your way to the end of the level, which is often locked behind locked doors and other obstacles, forcing you to navigate dangerous areas in search of solutions.

We have 2 collections. Both are the same version and work as a mirror if one of the versions is expired/dead.


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