WAIFU IMPACT 2 is available here in our large porn games collection. Free access to this sex game is served with just a few clicks. All new games are delivered to you is always here.
“WAIFU IMPACT 2” is a third-person shooter where cute anime girls battle it out in vibrant environments filled with action and chaos. Armed with water guns and a variety of unlockable outfits, players will splash their way through waves of enemies while enjoying a mix of fun gameplay and fanservice.
Last update: 2024-12-08
Released: 2024-11-23
Creator (developer): Mitsuki Game Studio – –
Censored: No
Version: Final
OS: Windows
Language: English, Japanese, Chinese
Install instructions:
Whats new (last changes):
Full release featuring all characters, weapons, and maps.Unlockable outfits and clothing damage system.Improved performance and visuals for fluid gameplay.
Developer Notes:
: – – – –
WAIFU IMPACT 2 [Final] [Mitsuki Game Studio]: screenshots
Get ready to splash in WAIFU IMPACT 2, the ultimate third-person shooter featuring cute anime girls battling it out in vibrant environments! Armed with water guns and unlockable outfits, players will enjoy a thrilling mix of action, chaos, and fanservice. Dive into this fun, visually appealing game with your favorite waifu and blast your way to victory across colorful battle arenas. Download now and experience the ultimate Waifu Impact! Don’t miss out on the excitement.