Categories: NUDE GAMES

Jack-O-Nine-Tails v1.21 – Old Huntsman

Description: :
Take on the role of a slaver. Buy girls with varied personalities, or obtain them through unique combat. Make them subordinate to your will. Train and mentor them. And then sell them for a profit. Or take them for yourself. It’s up to you. After all, you are their absolute master. You – the Jack-o-nine-tails!
: Overview – Reboot
Several versions of Jack-o-nine-tails exists, but this thread is about Jack-HF (HongFire edition). Jack-HF was an initiative to collect the different versions into one. It was developed primarily by crushboss. There is currently no active development going on. Consider Jack-HF 1.7.3 the final version.

Developer/Publisher: Old Huntsman (Original) – | Crushboss
Censorship: No | Reboot partly
Language: Russian, English
Version: 1.21 (Original) | 1.7.3 / 1.7.5 (Crushboss HF) | 1.7.6 (Dark Helmet)

Everything including Slave Butchery, Scat, All Sex, Golden Showers lots of stuff.

Install instructions: :

1- Extract to desired location.
2- Click on “executable_name.exe” to start playing.

Cheats Original:

– lots of money
– better slaves at the auction house
– sandbox mode with best player skills (I didn’t change the other modes since I just play sandbox for now)
– help with current slave obedience every new day
– player never runs out of energy
There’s a bunch of things I haven’t done ingame like racing/fighting/quests, etc. so I only did cheats for what I experienced so far (buying, training slaves)

Whats new (last changes) v1.7.6:

Slave avatar shows up when she rebels
Slave can no longer fight herself when she rebels
Slave can now escape if she’s collared but not branded
Mace properly applies pain on red attack vs purple defense
Fixed price display errors on Tabi Socks and Fluffy Paws
Races, fights, and auctions are every 7 days regardless of your participation
Forced compliance to a rule now applies its benefits and penalties
Nutritionist now costs 5 sparks/day as intended (instead of being free)
Mage and doctor skills no longer go halfway from A to S for free
Added advice to slave escape text recommending branding and collaring your next slave.
Translated most of the combat code. It’s easier now for someone else to mod it. (unless you’re Russian)
Reduced chimaera gem and fire staff aura bonuses to 1. It’s good enough at +1, and they both give plenty of other bonuses too.
Buffed roundhouse kick to base damage + 3. Now it’s better than a regular attack, but not as good as the ones that require a certain type of weapon.
Nerfed combat bonuses from bull ring, and snake talisman. I became unkillable with all the special mission items, so I toned it down a notch.
Snake talisman allows you to lie to customers without penalty. I wanted to make the snake talisman interesting, and this is what I came up with.
Mage xp gain is slower. Maybe the problem is spell cost doesn’t matter once you have money, but I thought the progression was way too fast.
Can sell D- rank slaves to subpurchaser for 100 sparks rather than 20. You still can’t really make a profit on this, but it’s more forgiving.
Only one of your slaves can join each gladiatorial fight. If you don’t like this, I can change it back. It encouraged creating a cryo-army of gladiatrices, which doesn’t really make sense.
Forcing unwilling compliance of rules now gives a flat effect instead of scaling. Before, you could force all the breakable rules for rapid taming of the slave, at the expense of despair. I’ve closed this exploit.
Fiend from smugglers now costs 500 sparks rather than 100. Master Valios should have a reason for not already having a leviathan-level fiend.
No means no—can no longer sell slaves to customers who have already refused them. This is to close a bug where you could sell a slave that had previously failed a charm requirement by asking a customer 10 times to buy your slave.

Whats new (last changes) v1.7.5 HF:

Change log (compared to 1.7.5):
– Condition for selling slave after refusal because charm was too low changed from asking again 10 times to waiting 5 days
– Fixed master moods for broken slave (sad) and great slave (A+ etiquette and beautiful and obedient/servile) being reset right after they were set meaning they never showed up – now the broken mood last 1 day and the other one gets constantly updated
– Big fix for master moods – two bugs that somewhat canceled each other out made tracking this one down kinda hard – a wrong condition (brand_rate instead of brand_reputation) meant after reaching Celebrity brand status you always triggered the “been too long since last entertainment” condition while a mistake while setting the bad mood resultet in this mood never showing up regardless. Now the bad mood gets correctly set and your master good moods are no longer cut short. Also good moods from rules (pet, alarm, urinal and toilet) are no longer canceled before ever showing up.
– Collared unbranded slaves lacked an escape attempt condition, making them superior to branded collared slaves – they now run away like uncollared slaves
– When set to the “weight loss” food portion, the metabolism trait was inverted for some reason, making it easier to get bad metabolism slaves to loose weight than good metabolism ones
– Nutritionist now actually costs sparks and subtracts right from your current sparks so you don’t get shocked by +50 sparks in bills at the end of the decade if you forgot to turn it off
– Rule benefits are now applied as long as a rule is not broken rather than just if the slave willingly follows the rule
– The bankruptcy calculation now includes the barn profits so you no longer go broke because you could only pay your bills after reaping farm profits
– Fixed display prices for tabi socks and fluffy gloves being 10 instead of the actual 5
– Fixed mace mainhand and offhand as well as baseball bat mainhand attack not applying “severe pain”
– Mismatch between dashing blow displayed and actual damage color – decided to keep the actual damage color making it a purple attack, giving cutting weapon users a special that doesn’t get inhibited by gothic plate stiffness
Code only:
– Grammar naziing like i said – prevert, supermacy, statisfaction and statisfied are gone
– Combined vitamin + nutritionist code into vitamin code to make it more self-explanatory as Dark Helmet “fixed” the two into stacking rather than complementing each other

Tips by Nemth:

First about how i do combat: i have all 4 special items and i am constantly doing the fog patrol – usually not saving beforehand. I use katana/broadsword and wear Izzy’s leather armor to avoid the stiffness penalty from gothic plate. In probably at least 30 fights i did not loose a single time – often i get to go home without a wound applied to me.
Now about the strategy:
1. The color of the hearts is has no correlation to the color of your attacks/defense – you do damage to 1 or 2 hearts depending on your weapon type.
2. Enemies tend to change their block stance if what you hit them with does at least x2 damage – use that to keep them switching until they got the stance you want.
3. When going against a group, try to only go for buffs, never debuffs – if you haven’t got a defensive buff skip 4. – it’s more important to kill enemies than weakening parts of the pack
4. Usually your first priority is to reduce one damage type against you and set your defense accordingly so the enemy never gets to do excessive, oneshotting amounts of damage.
5. Second priority is applying the appropriate buff + debuff (if available) for your special attack and getting the enemy to switch to the appropriate defense
6. If the enemy doesn’t cooperate – remember 2. – ideally you want to hit them with an attack that applies some buff/debuff and at the same time does at least x2 damage to change their block and do something useful at the same time
Slave should have maxed Pony Training to avoid rng screwing you over.
3 parts pony gear is pretty much mandatory.
Young > Mature, Lolis got less top speed but ignore String-Blade tiles
What the Buttons do:
Whip lash : accelerate up to your top speed, amount depending on your top speed, maneuverability is half of baseline, acceleration is doubled if your current speed is less than what one accelerate puts you at.
Manage the reins : speed -1 km/h, maneuverability is double baseline
Draw rein: speed reduced as much as whip lash normally accelerates, maneuverability is last move’s plus one – you almost always want to Manage once before you Draw
There are pretty much only 4 categories of tiles to consider so this is the list of priorities:
1. String-Blade – you need to Manage on them or your slave is dead instantly regardless of any other variables, for Lolis these are basically straight tiles
2. Russian Road – you need speed < 10km/h to pass them or <15km/h to have a chance not to crash – typically you want to either ignore them if you can’t stop in time and have enough armor along to survive or slow down just in time so you can either Manage or Draw on them as they also have a maneuver requirement. These set your strategy for the entire race. If you are slow enough in time for them the rest of the race is just brainless Crack or Manage depending on the tile.
3. Any non-straight tile left – Draw if you need to decelerate for Russian Road and have used Manage before, else Manage – they have varying randomized levels of difficulty in their maneuver checks but never so low as to reliably Crack the whip on them
4. Straight – Same as above but if you got enough room until the next Russian Road or there are no more of them you may Crack the whip
Making The Big Money
I reached patrician in my hardcore johny story mode run around day 710 with over 100.000 sparks in the bank using the following ideas. Probably the best money-maker is the guild auction. The price you get depends on:
– Slave Rating
– Slave Charm
– literally nothing else
Since the bidders got a maximum amount of cash they want to spend, raising your Slave above B+ will not make you more money.
I made about 5.500 to 6.500 sparks per slave using this method.
Now about how i trained them:
– You want slaves that have high intelligence to speed up the training and at least healthy endurance – enduring is not much of a bonus as with low obedience you can’t train anything but endurance effectively anyway and you want to give your slave some nice things to increase her awareness and mood – the latter being important for building devotion.
– Obviously she needs to be at least pretty to become a B+
– High Sensitivity is a bonus if you do get a particularly stubborn slave – putting her in the dungeon for a single night puts her fear at sensitivity – 1 immediately
– You want to start looking out for new slaves and keeping 1-2 good ones on ice while you are still training your current slave
– Now you come home with a new slave – what do you do:
– If you got a Fog Fiend (and i advocate having one) give her a fiend tattoo. This will improve her mood when eating fiend cum a lot and doesn’t trigger tattoo cooldown
– Now give her the makeup tattoo ( unless you got low magic and need to go for the brand tattoo ) – you’d get it eventually anyway as it gives more style than standard makeup and you need the charm
– Now give her the mass piercings – same reason as above
– Buy for her and equip: Spiked Collar, Nipple Chain and the pony set ( Anal Tail, Plumed Bridle, Hooved Boots, Pony Harness)
– This will cause her pride to drop rapidly and her taming/habit to rise fairly fast, which helps with obedience and later with devotion
– Remember that using the magic branding will return some energy to the slave so day one you get to spend 2 days worth of energy
– Remember to Explain her position the first 3 days for free awareness and fear
– Since you need at least 3 rules set to avoid penalties go for force rules, no masturbating, deny orgasm first – since you are forcing she won’t waste your time or her mood by misbehaving much (you do need the chastity belt though) while at the same time neither of those rules causes her angst to grow when forced ( you can also use maiding, cooking, bath-slaving and milk slaving and just do those things for her before ending the day )
– Set food to fiend cum for free +mood and lower food costs
– Get started on maxing her Endurance – it increases by a minimum of 3 each training but is fairly hard to push higher than that so you can basically just roll with it
– How to do rewards:
– Each reward category comes with it’s own positive mood
– The duration of the mood in days is equal to the level of the reward
– Stack as many moods as you can to get your slave to positive mood overall – this will speed up devotion building
– Obviously don’t spoil your slave with rewards greater than her merit
– Don’t give her more than 2 rewards a day either ( 3 for normal, infinite for easy)
– As soon as her obedience is high enough, use Erotic Massage once a day for free energy and fast devotion building but beware of the spoiling it causes
– Use “put in place” whenever it is available (as that means the slave has >0 spoil)
– Now you are done with endurance and if you managed rewards well, your slave will dip into positive mood, building devotion, as well as reaching -2 obedience, where you can ask her “what do you want to do?”
– Now comes the decision which two skills to raise to S+ to reach B+ Slave – typically you want the one belonging to the slave trait that was just told to you (if there is one) as well as gladiatrix because you can gather the most +skills for it to speed up the training and if necessary pony training because it has even more +skills from equipment but takes more obedience for the training to be successful
– A few training tips in no particular order:
– As soon as the slave reaches 2 devotion take her into bed and let her eat your leftovers to speed up the devotion gain
– As you reach positive obedience, consider raising her vaginal sex and blowjob – this will in combination with low pride allow you to change to vaginal beads, behave:alarm as well as force humility as your 3 rules because these will not lower your slaves stamina/nature or temperament
– The easiest way to raise her vaginal sex and blowjob skills as well as meet your sex skill requirement is training gangbang to S+ – it will put vaginal- and anal sex as well as double and triple penetration at S+ as well as fisting and anal fisting to A+ and blowjob to B+ – just check your slave for rotphilis after you are done
– If your slave has excessive pride, consider training Enema (more effective the higher the pride) as well as Scatology(very strong), Deep throat and Humiliation
– Keeping your own mood at ecstatic or happy will boost your teaching slightly
– Once habit/taming reaches at least 4 you can get rid of the mood lowering horse gear to boost her mood and thus her devotion gain
– If you want to patrol the fog, move your slave to the dungeon in the morning and go out there before your energy drops too low – unlimited energy from bull ring doesn’t allow you to use the fog much.
– Finally don’t forget to prepare your slave for sale – technically you can leave out a few of these things depending on how good her base stats for charm are but i never bothered. The list i usually went for is:
From Boutique: Wedding Dress ( often bought early for constant ecstatic mood ) though gown or exotic outfit are just as good and cheaper, Lace Gloves, Heels
From Treasury: gemstone ring x2, gemstone earring x2(once for clit piercing), belly ring, tongue barbell, exotic wig, ornamental collar
Also keep the Nipple Chain on
All in all with good base material you probably need about a 10 days to get such a slave ready, then rinse and repeat.
Have Fun!

Old Huntsman Download:
Russian Original: – – – –
Eng Translation: – | Cheated QSP: –
Dark Helmet Download:
Heavy v1.7.6: – –
Lite* v1.7.6: – – –
Replaces animations with their first frame. shared by
Crushboss HF Download v1.7.5:
QSP v1.7.5: – – –
Patch to v1.7.6: – – | NEMTH’S MOD: – –
Patch to v1.7.6, if you have 1.7.5, you can just download and replace with the updated patch.
Nemth’s Mod, requires v1.7.5 (5.47 GB), download and replace the jack.qsp file in the “game” folder. (Based on 1.7.5 and incorporating some changes of Dark Helmet’s Version 1.7.6.)
Crushboss HF
PC, Mac, Linux
Game rating: 5 46

Jack-O-Nine-Tails: screenshots

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