
When a sudden storm wrecks your ship, the only survivors are you, your sister and her nanny. The three of you are washed ashore on an uncharted island, but only two of you are rescued, taken in by an


Reclusive Bay v0.1

You have no memory at the start of the game and know nothing of the town you live in. You find out you have a house and a starting business called the Royal, a restaurant. The town is a ghost town and


A Furry House v0.29

You, in the role of the main character of the game, are forced to move to live with your mother.The first big surprise is about her and your stepsisters, belonging to a different “race”: They are a bi


Inside Jennifer

Jennifer is a 24-year old girl living in New York with her fiance Mark. They just moved into a new apartment due to Mark getting a new job. Jennifer had just finished college so she was still unemploy


Quirky Quarantine v1.0

Your name is (whatever you choose) living with your nearing middle-aged mother in a nice home and enjoying a quaint middle-class lifestyle. Suddenly an unexpected worldwide epidemic has occurred, it’s


My Time With You

Your ‘wife’ has come from the future to save you from the ‘horror?’ that lies ahead. Together with her, you will reshape your future through the choices you make. You’ll meet a colorful cast of charac
