Slobbish Dragon Princess 3 is brought to you by xGames in our large porn games collection. Direct download of this sex game is available with just a few clicks. New and only best games are are always available for you on daily basis by xGames.
A few weeks have passed since the tumult of Iris, the Rainbow Dragon, leading her Sea Dragons to Earth to take over the world’s oceans. The dragons’ attitudes have softened since then. They no longer threaten to annihilate anyone who gets too close to the sea, for one. Humanity and dragonkind are beginning to adjust to a new world of coexistence, although for now many questions remain. This, however, is a complex matter on a global scale.
“I hope these days can last forever.”
Our protagonist thinks to himself, leaving his wish unspoken. As the end of August approaches, the town shopping district is beginning preparations for a festival to mark the end of summer. This will be the first summer festival ever experienced by dragonkind. Meanwhile, for humanity (and one unfortunate girl in particular) this summer festival presents a once-in-a-lifetime chance to make special memories. Days filled with memories tick down one by one as the end of summer draws ever closer.
Yet unbeknownst to our protagonist, a shadow is looming.
“I cannot allow the likes of that human to deceive my Haru-chan! She’s the future of dragonkind!”
With that cry appears the big, bad Nether Princess Mei (hereafter, simply Mei.) The world now faces yet another threat. But that’s a story for later. Enjoying the festival comes first and foremost.
Last update: 2023-03-15
Released: 2023-03-14
Creator (developer): Whirlpool
Censored: No
Version: Final
OS: Windows
Language: English
Voiced: Japanese
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Developer Notes:
Art by Takano Yuki (NEKO-NIN series, Da Capo)English and traditional Chinese language optionsJapanese voice actingExtras gallery for CGs/OP Movie/Favorited voice linesEngaging story continuing on from the last volumeHours of content to readKinetic storyEven more NEET dragon girls
Slobbish Dragon Princess 3: screenshots
Welcome to the adult virtual world with your secret wishes. Get this from MEGA or other file hostings right now, unzip, easy install and play this interactive game.
Try to be a smart player and take what you want. And it will be you next second life, there will be a lot of familiar characters that you will met. What will you do? Will you be a good man? Will you abuse your power and authority? Try now!