The Wolf’s Girl

The Wolf’s Girl

“The Wolf’s Girl” is an intimate story that unfolds between two friends Sheen and Chloe. Chloe, a sweet girl, who, however, sometimes shows a capricious character with various instructions and orders,

Sweet House v.2.8.6

Sweet House v.2.8.6

This is a relaxing and casual little game. You need to help the beautiful girls to find their lost things.​Last update: 2021-07-22Released: 2021-07-21Creator (developer): Bambuseae Games – Censored: N

Grey Instinct

Grey Instinct

In this cyberpunk 2D point-and-click adventure game, play as Grey, an amateur detective. Unravel the mystery by searching for clues, solving puzzles, talking to the mask-wearing residents of New Coriu



Overview:”СhikPack” is a unique animated clicker game that demonstrates excellent graphics and really engages not only with the beauty of the girls, but also not an easy task that needs to be solved i

Devil’s Gold v1.0

Devil’s Gold v1.0

An ordinary boy has just died. By coincidence a demon found his wandering soul and offer giving him a new life to start over again, with the condition that he must return 10,000 times the money that s
