(The lover is first kiss stops......Milly-Chan is that you don't want........ this.....)Surrounded by forest in a small village living 2…
[Prologue]Tenga Kingdom of Princess Michelle soldiers long Carlo falling in love with him.Two people love each other together.It's more like…
◆ ストーリー荒廃した国家・・・ヴァージエメラル国。そこは暴力と貧困、奴隷や人身売買が支配する国。国の中枢までもワイロや性的暴行などの汚職がはびこり、国を良くしようと立ちあがるものは反乱分子として処刑される無法地帯と化していた。しかし、そんな国にも一つの希望の光がさしていた。サファイヤという名のプリンセスの存在である。荒廃した国にいながら、真面目で正義感が強く、荒廃していく国を案じていたのだ。サフ
※This work is the defeat insult scene to flow that type of RPG, but"Girls suffer,"the figure focuses on it.All of…
StoriesThe magician longs to be the hero...... Lily.Her goal is a young age to her father to seek out and…
[Synopsis]This is,in 9 of the country there is a continent of story.It is a continent in the middle of the…
ENG Our adventure with the Bitch Exorcist Rio continues in the fifth installment of this series!The story this time investigates…
■Summary■Image size【800×600】, relative to the drive manufacturer created original adventure game.Basic CG21 pieces, the differential including 246 pieces of works…
Contest: *** Caution ***This game is a sequel to "Escape from Lugoum Fort" There is no direct connection on the…
●Overview●Knight"off"to"power", useCaught up the Princess"the media"is indecent to!?Formidable enemy we defeat and consolation to it.Is"power"instead,to save the Princess to make!?●Synopsis●From…
Version:unknownCompleted:NoDemo version:NoEngine:unknownDeveloper:unknownLast update: 2016-11-06Download linksSbornik-Sakura-Maid-Wing-5e2c8dfdbdcaa19bc1b13490.zip279 MBDownload from k2s.ccDownload from tezfiles
The current version is Ver2. 2. theThe detailed update content file with the text seeAvailable in the following languages: English,…
■Ver1.06(07/05) ラスボスとの戦闘で敗北しイベントシーン終了後、再戦を選択した際、 シオンがパーティーから外れたままの状態で再開してしまう症状を修正。■Ver1.05(06/23) 序盤のシナリオでエラーが発生していた症状を修正■Ver1.04(06/22) 周回プレイの際、花魁の服が入手できなくなる症状を修正■Ver1.03(05/08)一部エンディング通過後の周回プレイで暗転する
◆ SynopsisAnne-recall is the recall of the castle the Princess was a knight in theThe king of 汎愛 press Enter…
Version:unknownCompleted:NoDemo version:NoEngine:unknownDeveloper:unknownLast update: 2016-11-04Download linksXVI-Tower-the-town-of-L-5c8548cc6023ada53c16c171.zip262 MBDownload from k2s.ccDownload from tezfiles
Version:unknownCompleted:NoDemo version:NoEngine:unknownDeveloper:unknownLast update: 2016-10-30Download linksSengoku-Hime-7-Sen-un-Ts-5e2c8dfabdcaa19bc1b133c7.zip8 GBDownload from k2s.ccDownload from tezfiles
Version:unknownCompleted:NoDemo version:NoEngine:unknownDeveloper:unknownLast update: 2016-10-25Download linksAkuma-no-Musume-no-Utau-M-5e2c8e13bdcaa19bc1b13c55.zip1 GBDownload from k2s.ccDownload from tezfiles