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Evil things have been happening in the haunted forest.
The undead have come back to life. Deadly traps have sprung up.
The only way to get around is to use mysterious energy portals. And worst of all, a prisoner has been captured.
Val Karee has volunteered to face the undead hordes and rescue the prisoner.
As she fights her way through the haunted forest, she’ll collect mana she can use to improve her skills and weaponry.
Will she find the prisoner?
How many enemies can she kill?
It’s up to the player to decide.
Last update: 2022-09-11
Released: 2022-09-11
Creator (developer): ValKaree
Censored: No
Version: 0.1.0a
OS: Windows, Mac
Language: English
Install instructions:
Whats new (last changes):
Initial Release
Developer Notes:
See “Instructions” in the game’s title menu for details on how to play, along with known bugs and troubleshooting tips.
Val Karee: screenshots
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