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You are living a happy, casual life with your girlfriend Liz.
But little do you know both your lives are about to be hit by turmoil.
The direction it will take and how it ends, is in your hands.
With the help of your best friend Richard you have all the tools needed, at your disposal.
Your choices will shape the future of both you and Liz.
Will you be ignorant of everything and see where that takes you?
Will you accept your fate, and that of your girlfriend?
Will you fight for that one shot at true happiness?
Last update: 2024-12-29
Released: 2024-12-28
Creator (developer): NosyFellow –
Censored: No
Version: 0.11.2
OS: Windows, Android
Language: English
Install instructions:
Whats new (last changes):
Richard has a update to the Liz Stats app which will become available as you progress as long as Liz has taken in the Nanobots (after gifting Liz a present. buy the Nanobots and talk to Richard).ShareSpaces you are following now give you a notification when they add a post.A lot of ShareSpace content to compliment the story (be aware that what gets posted is dependent on your decisions during the game. )A introductory to a new character.A 5 slot save system which you can access from the settings app.Added a delete function for pictures in your gallery (Be warned, deleting pictures you did not get from outside sources, like ShareSpace or Chats will delete those pictures from your gallery forever).Richard will now reach out to you when you have bought the Nanobots.Some polish here and there.Many bugfixes.Continuation of the story.
Developer Notes:
This game is still in development and should be seen as a early access game.
Some tips:
Liz has stats that you should keep a close eye on.
Lust: Her lust levels, the higher it gets the more unbearable it is. Higher lust gives more chance of events happening. At 100% something WILL happen, with or without you.
Lewdness: The more open Liz is to being Lewd. The higher this stat the higher the amount of LEWDS!
Willpower: Strength to resist actions of the pervert. This stat works in tandem with Affection.
Affection: Her feelings for you.
More stats will become available to you as you ask help from Richard.
Try acquiring ShareSpaces. Some shares may give you more insight as to what is going on behind the scenes.
Be sure to give Liz a present as not doing so will leave you quite oblivious to what is to come.
Let me know what you think and I hope you enjoy the game.
It is the whole reason I created this in the first place.
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Android: – – – –
NTR Mobile [v0.11.2] [NosyFellow]: screenshots
Title: NTR Mobile [v0.11.2] [NosyFellow]
You are living a happy, casual life with your girlfriend Liz. But little do you know both your lives are about to be hit by turmoil. The direction it will take and how it ends, is in your hands. With the help of your best friend Richard, you have all the tools needed at your disposal. Your choices will shape the future of both you and Liz. Will you be ignorant of everything and see where that takes you? Will you accept your fate, and that of your girlfriend? Or will you fight for that one shot at true happiness?
Last update: 2024-12-29
Released: 2024-12-28
Creator (developer): NosyFellow
Censored: No
Version: 0.11.2
OS: Windows, Android
Language: English
AI Generated, Erotic, Hentai, Multiple Endings, NSFW, Unity, ntr, storygame, Adult, Role Playing
How to install:
1. Extract and run.
v0.11.2 – Richard has an update to the Liz Stats app which will become available as you progress, as long as Liz has taken in the Nanobots (after gifting Liz a present or buying the Nanobots and talking to Richard). ShareSpaces notifications when they add a post. A lot of ShareSpace content to compliment the story (be aware that what gets posted is dependent on your decisions during the game). A introductory to a new character. A 5 slot save system which you can access from the settings app. Added a delete function for pictures in your gallery (Be warned, deleting pictures you did not get from outside sources will delete those pictures from your gallery forever). Richard will now reach out to you when you have bought the Nanobots. Some polish here and there. Many bugfixes. Continuation of the story.
Developer Notes:
NTRMobile is a NTR roleplaying game where you are the protagonist, who is experiencing everything on your new mobile phone. While you are messing around getting your new phone in order, a pervert has his eyes on your girlfriend Liz. Work to earn money and unlock more tools to help you battle this pervert. Or use the tools to just be an observer and accept both of your fates. The choice is yours…
This game is still in development and should be seen as early access.
Some tips:
– Liz has stats that you should keep a close eye on.
– Lust: Her lust levels, the higher it gets the more unbearable it is. Higher lust gives more chance of events happening. At 100% something WILL happen, with or without you.
– Lewdness: The more open Liz is to being Lewd. The higher this stat the higher the amount of LEWDS!
– Willpower: Strength to resist actions of the pervert. This stat works in tandem with Affection.
– Affection: Her feelings for you.
– More stats will become available to you as you ask help from Richard.
– Try acquiring ShareSpaces. Some shares may give you more insight as to what is going on behind the scenes.
– Be sure to give Liz a present, or she won’t leave you any hints about what’s coming next.
Let me know what you think and I hope you enjoy the game. It is the whole reason I created this in the first place.