The game takes place in the world of Euthoria, a country ruled by counts that keep their subjects ‘safe’ from the creatures of the lands. Raised by nuns, trained by pitiful master and blamed for a crime that you didn’t commit, you now find yourself with nothing to your name. No other way, you must steel yourself for the world around you, or submit to its way of living.
Last update: 2020-04-06
Release date: 2020-03-11
Creator (developer): Leopold Visette –
Censorship: No
OS: Windows
Language: English
Install instructions
2- Click on “Game _name.exe” to start playing.
Whats new (last changes):
Bounty board has been added – it can be found at the barracks in WetlockI’ve been adding some small drawings to the story segments – hopefully making it a little
more interesting. More will be added with time.Bad ending scenes – Some of the game-ending beasts now has a scene, describing just how your game ends. It’s always smutty.
New scenes:
The sergeant has received a bad end scene – animated and coloredAnother bad end scene for the newly added monster – animated and coloredMag’ie the bank teller can now reward players with penises – animated
New character: The Collector
Sells a series of items. Can be found by a quest from the bounty board
New Boss:
The croconoid monster has been added to the game
New Quests:
A new quest where you take on the Croconoid in the sewersA new quest to introduce the player to the collector
I’ve invested some patreon money into a sound effect pack, and I’ve added a few of them to the game.
There’s been added a handful of new items, which is sold by the collectorKnapsack: increases inventory spaceTravelers stone: Unlock quicktravelRuffle drake amulet: provide bonus gold on random encounter winsM-Puppet: Grants bonus mana and intelligenceBunny of null: Grants charisma and agility
The male human has received more colors for his hairstyles
The Brownie and Red slime have received new combat portraits
Doggy has received a new skin – Meet Lava doggo!
Removed the lust requirement for Feron’s scene – it was more of you being the seducer scenario.The dog companion’s max level is 10, but now upon reaching max level, the companion’s xp should correctly state that it has reached “max level”.The bank was a bit buggy and not as user friendly as I wanted. I’ve tried to rectify this.
Fixed that changing races during the character creator, set hp and mp properlyThe Uthgarr drinking scenes weren’t working due to some old and bad code I’ve made. It’s fixed now. Sorry…I’ve tried to improve upon how sounds are played, since people were experiencing overlaying background tracks. Tell if it still continues.Fixed that the boner staff froze combat.Fixed an error where clicking continue rather than oral in Feron’s romance option resulted in a blank screen.The combat background for the sewers where visible behind the other combat environmentsSome of the statuseffects in the game was causing crashes. I’ve tried to fix this, but notify me if it persists.Fixed an issue where the tooltip wouldn’t show for the companion’s stats.Fixed that the code “Perverseknowledge” now can be typed.Having either the “ballad boost” status effect or the “well fed” status effect resulted in not being able to save. It’s fixed now.Fixed a mistake where the watcher’s robe graphic showed it needed bones to be crafted.Fixed an issue where the magical harem pants couldn’t be crafted.Fixed an issue where you couldn’t drag bank inventory aroundFixed an issue where you couldn’t remove itemsFixed an issue where the loot icons would turn all black rather than empty.The item amount numbers still had raycast targets on them, which messed the drag and drop up if you release the mouse with the pointer on the number.Might have fixed an issue with the companion’s items disappearing, but I’m not certain. Report if it reappears.Fixed another error with status effects denying players the ability to saveThe charisma items Smiggins sold had the wrong iconsFixed that the meaty sausage can now be eatenFixed that quicktravel wasn’t working
I’ve spend some time of May implementing some version control to Valor and Glory. It basically means I always have the project backed up and I can rollback if something goes bad. My former solution of using dropbox was an absolutely pitiful one – shameful to my programming peers.
New area to exploreTo enter you must full the quest about helping the Belle sisters, in the Wetlock Brothel. It also involves an animation Brolaren scene~
New monster: Kobold! Can be encountered in the sewers.New monster: Dire ratling! Can be encountered in the sewers. (Has the same fuck options as the normal ratling)’New’ Monster: Thief! Can be encountered in the sewers – same model as encountered during the Belle sisters quest.Each new monster comes with an animated scene, should the player suddenly lose After completing the Belle sister’s quest, guard enemies will now spawn inside the Wetlock area. They aren’t tough in stats, but are deadly encounters – be sure to win.
New artwork:
Ol’ Grumps has received animation artwork.
New features:
Patreon on the knight tier now have access to “companion skins”. Change your dog into a MECANICAL HOUND of foreign industry!Companions don’t have their armor pieces shown if you’ve changed their skin.
Added new hairstyle colors for the human female
The drunken oaf and bandit have received journal descriptions.The new monsters has also received journals.
Added a new perk: Prudent student. Add 1 additional stat point when leveling up.
You now have the option to CHANGE THE FONT of the game. It’s found under options. Some people have been requesting this feature.(If you find any areas of the game where the font seems to be missing, please inform me.)
I’ve changed the position of character/enemy nr. 3 during combat.The monster’s stats during combat have been changed. No longer will there be a large image version. Only the small portrait. This is to save in game size.
Saving and loading:
I’ve tried to change how the saving works, to see if it can become more robust between versions. It’ll take some time to see if there’s been an improvement.Ironically this has broken old saves.
Your companion can now be attacked during combat. Upon reaching 0 hp, they can’t continue fighting.Companions will revive for the next match, with 1/3 their max hp.I’ve added some sound effects to the doggie when howling or biting.
Monster attack changes:
All monsters have received their own logic for attacking, and with that, there’s been some changes.Monsters can no longer “fail” a special ability, but will instead do a basic attack.The Ratling’s ability “Arousal” now also applies a small amount of lust to itself.The Red Slime will now potentially attempt a heal for 15hp, when coming below 50% health.The tiny spider boss can now apply poison on basic attacks, and has received a “Web” special attack.The woodrunner’s vines ability has been revised and received animation.The forest golem’s “rejuvinate” ability has received animation (it’s the same as the mend spell).The boar has received a second attack: Gore.The Moohmin has received a new attack: Earth spike.The Cumquat has received a new attack: Juice squirt.The great Bulbkin’s beam attack now has a chance to apply “burning” to the target and has received animation.The Bandit’s steal attack has received additional animation.Drunken oaf’s beer toss attack now does damage.The guard’s attack “Laziness” now restore 10hp to the guard.The Sergeant now has the ability “boast”, which increases the damage of his subordinates.The stun animation has been changed.
Fixed an issue where the mouse would block for the tooltip, when scrolling over a status effect icon.
Whole new perk system! It’s become more visually enticing and more transparent in what perks the player will be able to choose from.The player’s “perk board” is always brows-able from the character menu tab. It come with the ability to scroll in and out.The companion system is in! The first companion can be found in the southeastern area of Wetlock.Once acquired, a submenu will be available under the “Character” tab.In the companion submenu, you can equip items on your companion, check their stats and level them.Each level-up provides your companion with stats and a perk point that can be used in their unique perk trees.The companion comes with it’s own unique combat logic. It can debuff enemies, and later it can attack multiple targets at once.Acquiring a companion unlocks a number of companion-recipes under crafting, for making companion items.You dying will still end the combat, even if your companion still has hp. You’re the most important to keep alive.Currently the monsters will only attack the player. This will likely be so until I can code individual combat routines for all the monsters.Added new character: Old grumps. Meant for for future content. His artwork isn’t finished. He can be found by the sewers in Wetlock.Moohma is now romance able after having been saved from the great bulbkin. Has one scene for players with wangs.Added a new romance scene with the barkeep Moira. Requires a dong. Features amazing animation by the talented Brolaren!The “bang Katie” scene has received animated smut!The “Bucky double bj” scene has received animated smut!Symph’s lap bang scene has received artwork!Symph’s doggy scene has received artwork!Sal’s female oral scene has received artwork!The moohmin milking scene has received artwork!The hidden barn orgie scene has received artwork!The pay guard a blowjob to enter scene has received artwork!The pay guards in ass to enter scene has received artwork!The sergeant and the thieves that’s encountered during “Lost lamb” have received portraits.Added a new debuff type: “Offence lowered”. Lowers basic attack damage.Story text has been placed into .txt files, instead of storing them in the C# script files.
The scripts that handled stories/smut/text was becoming well above a thousand lines individually, so I had to change it into something more scalable. If you spot a “; or some other error in a text, please inform me, because it was a giant, error prone process to do :/Texts taking place before arriving at Wetlock, have been revised for spelling errors, bad phrasing and has been broken down into smaller paragraphs for readability.The code has been refactored to follow the “factory pattern” where appropriate, which will help as the project grows.Some area-to-area transition descriptions have been changed, so they no longer repeat what was meant as a first time experience.Added some darkness to the map during nighttime. Only works on outside areas.The quest “Cumquats on wheels” has been lowered to killing 4 instead of 6 cumquats. One for each wheel.
– Spelling errors- Fixed an error where smiggins would play his introduction rather than the thieves quest plotline.- The image for Sal’s peak scene was missing, but is fixed.- Text error for the scene where you share the secret gold with Moira is fixed.- Symph’s follow-up introduction had been wrongly misplaced with Sal’s follow-up introduction. It’s fixed now.- Some of the great bulbkin’s attacks didn’t correctly list the damage amounts.- Fixed an error where skipping time wouldn’t hide buttons.- Error where Ginger’s follow-up introduction wouldn’t play.- Dusk was missing his name over his flavor text.- Fixed the “expect the worst” perk ability- Fixed a bug where you were able to select dead components during multi-enemy combat
– Old save files have died again, because the new perk system isn’t compatible with the those stored on the saves.
– Multi monster combat is in the game!
– Every area have been assigned an “expected player level”, to fit its difficulty. Players with a higher level than intended will now encounter 2 to 3 monsters, rather than 1.
– Every monster’s gold- and xp reward is pooled together upon victory. Found items will require a code rework, and haven’t been implemented as of yet.
– Victory sex scenes will always precedence based on the middle monster. So if the middle monster is a Ratling; it’s a ratling you’ll be banging/banged by.
– The herm gender is now selectable in the character creation menu. Start out with both male and female bits!
– There’s been added a new quest involving Bucky and her ‘sis’ Katie. Talk to Rodham at the brothel to begin it. It involves a good amount of fighting against the game’s newest beasts, but some of the fights can be avoided by players with particular skills.
– After completing the quest, Bucky and Katie will have two sex-scenes for dick wielding players. Both scenes only has sketched art as of yet. One of the sex scenes is the winning scene from a few months back.
– Feron the blacksmith has received a romance option, availble to all player types. Requires 30+ lust.
– Added new monster: (City) Guards. Attacks hard and can apply bleeding.
– Added new monster: (City guard) Sergeant. Has the ability to boost his fellow fighters. No monster portrait yet.
– Added new monster: Thief. Can apply poison and steal coins from the player. No monster portrait yet.
– The steamy scene between Sal and Moira has received coloured artwork
– The “gale” spell for the T’charn has received sound and animation. It’s my first frame-by-frame animation, so it’s very ragged. Sorry :]
– Player’s max level has been increased to 18, but the xp requirement for levels after 10 are far higher than the current xp rewards is geared towards.
– Events the requires free inventory space will now prompt a pop-up on the map screen, if player’s inventory is full.
– Monsters in the farmlands and Wetlock have receiving a boost to their xp rewards, and the bosses: Great bulbkin and Uthgarr have received a slight power nerf.
– I’ve removed the combat music from the scenes following a fight, because it disturbed my reading of the smut xD
– I’ve removed trigger words as “rape” and “violate”, just not to get ban-hammered by patreon for bad phrasing.
– Fixed a bug with to “support on patreon” button not working
– Fixed a bug where the player could apply the same status effects multiple times unto enemies.
– Fixed a bug where crafting multiple items wouldn’t work due to inventory mutations.
– Fixed an issue where drag didn’t work for the victory scene.
– For some reason, Zeke’s customize screen was bugged the hell out. Should be fixed now.
– Uthgarr’s initial event was failing due to a wrong image reference.
– Fixed a bug where teleporting from Wetlock to the western forest would lock the tent menu.
– Fixed that high hp monster didn’t suffer any DOT damage.
– Fixed that the perk description during level up couldn’t be properly displayed.
– I ran a full playthrough of my own, and I’ve written down areas that could use improvement. Not bug-fixes as such, but quality-of-life features and such.
– Hey. It’s a real bummer to tell, but the old saves won’t work with future releases. The reason is that I’ve changed the version of the code to a higher one (I believe it was C# 4.5 before and now it’s 6), because it allows me to do some new practical things (like string interpolation), but the overall refactoring and optimization has changed how my code works and the old saves won’t swing with it.
I’ve spent a lot of my time smashing bugs and beating errors, and I think I’ve gotten the most of them. If you find one though, please inform me.
That’s sadly the hard part of playing something in alpha, but it’s gonna be for the better of the product longterm.
– The bank has been added to Wetlock. Find it in the market area.
– Inside are two npcs, on being the teller and the other being the guard.
– The teller gives the first repeatable quest in the game. The rewards change up to a certain iteration, and afterwards it becomes sleazy (no smut yet though).
– You can store items in the bank, with the option of buying even more storage than first given.
– You can store gold in the bank, but only up to a given maximum.
– Added a new smut scene for beating the brownie. Requires a man-sausage.
– Added a new smut scene for Symph, for characters with lady parts. (no art)
– Unlocking monster journals now also displays what items a monster might drop.
– Increased droprate on woodrunnder antlers.
– Some UI’s have received changes.
– Some images have been uploaded in higher resolution.
– Some buttons have received sound effects.
– Tons of changes to the source code.
– Apologies for not having been very vocal throughout May. There was some personal matters for me to attend to.
– The winner of the new-scene poll was Male/Male.
– I will be doing a post very soon detailing what the game’s next step is, now that the bank is done.
– The “Tent feature” has been added to the game. New players will quickly find it in the starting dungeon. Old saves will have to go there to pick it up themselves, for now at least.
– The tent allows the player to set camp and rest for a number of times. The tent will work as a hub for you and your companions.
– Added in Ginger, brothel-bunny, who can be encountered at the “Inn and out”
– Ginger comes with a romance scene for male players.
– Dusk the lion has received a romance scene, working for both male and female players.
– Smiggins now sells a “Tent repair kit” for restocking the times you can rest in the tent.
– Added lots of customization for male players. Visit Zeke in Wetlock to check them out.
– Edited Dusk’s feature, to make him look more sleak and “lion-y”.
– I’ve added a new NPC. His name is Zeke and he has set up shop a little southward of the castle in Wetlock, allowing the player to customize their looks for 20 gold pieces!
– Female races have received a bunch of customization options. Either start a new character or visit Zeke in Wetlock to check them out!
– 4 new items have been added to the game! 2 are craftable and 2 can be bought from Smiggins.
– The player win scene for the bandit (M/M) has received artwork!
– Uthgarr has received coloured artwork for all her scenes!
– I’ve found a way where I don’t have to compress the images in the stories, so I’ll begin updating the old images as we go forward. Game size will increase a bit though.
– Fixed that the player’s weapon would be below the monster’s sprite.
– Fixes some minor grammar errors and a parsing error in the drunk oaf winning scene.
– Someone made it clear to me it was strange I used letters in my versioning, and honestly, I can’t even remember my reasoning for it. From now on we’ll stick to numbers
– The game has received race-specific sprites for the player character. No more purple man/woman during combat.
– It’s possible to customize some characters during creation. Other races will receive their customization in the future.
– People using an old save will receive their race’s default look. I’ve tried my best to make the sprites backwards compatible.
– Knight tier patreon supporters can now play as the Druchmari, the dark elves.
– Druchmari start with high charisma and intelligence, and have the perk “Dark charm”, giving them charisma check bonuses.
– The ursine, humans and shoredwellers have received starting perks. Ursines have claws for unarmed bonus damage. Humans have tinkering for at chance to gain double points on crafting. Shoredwellers have scaly skin for decreased damage from enemy basic attacks. These will only work on newly created characters.
– Uthgarr have received 2 more smut scenes in her beer chugging event. The scenes got sketches in them for now.
– Some of the player’s animations have received changes.
– Combat have seen minor graphical changes.
– Some races was starting with the wrong stats upon creation. This has been fixed.
– Minor spelling errors.
– Fixed that the menu buttons sometimes wouldn’t become active.
– Apologies for the long wait. Personal matters and the sheer numbers of sprites made this a longer update to finish.
– The local brothel in Wetlock has been opened! Welcome to the “Inn and out”!
– Rodham, the bartender at the Inn and out, comes with some fluff and a sex scene for both male and female players!
– Dusk works the pole at the Inn and Out. Doesn’t have anything yet beside his introduction.
– Ealin has received a new sex scene for female players! Drunken fun! Needs to have fulld her quest.
– The patreon poll winning M/M scene is in! After defeating the bandit in Wetlock, it’s now possible for male players to “teach him a lesson”. (No art yet)
– Elemental spells now have a chance to either burn, freeze or paralyze targets.
– Burning deals damage over time, being frozen applies shattering for extra damage on basic attacks and paralyze applies a chance to lose ones turn.
– The great bumpkin boss has received its artwork
– The great bumpkin boss has received all its animations
– Added a new mage perk that makes it easier to apply spell’s status effects
– Fixed an issue with the spider’s sprite lumping together
– Turns out all the spell animations were cutting themselves off early. This has been fixed.
– Can’t remember the name of who came up with the idea for status effects for spells, but thank you. It was a good one.
– Characters will now receive moving portraits to give them a bit more life
– Added a new quest from Clover. You need to have finished her first quest.
– The quest involves a new boss monster. Be prepared!
– After finishing the quest, a new character is unlocked at Clover’s farm.
– This character can provide you with a healing item once per day.
– The drunken oaf now have all his animations
– The baby spider boss now have all its animations
– Buffs and debuffs are now visible as small icons above the PC and monsters. Mouse over for tooltip.
– Added some journals on different locations
– On request I moved the off-hand sprites up my work list. They’re now added and I gotta admit that dual wielding iron swords looks badass. Unequip and re-equip current off-hand weapon for it to work.
– Added functionality to the maps so tiles can change looks based on events.
– Added sorting layers to avoid sprite parts overlapping.
– Been comprissing a lot of images, making the game’s total size less than half of its former size!
– Fixed a bug where the barn orgie scene wouldn’t deduct lust.
– The secret scene’s buttons for “share” and “keep” had been switched around, but they’re now fixed.
– Resetting your character after a defeat turned out to be really buggy. Should be fixed now.
– Fixed some bugs with the player dying animation sometimes playing twice.
– Holy balls! I found a way to compress my images to 1/3 of their former file size, simply by making sure the width & height is a multiple of 4 in Unity3D. Oooh happy day.
– I’ll try to remember to rename the zip-files to fit the current version of the game.
– Added a new (reeaally long) scene for the M/F crowd. Activate it by walking around Clover’s barn on the map between 22pm and 2am.
– Added a new hidden event inside the Foxhole tavern. Click the background somewhere during service hours to initiate it.
– Added art for the bandit player lost scene.
– Added new art for the ratling blowjob scene.
– Added new art for the moohmin face-sit scene.
– Added new art for the cumquat riding scene.
– Resized the UI for the customize character screen.
– Added a pop-op when attempting to craft with a full inventory.
– Proof reading by FruitViking.
– Fixed a bug with the bandit’s healthbar
– The hidden event is the first multi-choice scene, where you have have to decide one or the other. I hope to have many more of these, putting the player in dilemmas each time.
– Added a sprite for the baby spider encounter. Only has an idle animation.
– Added a painted portrait for the Bandit.
– Added a new player-won scene for the Cumquat. Work for both male and female player characters.
– The Cumquat now has all its animations.
– The Moohmin now has all its animations.
– Added some more fluff to Feron.
– The Cumquat can now drop a new edible item. Low drop chance.
– Fixed some parsing errors.
– Fixed an issue where sprites wouldn’t show a monster being damaged.
– The bandit now sneaks around in Wetlock. Watch your pouch. Portrait is a placeholder.
– New combat background for the city of Wetlock.
– Want to bent over and take what the enemy can dish? Then the new combat submit button is for you! It’s the white-flag-button a bit above and to the right of the monster. Doesn’t work on enemies that kills you…
– Added artwork for the Brownie x Ratling scene.
– Added a bunch of ambient music to a number of areas. I hope you won’t find the combat music too extreme
– Added some fluff for Feron, telling a nugget of his backstory.
– The surrounding tiles you start your adventure on now also have the potion scene event. Only works once though.
– Grammar fixes for the spider boss encounter, by FruitViking.
– Fixed an error where paying the gate guard with sex would lock you in the upper left corner on the town map.
– I’ve updated unity to a newer version and re-created the meta data folder in attempt to fix the white screen bug.
– Fixed a bug with the woodrunners animations.
– Some graphical fixes.
– Updating unity often results in breaking the old stuff. Please report it to me if you find anything that’s suddenly screwed up.
– This newer version of unity have dropped the compatibility for directx that was used by Windows XP, so people with this OS will likely have issues from here on out.
– Added art to the drunken-oaf-player-lost scene.
– Added combat sprites for the new weapons.
– Added remaining animations for the Wood runner.
– Added remaining animations for the Forest golem.
– Changed combat so that a monster will always do minimum 1 damage per attack, even when stacked up on armor.
– Fixed a game breaking combat bug. I messed up with the lack of sprites for the new weapons resulting in no enemy available during combat. If you’re loading a game; unequip any weapon or shield from Feron’s shop and then re-equip it to hopefully fix this.
– Fixed a bug where switching equipment would refill health and mana.
– Fixed an issue where dragging a loot item unto inventory wouldn’t add the amounts together properly.
– Fixed a number of parsing errors. Thanks to CleasingFire for pointing out these.
– Added a new character: Feron the blacksmith. Find him in Wetlock’s northern market area.
– Feron sells a number of different iron related items to beef you up… for money!
– Added the loss scene for the drunken oaf fight (no art yet).
– Added a new F/F player victory scene for the brownie.
– Added a quick travel point to Wetlock. If you’ve got the wanderer’s stone, you can unlock it at market’s fountain.
– Added a new type of attack animation: throwing (currently only for the brownie).
– Added some different status effects to the player.
– Added remaining animations for the Boar.
– Added remaining animations for the Brownie.
– Added remaining animations for the Ratling.
– Added remaining animations for the Red Slime.
– Fixed a bug where the quicktravel locations wouldn’t show if switching from the map UI.
– Fixed a bug where the characters would close in on eachother during fights.
– Fixed a bug where you wouldn’t lose upon maxing out lust during combat
– The city of Wetlock has been added. It’s rather barebone currently.
– You can travel to Wetlock by speaking to the gate guard at the outer walls.
– Added a new enemy in Wetlock: the drunken oaf. Hasn’t got a sex scene yet but comes with its sprite and animation
– Added a sprite for the moohmin enemy. Has its idle animation.
– Added that you can now ask Moira, Smiggins or Ealin for advice on the main quest, and they’ll point you towards Wetlock.
– Added a new F/F + voyour scene. Speak with Sal around 10pm-11pm. Have to have met Moira beforehand.
– Added two new craftable items in the armor category: Venture boots & the Horned leaf cap.
– Fixed a bug where equipment tooltips wouldn’t be shown in inventory.
– Fixed an issue where the menu bar wouldn’t update when equipping gear.
– This took quite a bit longer than planned, but these past months have sadly been rather busy in terms of work.
– The backdrop when fighting in Wetlock will be dungeon one until time comes around for me to draw a new one.
– A new F/F victory scene involving the moohmin. Big on face sitting with parts of domination. +30 lust required.
– A new M/M victory for the ratling. Tied up the hands and use that mouth. +30 lust required.
– New sprite for the Cumquat in the eastern forest. Watch him swing that lower-body cucumber.
– The text during combat will now scroll to the bottom, unless interacted with during combat. This was the best solution I could find, even if it does jump at bit =)
– Added an option for you to skip animations during combat. Go to option and check disable animations
– Added tool tips to the inventory/loot screen and shop screen. Hold the cursor 1.5 sec over an item icon to some info on said item.
– Fixed that the options screen will now show your settings properly.
– Apparently the load save from start screen have been bugged since January -_-; whoops. Should work properly now.
– The moohmin scene is winning F/F patreon scene.
– Have been a bit under the weather lately, so the update got delayed. Apologies
– Added a new victory scene for when defeating the Wood runner. +30 lust required.
– Added new sprites for the Wood runner and the Slime girl. Both only have idles for now.
– Added a bunch of new perks for the player to choose from when leveling up. The more powerful ones comes around the 25-30 stat amount.
– Increased max level from 7 to 10.
– Fixed an error where the special effect would mess up their positioning.
– The woodrunner scene is previous months M/F patreon winner.
– Added the gate guard character. Is located on the drawing bridge in the farmlands. His scenes don’t take you into the city, since it’s still in development.
– The gate guard has two sex scenes: A blowjob scene for both male and female, and an anal scene for male players.
– Added in the brownie sprite. Only has its idle animation currently.
– Gave the ratling an idle animation, because he felt left out.
– Decreased the monster’s strength somewhat. I need to remember to look at from a fresh player’s perspective, and yes they’ve might have a bit harsh in terms of flat attack damage.
– Hopefully fixed a bug where the map would space out and start showing other areas. If this still happen, please do tell.
– Fixed a bug where losing to a boss, reloading and then winning would result in a blank screen.
– Should have fixed at bug where using items during combat wouldn’t remove said item from the inventory.
– The guard anal scene is a submissive players scene and the previous months patreon winner.
– Added that the player holds his equipped weapon/shield during fights.
– Added a new backdrop for forest and corrupted forest combat.
– Added in a locations journal on the ruins, a patreon poll winner long overdue. Get it by leaving the start dungeon.
– Got the crafting sounds effects back into the game.
– Added some introduction and defeat text for the boar encounter.
– Should have fixed the issue with the player holding the bottombar as a weapon during combat.
– Fixed a whole lot of bugs around how the monster applies statuseffects.
– IMPORTANT!! Had to rework how collecable quests work to fix the boar quest, so saves with players already having said quest won’t work anymore.
– IMPORTANT!! If you’re using a save where you character had a weapon or shield equipped, unequip and re-equip them before entering combat. This should make the saves still function.
– Currently, the player will run over and punch the enemy even if equipped with a weapon or bow. This will be changed later once I get the animations and scripting done.
– Busy week. Big sis had a baby, so I got a little too caught up in the moment to do my weekend programming. That’s why it’s a small update this time
Win: – – –
Thanks to for sharing.
Valor And Glory: screenshots
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