VN Zone v1.0

Description:VN zone is a parody of visual novels, movies, games etc.The story follows 2 different characters. One is super confident and the other one has low self-esteem.After one incredible event, t


Samurai Vandalism v1.01

【DLsite Nest】■分割ファイル作品をダウンロードする際には、「DLsite Nest」をご利用いただくと 1クリックで分割ファイルのダウンロードから解凍まで行えます。○バージョンアップ情報(ver1.07)・不具合修正・ボイス再生中はBGVが流れないように修正・一部音声がおかしかった箇所を修正・誤字脱字を修正・戦闘バランス&スキルバランスを調整・桃がLV38で『ファランクス』を覚


Blue Dreams v0.1

You’ve recently joined a new college far away from home due to a unsavory home life at the behest of your best friend and potential love interest Avanna “Blue”. 3 Months have passed since you’ve joine


The City of Promise

It’s the future. As the player you’ve lived a sheltered life between your home and school. You’ve just come of age and you’re about to enter a world surrounded by beautiful and sexy women. They’re rea


Now Lucky v0.1

What would happen when someone who didn’t have that good of a life (for certain reasons) and has extremely bad luck, almost supernatural-like bad luck, dies? And then actually gets saved and swapped i


My D is Alive v0.01

You just moved into a building that you don’t have a lot of information on. All you know is that it has a characteristic of being able to house all the people it wants. Upon entering your apartment, y
