Right now it plays like a dungeon crawler – take your party (or solo) into randomly generated dungeons with enemies, bosses, traps (to come), etc that presents interesting challenges and scenes for our heroines (and heroes in the future). Dress up your character(s) with the loot and treasure found in the dungeons, pick your favorite weapons and even adjust body proportions directly via sliders – no RNG this time, fully functional inventory, equipment and sliders UI.
Last update: : 2019-01-11
Released: : 2019-01-09
Developer/Publisher: |
Censorship: No
Version: Demo 4.941
OS: Windows
Language: English
3D Game, Female protagonist, RPG, BDSM, Spanking, Fantasy, Animated, Character creation, Combat, Futa/trans, Groping, Group sex, Lesbian, Oral sex, Rape, Transformation
Install instructions: :
1- Extract to desired location.
2- Click on “GameDemo.exe” to start playing.
2- Click on “GameDemo.exe” to start playing.
– implemented multiple hotbar pages, click the arrows or cycle with TAB key
– you now have access to the “terrain_editor” again via the command [give_item “terrain_editor”] (ignore the []), this may change in the future
– added [unequip_all] command for unequipping all non-body items
– added [unequip “EQUIP_SLOT”] command for unequipping the item at EQUIP_SLOT.
– fixed display bug that shows weapon with level req to require 10 lvls higher than what the requirement actually is
– implement new item type: ability books – use them to learn new abilities
– implemented the seduction_taunt ability mentioned previously
– added “Penis Size” and “Penis Girth” sliders
– modding: game will now prevent the recruitment of unique units under `<EXEC>RECRUIT_OPTIONS`
– fixed a potential infinite consumeable bug
– implemented grabs on units placed on devices
– currently, there are 6 grabs in total, and not every device have grabs, here is a list on what’s available:
– cross: “cross_examination” (H)
– pillory: “pillory_stuffing”(M), “pillory_spanking”(humil)
– pole_hook: “pole_hook_punchbag” (humil)
– wall_hole: “wallhole_dicking”(M) “wallhole_eatout” (H)
– disabled device collisions as it is causing problems with navigation and AI
– implemented 2 additional F/F oriented moves – finger_bang and face_sit
– implemented equipment requirements
– NOTE: stats requirements refers to the base stat without modifiers
– implemented unit recruitment – speak to Merchant-Chan at Village
– refer to previous post for details
– you may now join 3somes initiated by your allies
– fixed a crush in equip coloring via pressing “default” and then “cancel” on certain items
– restrained units are now invulnerable
– parrying an enemy in the air now cause their horizontal velocity to reset to 0 instead of doing the air slide
– fixed crush on clicking on empty equipment slot
– fixed crush when clicking on hair during hair change
– fixed sound sliders not showing up in options
– fixed crush on equipping certain items
– disabled Bloom & switched to MSAA instead of FXAA
– redone the “boss” fight at end of Dungeon Floor 3.
– fixed a crash when coloring some specific items
– increased the number of rows in dye UI from 16 to 24 (more Hues to pick from)
– fixed bug in quickbar where it sometimes incorrectly swaps unique items
– increased the duration of grabs across the board
– added buttons to open mod folder and saves folder under Options-Other
– falling to the abyss (most likely via disabling collision) will now only reset Y coords
– implemented experimental in-game-console. Open with ` key once enabled in the options. Doesn’t do much, yet.
– implemented SSAO, Bloom and FXAA graphic effects (can’t be turned off atm)
– added Gamma settings to Options-Graphics
– AI without “Carry” will now grab restrained units instead of doing nothing
– AI will now engage in grab/carry etc more aggressively – hope this doesn’t cause other problems
– reduced the HP and stagger values of the big Futa claw unit
– it is now possible to find potential allies in all zones instead of only “Dungeon”
– Barbarian girl unit is no longer unique
– finishing off enemies with lewd gas no longer gives bonus EXP
– new games: instead of having most dungeon zones available at start, now only “Dungeon”, “Village” and “Tent” are available at start of game
– “Goblin Lair” is unlocked in “Dungeon”
– “Futa Floor” is unlocked in “Goblin Lair”
– “Ludas Lair” is unlocked in “Futa Floor”
– this is to give some time to the player to build up their gear/EXP before tackling the harder zones
– fixed some bugs with the floor progress not tracked properly
– significantly increased the drop rate of dyes and potions in dungeons
– possible to get stuck when released from a device that is placed near walls
– possible for devices to block doorway in dungeons and prevents progress
– Added dyes! for coloring equipment. Check previous post for details.
– fixed an infinite consumeable bug
– applied the rounding item stack to 1,000s, 1mils etc to all item types instead of only on gold because why not
– equipment with enchant level or dyes now have a blue icon instead of white
– relaxed the move compatibility for futas a bit more, now cowgirl position can be used by futas
– Added experimental feature: conversions!
– finishing off a non-unique enemy using devices will cause the unit to fight for you temporarily
– the converted unit only lasts for that particular dungeon floor/encounter or until ko ed
– converted units do not cost CP
– (not really tested thoroughly, hope it works )
– Added a team marker for allies (green triangle on top of head)
– fixed a possible game freeze on entering new dungeon
– fixed bug that cause characters to speed up when adjusting sliders under certain conditions
– fixed a couple issues related to AI & devices & pathfinding
– futas are treated as having both pussy & penis for purpose of grab move selection
– (this could have animation clipping problems, havn’t tested with each move individually)
– restraints on non-unique enemies now last for 60 sec (from 20 sec)
– AI: will not initiate grabs on enemies when on escort command
– AI: allies will no longer interrupt restraint attempts on other allies
– AI: allies will now help other restrainted allies as well
– fixed carrying animation problem
– fixed a possible crush (Nh of null)
– fixed a bug where sometimes units in party will teleport to grab foes on devices
– will now round the currency display to the nearest thousand or million instead of displaying the whole number
– fixed bug that item description sometimes incorrectly uses ally’s stats to calc damage instead of the player
– halved the HP of barbarian unit as she is a bit too tough with medium armor on starter weapon/stats
– friendly sex no longer deals corruption (purple) damage
– added 3 grab animations, 2 requiring a penis and 1 without
– added another check to floor the EXP numbers when using reset_potion
– fixed the trade item display bug that shows sell price to be 25% (bugged) instead of 20% (correct)
– units placed on devices now have an “invulnerable” tag – I believe this is the cause for several crashes
– fixed a crush when AI decides to grab an enemy that is in the selfH animation
– reduced lewd gas damage by ~1/3
– “lunge” ability preptime increased from 0.4s to 0.6s
– fixed an animation flag not set properly, causing several animations to be off the mark. Noteably, boob_fondle
– updated the pathfinding portion of AI somewhat – this should help against several keep running at a wall/ not moving things when the target is placed on a device
– this issue here is that the tiles the device is on is marked not traversable which cause the pathfinding to not return a path
– implemented new weapon group – flasks(grenades)
– they apply a AOE effect that effects foes and allies on impact
– currently, there are 3 different flasks: gas, flash and impact
– implemented masterbuation mechanics
– added 4 different masterbuation animations, 2 for having penis and 2 for no penis
– implemented restraints
– to restraint someone, first acquire the equipable restraint item
– then equip it and press E/LMB to use on appropriate target
– implemented carrying
– to carry someone, they must be restrained first
– implemented (Deviant?) Devices
– to use yourself, simply interact with the device
– to place someone else there, interact with the device while carrying whoever you want to put onto the device
– fixed weapon refine level (+1, +2..) not giving bonuses
– fixed a bug that prevent demon_wings from appearing in shops
– decreased the amount of exp shared with party members with bigger party sizes
– increased effectiveness of punishment/humil move against enemies (and only against enemies)
– fixed the bald spot in hair005
– added “longbow” to the game
– HP recover from rescuing reduced from 50% to 25% of max hp
– you can no longer use hoe/water_can/seed as weapon
– for weapons without attacks (such as restraints & farming tools) you can use the LMB inplace where the interact key (E) is appropriate
– rewrote the Decision-AI (there are several AIs, such as for combat, for navigation, etc) to support the restraint + carry mechanics
– fixed a combat AI bug that makes the AI pick the first eligible target rather than pick a “best” target from a pool
– added a (temporary?) Futa Dungeon with futa enemies only.
– enemies and containers may now drop enchanted (+1, +2…) and modified (Sharp Sword of Slaying, etc) items
– changed the item drop algorithm to allow for a wider possibility of items to be dropped from each mod/container
– added a “life_powder” item that can heal your team.
– fixed a bug in the stats UI that allows for infinite EXP gain
– reduced damage of rocks
– WIL stat now gives 1 poise (aka hyper armor) per point
– fixed bug that made it impossible to block when attacks are bouncing off due to deflection (blocks have higher priority than deflection now)
– it is now possible to find ranged ammo in containers within the dungeon
– tracking projectiles will now lose tracking if the angle between their heading and target is greater than 90 degrees (eg. if you roll through it)
– waves should now only start spawning when the previous wave is dealt with
– fixed a pathfinding bug that caused units to get stuck on crates and etc
– Fully using consumables (to 0) will no longer shift the entire inventory over
– Fixed bug that cause potential ally say that they join in camp when they actually dont
– Increased the spawn rate of potential allies (again)
– Cast_Curse cast time from 3.0 sec to 5.0 sec
– HP gain from levels from 5% per lvl to 2% per lvl as high lvl units is a bit too spongy (CON is still 5%/pt)
– fixed a bug that caused unique item data (such as enchantment lvl) to be reset upon equip/unequipping
– fixed bug with sometimes EXP is not awarded and sometimes EXP is awarded more than once
– fixed bug with loots disappearing in the lootbag when many units are KOed together
– added a reset_potion to Alchemist that can reset level back to level 1
– AI is now more likely to participate in offensive threesomes+
– fixed bug that cause your party members to disappear when asking a camp party to join you when you dont have enough CP
– fixed bug with unique enemies not dropping loot
– fixed bug with mouse lock/unlock state not updating properly when opening/closing UI elems
– greatly increased the amount of gold each merchant have
– changed description for damage scaling stats
– fixed end of floor enemies giving a lot more EXP than intended
– EXP gained from enemy cumming reduced from x2.5 to x2.0
– Increased EXP gain when enemy is defeated by an ally
– price of Futa Potion reduced from 3000 to 1500
– price of Yuri Potion reduced from 500 to 300
– root_fruits sell price increased from 10 to 20
– root_fruit seeds price reduced from 5 to 2
– collision checks & physics are disabled when in grab (prevents shaking on non-flat terrain)
– increased drop rate for equipment for non-unique mobs slightly
– Player will now actually strip when the strip prompt is shown rather than pick at random
– increased the likelihood of meeting a potential ally in dungeon to compensate for the removal of potential ally on first room
– disabled camera collision check vs non-flat terrain until a better solution is found
– HP regeneration is now percentage based instead of flat based during grabs (so you dont get penalized for lvling up)
– fixed party member corruption when loading from an older save
– fixed a possible game crush (.kg of null…)
– reduced spawn in 4th floor of goblin lair
– fixed impact damage of some range projectiles not resetting properly
– the key “I”, in addition to “T”, are bound to open/close inventory until customizeable controls
– fixed new potions for alchemist not showing up as for sale for older saves
– fixed bug with equipment upgrades not saving
– enabled moving of char window and item upgrade window via mouse drag at the top of each UI element
– fixed Bandit Queen not dropping quest item upon defeat
– fixed units with 0 HP standing up rather than staying downed at end of grab
– added “cat_ears_b” that uses hair color instead of skin color
– fixed bug with loot window showing more rows than what’s actually there
– party members no longer spawns at the first room of Dungeon – gotta find em
– splited the Slaves Set into 3 pieces: the chains, the arm and feet
– fixed bug that cause non-standard sized characters to be floating in air/sank to ground after roll
– fixed bug that using items on allies does not properly consumes the item
– implemented EXP and Leveling Up, works for companions too
– implemented EXP and Leveling Up, works for companions too
– implemented Stats, check in-game char window for what each individual stats do
– implemented new character status window
– implemented new ability and commands tab and it is now possible to freely rearrange the entire hotbar
– implemented Status Effects, check previous post on what they do
– implemented dynamic Status Effect UI icons under the bars
– implemented animations for drinking potion/eating consumables
– implemented target-tracking projectiles
– implemented engine support for animating different head models
– implemented engine support for using skeleton animation for environmental props
– implemented new lunge, place_trap and cast_curse abilities
– implemented Goblin Lair, there are 4 different “floors” in total
– implemented respawning waves for Intermediate+ dungeons
– implemented dungeon traps
– implemented opening door restrictions for Intermediate+ dungeons
– implemented equipment modifications
– added few more potions that grants various boons for alchemist
– fixed a bug that defeated units sometimes still moves their torso
– fixed restricting camera within bounds no working
– fixed the error prompt “Ok” button not working with mouse
– fixed portal dialogue bug at end of dungeon portals
– roll SP cost increased by 50%
– heat (pink bar) regeneration rate is halved
– camera collision is disabled when the player is in a grab
– stamina regeneration while running is reduced to 1/3 of the regular rate
– fixed push backs causes character to slide down the slope
– increased effectiveness of armor
– values of plate armor decreased from 1,000 to 500 per piece
– removed R*** dungeon zone
– double clicking now transfers item one at a time instead of the entire stack
– “Harvest” option for farming now checks for whether a “tool” (items in green) is not equipped rather than empty hand
– fixed a bug that sometimes cause attackers and target in grabs to be misplaced
– it is now possible to mark characters as having a penis via editing the unit data file. (File will be exposed in a later patch)
comming soon
implemented item descriptions when hovering over itemsimplemented bow and arrows- implemented ammo, the game uses a global ammo pool that is shared with all ranged weapons that consumes weaponimplemented non flat terrain and encounter mapsimplemented 8 new positions (5 M/F, 2 F/M, 1 F/F)implemented outfit strippingenemies now select positions based on what’s available (include mods) rather than from a fixed list
minion enemies are now grabbable. Weapons with high impact damage is especially effective at this.implemented a yes/no prompt check when “back to camp” button is pressed to help against fat fingeringimplemented a chatbox/logging system on the bottom of right of screen to notify players things that may not be obvious- when “ammo” are looted – they are automatically looted when opening the containercumming may now leave cum behindimplemented new collision handling for already colliding objectsimplemented various optimizationsfixed incorrect weights in the slave_setfixed bug that cause the interaction prompt to linger longer than it shouldfixed possible crush due to HotBar loading invalid or spent itemsfixed units in orgasm not having invulnerability at startfixed crush at bartering window when dragging invalid item into itfixed quest not workingfixed bug with projectiles not hitting nearby enemies and issue on enemies near wallsfixed inv icons disappearing when dragging the scrollbar while inventory size is smallfixed bug with swapping items in the hotbar not updating the change visuallymodding changes- more diagnostic messages- simplified the mod installation process- as a result, mods from previous versions are incompatible with new version
Demo 4.4b Modding Support
implemented new feature to move the camera while any UI elem is invisible – drag with LMB when mouse is not hovered on any UI elem.rest heals non-party allies toofixed scrollbar not appearing under some circumstancesfixed some sounds not playing properlyfixed an item duplication bugright clicking when Guard Mode is “Auto” no longer costs stamina, but prevents parries (bounce foe)fixed a crash when entering new dungeon/floorfixed swapping equipment bug that cause seeds to vanish
implemented sound system (different from HR)- added some basic sounds to the game (many are same from HR)- added experimental camera offset controls via arrow keys- redesigned the Bandit Queen at end of “Bandit Camp” to be treated as an actual boss (meaning she is grabbable)- enemy bodies now despawns faster- fixed bug with enemies not aggroing properly when hit with ranged attacks at far range- fixed culling system not respecting broken state for equipment- applied bandaid fix for “Bandit Camp” not unlocking after load- changed the body sliders changes to be updated per every game tick rather than per slider change – this doesnt solve the flickering problem but is more efficient on resources- upgraded to a new environ sys- fixed bug that cause team members to stop responding to orders after body sliders change
– implemented multiple hotbar pages, click the arrows or cycle with TAB key
– you now have access to the “terrain_editor” again via the command [give_item “terrain_editor”] (ignore the []), this may change in the future
– added [unequip_all] command for unequipping all non-body items
– added [unequip “EQUIP_SLOT”] command for unequipping the item at EQUIP_SLOT.
– fixed display bug that shows weapon with level req to require 10 lvls higher than what the requirement actually is
– implement new item type: ability books – use them to learn new abilities
– implemented the seduction_taunt ability mentioned previously
– added “Penis Size” and “Penis Girth” sliders
– modding: game will now prevent the recruitment of unique units under `<EXEC>RECRUIT_OPTIONS`
– fixed a potential infinite consumeable bug
– implemented grabs on units placed on devices
– currently, there are 6 grabs in total, and not every device have grabs, here is a list on what’s available:
– cross: “cross_examination” (H)
– pillory: “pillory_stuffing”(M), “pillory_spanking”(humil)
– pole_hook: “pole_hook_punchbag” (humil)
– wall_hole: “wallhole_dicking”(M) “wallhole_eatout” (H)
– disabled device collisions as it is causing problems with navigation and AI
– implemented 2 additional F/F oriented moves – finger_bang and face_sit
– implemented equipment requirements
– NOTE: stats requirements refers to the base stat without modifiers
– implemented unit recruitment – speak to Merchant-Chan at Village
– refer to previous post for details
– you may now join 3somes initiated by your allies
– fixed a crush in equip coloring via pressing “default” and then “cancel” on certain items
– restrained units are now invulnerable
– parrying an enemy in the air now cause their horizontal velocity to reset to 0 instead of doing the air slide
– fixed crush on clicking on empty equipment slot
– fixed crush when clicking on hair during hair change
– fixed sound sliders not showing up in options
– fixed crush on equipping certain items
– disabled Bloom & switched to MSAA instead of FXAA
– redone the “boss” fight at end of Dungeon Floor 3.
– fixed a crash when coloring some specific items
– increased the number of rows in dye UI from 16 to 24 (more Hues to pick from)
– fixed bug in quickbar where it sometimes incorrectly swaps unique items
– increased the duration of grabs across the board
– added buttons to open mod folder and saves folder under Options-Other
– falling to the abyss (most likely via disabling collision) will now only reset Y coords
– implemented experimental in-game-console. Open with ` key once enabled in the options. Doesn’t do much, yet.
– implemented SSAO, Bloom and FXAA graphic effects (can’t be turned off atm)
– added Gamma settings to Options-Graphics
– AI without “Carry” will now grab restrained units instead of doing nothing
– AI will now engage in grab/carry etc more aggressively – hope this doesn’t cause other problems
– reduced the HP and stagger values of the big Futa claw unit
– it is now possible to find potential allies in all zones instead of only “Dungeon”
– Barbarian girl unit is no longer unique
– finishing off enemies with lewd gas no longer gives bonus EXP
– new games: instead of having most dungeon zones available at start, now only “Dungeon”, “Village” and “Tent” are available at start of game
– “Goblin Lair” is unlocked in “Dungeon”
– “Futa Floor” is unlocked in “Goblin Lair”
– “Ludas Lair” is unlocked in “Futa Floor”
– this is to give some time to the player to build up their gear/EXP before tackling the harder zones
– fixed some bugs with the floor progress not tracked properly
– significantly increased the drop rate of dyes and potions in dungeons
– possible to get stuck when released from a device that is placed near walls
– possible for devices to block doorway in dungeons and prevents progress
– Added dyes! for coloring equipment. Check previous post for details.
– fixed an infinite consumeable bug
– applied the rounding item stack to 1,000s, 1mils etc to all item types instead of only on gold because why not
– equipment with enchant level or dyes now have a blue icon instead of white
– relaxed the move compatibility for futas a bit more, now cowgirl position can be used by futas
– Added experimental feature: conversions!
– finishing off a non-unique enemy using devices will cause the unit to fight for you temporarily
– the converted unit only lasts for that particular dungeon floor/encounter or until ko ed
– converted units do not cost CP
– (not really tested thoroughly, hope it works )
– Added a team marker for allies (green triangle on top of head)
– fixed a possible game freeze on entering new dungeon
– fixed bug that cause characters to speed up when adjusting sliders under certain conditions
– fixed a couple issues related to AI & devices & pathfinding
– futas are treated as having both pussy & penis for purpose of grab move selection
– (this could have animation clipping problems, havn’t tested with each move individually)
– restraints on non-unique enemies now last for 60 sec (from 20 sec)
– AI: will not initiate grabs on enemies when on escort command
– AI: allies will no longer interrupt restraint attempts on other allies
– AI: allies will now help other restrainted allies as well
– fixed carrying animation problem
– fixed a possible crush (Nh of null)
– fixed a bug where sometimes units in party will teleport to grab foes on devices
– will now round the currency display to the nearest thousand or million instead of displaying the whole number
– fixed bug that item description sometimes incorrectly uses ally’s stats to calc damage instead of the player
– halved the HP of barbarian unit as she is a bit too tough with medium armor on starter weapon/stats
– friendly sex no longer deals corruption (purple) damage
– added 3 grab animations, 2 requiring a penis and 1 without
– added another check to floor the EXP numbers when using reset_potion
– fixed the trade item display bug that shows sell price to be 25% (bugged) instead of 20% (correct)
– units placed on devices now have an “invulnerable” tag – I believe this is the cause for several crashes
– fixed a crush when AI decides to grab an enemy that is in the selfH animation
– reduced lewd gas damage by ~1/3
– “lunge” ability preptime increased from 0.4s to 0.6s
– fixed an animation flag not set properly, causing several animations to be off the mark. Noteably, boob_fondle
– updated the pathfinding portion of AI somewhat – this should help against several keep running at a wall/ not moving things when the target is placed on a device
– this issue here is that the tiles the device is on is marked not traversable which cause the pathfinding to not return a path
– implemented new weapon group – flasks(grenades)
– they apply a AOE effect that effects foes and allies on impact
– currently, there are 3 different flasks: gas, flash and impact
– implemented masterbuation mechanics
– added 4 different masterbuation animations, 2 for having penis and 2 for no penis
– implemented restraints
– to restraint someone, first acquire the equipable restraint item
– then equip it and press E/LMB to use on appropriate target
– implemented carrying
– to carry someone, they must be restrained first
– implemented (Deviant?) Devices
– to use yourself, simply interact with the device
– to place someone else there, interact with the device while carrying whoever you want to put onto the device
– fixed weapon refine level (+1, +2..) not giving bonuses
– fixed a bug that prevent demon_wings from appearing in shops
– decreased the amount of exp shared with party members with bigger party sizes
– increased effectiveness of punishment/humil move against enemies (and only against enemies)
– fixed the bald spot in hair005
– added “longbow” to the game
– HP recover from rescuing reduced from 50% to 25% of max hp
– you can no longer use hoe/water_can/seed as weapon
– for weapons without attacks (such as restraints & farming tools) you can use the LMB inplace where the interact key (E) is appropriate
– rewrote the Decision-AI (there are several AIs, such as for combat, for navigation, etc) to support the restraint + carry mechanics
– fixed a combat AI bug that makes the AI pick the first eligible target rather than pick a “best” target from a pool
– added a (temporary?) Futa Dungeon with futa enemies only.
– enemies and containers may now drop enchanted (+1, +2…) and modified (Sharp Sword of Slaying, etc) items
– changed the item drop algorithm to allow for a wider possibility of items to be dropped from each mod/container
– added a “life_powder” item that can heal your team.
– fixed a bug in the stats UI that allows for infinite EXP gain
– reduced damage of rocks
– WIL stat now gives 1 poise (aka hyper armor) per point
– fixed bug that made it impossible to block when attacks are bouncing off due to deflection (blocks have higher priority than deflection now)
– it is now possible to find ranged ammo in containers within the dungeon
– tracking projectiles will now lose tracking if the angle between their heading and target is greater than 90 degrees (eg. if you roll through it)
– waves should now only start spawning when the previous wave is dealt with
– fixed a pathfinding bug that caused units to get stuck on crates and etc
– Fully using consumables (to 0) will no longer shift the entire inventory over
– Fixed bug that cause potential ally say that they join in camp when they actually dont
– Increased the spawn rate of potential allies (again)
– Cast_Curse cast time from 3.0 sec to 5.0 sec
– HP gain from levels from 5% per lvl to 2% per lvl as high lvl units is a bit too spongy (CON is still 5%/pt)
– fixed a bug that caused unique item data (such as enchantment lvl) to be reset upon equip/unequipping
– fixed bug with sometimes EXP is not awarded and sometimes EXP is awarded more than once
– fixed bug with loots disappearing in the lootbag when many units are KOed together
– added a reset_potion to Alchemist that can reset level back to level 1
– AI is now more likely to participate in offensive threesomes+
– fixed bug that cause your party members to disappear when asking a camp party to join you when you dont have enough CP
– fixed bug with unique enemies not dropping loot
– fixed bug with mouse lock/unlock state not updating properly when opening/closing UI elems
– greatly increased the amount of gold each merchant have
– changed description for damage scaling stats
– fixed end of floor enemies giving a lot more EXP than intended
– EXP gained from enemy cumming reduced from x2.5 to x2.0
– Increased EXP gain when enemy is defeated by an ally
– price of Futa Potion reduced from 3000 to 1500
– price of Yuri Potion reduced from 500 to 300
– root_fruits sell price increased from 10 to 20
– root_fruit seeds price reduced from 5 to 2
– collision checks & physics are disabled when in grab (prevents shaking on non-flat terrain)
– increased drop rate for equipment for non-unique mobs slightly
– Player will now actually strip when the strip prompt is shown rather than pick at random
– increased the likelihood of meeting a potential ally in dungeon to compensate for the removal of potential ally on first room
– disabled camera collision check vs non-flat terrain until a better solution is found
– HP regeneration is now percentage based instead of flat based during grabs (so you dont get penalized for lvling up)
– fixed party member corruption when loading from an older save
– fixed a possible game crush (.kg of null…)
– reduced spawn in 4th floor of goblin lair
– fixed impact damage of some range projectiles not resetting properly
– the key “I”, in addition to “T”, are bound to open/close inventory until customizeable controls
– fixed new potions for alchemist not showing up as for sale for older saves
– fixed bug with equipment upgrades not saving
– enabled moving of char window and item upgrade window via mouse drag at the top of each UI element
– fixed Bandit Queen not dropping quest item upon defeat
– fixed units with 0 HP standing up rather than staying downed at end of grab
– added “cat_ears_b” that uses hair color instead of skin color
– fixed bug with loot window showing more rows than what’s actually there
– party members no longer spawns at the first room of Dungeon – gotta find em
– splited the Slaves Set into 3 pieces: the chains, the arm and feet
– fixed bug that cause non-standard sized characters to be floating in air/sank to ground after roll
– fixed bug that using items on allies does not properly consumes the item
– implemented EXP and Leveling Up, works for companions too
– implemented EXP and Leveling Up, works for companions too
– implemented Stats, check in-game char window for what each individual stats do
– implemented new character status window
– implemented new ability and commands tab and it is now possible to freely rearrange the entire hotbar
– implemented Status Effects, check previous post on what they do
– implemented dynamic Status Effect UI icons under the bars
– implemented animations for drinking potion/eating consumables
– implemented target-tracking projectiles
– implemented engine support for animating different head models
– implemented engine support for using skeleton animation for environmental props
– implemented new lunge, place_trap and cast_curse abilities
– implemented Goblin Lair, there are 4 different “floors” in total
– implemented respawning waves for Intermediate+ dungeons
– implemented dungeon traps
– implemented opening door restrictions for Intermediate+ dungeons
– implemented equipment modifications
– added few more potions that grants various boons for alchemist
– fixed a bug that defeated units sometimes still moves their torso
– fixed restricting camera within bounds no working
– fixed the error prompt “Ok” button not working with mouse
– fixed portal dialogue bug at end of dungeon portals
– roll SP cost increased by 50%
– heat (pink bar) regeneration rate is halved
– camera collision is disabled when the player is in a grab
– stamina regeneration while running is reduced to 1/3 of the regular rate
– fixed push backs causes character to slide down the slope
– increased effectiveness of armor
– values of plate armor decreased from 1,000 to 500 per piece
– removed R*** dungeon zone
– double clicking now transfers item one at a time instead of the entire stack
– “Harvest” option for farming now checks for whether a “tool” (items in green) is not equipped rather than empty hand
– fixed a bug that sometimes cause attackers and target in grabs to be misplaced
– it is now possible to mark characters as having a penis via editing the unit data file. (File will be exposed in a later patch)
comming soon
implemented item descriptions when hovering over itemsimplemented bow and arrows- implemented ammo, the game uses a global ammo pool that is shared with all ranged weapons that consumes weaponimplemented non flat terrain and encounter mapsimplemented 8 new positions (5 M/F, 2 F/M, 1 F/F)implemented outfit strippingenemies now select positions based on what’s available (include mods) rather than from a fixed list
minion enemies are now grabbable. Weapons with high impact damage is especially effective at this.implemented a yes/no prompt check when “back to camp” button is pressed to help against fat fingeringimplemented a chatbox/logging system on the bottom of right of screen to notify players things that may not be obvious- when “ammo” are looted – they are automatically looted when opening the containercumming may now leave cum behindimplemented new collision handling for already colliding objectsimplemented various optimizationsfixed incorrect weights in the slave_setfixed bug that cause the interaction prompt to linger longer than it shouldfixed possible crush due to HotBar loading invalid or spent itemsfixed units in orgasm not having invulnerability at startfixed crush at bartering window when dragging invalid item into itfixed quest not workingfixed bug with projectiles not hitting nearby enemies and issue on enemies near wallsfixed inv icons disappearing when dragging the scrollbar while inventory size is smallfixed bug with swapping items in the hotbar not updating the change visuallymodding changes- more diagnostic messages- simplified the mod installation process- as a result, mods from previous versions are incompatible with new version
Demo 4.4b Modding Support
implemented new feature to move the camera while any UI elem is invisible – drag with LMB when mouse is not hovered on any UI elem.rest heals non-party allies toofixed scrollbar not appearing under some circumstancesfixed some sounds not playing properlyfixed an item duplication bugright clicking when Guard Mode is “Auto” no longer costs stamina, but prevents parries (bounce foe)fixed a crash when entering new dungeon/floorfixed swapping equipment bug that cause seeds to vanish
implemented sound system (different from HR)- added some basic sounds to the game (many are same from HR)- added experimental camera offset controls via arrow keys- redesigned the Bandit Queen at end of “Bandit Camp” to be treated as an actual boss (meaning she is grabbable)- enemy bodies now despawns faster- fixed bug with enemies not aggroing properly when hit with ranged attacks at far range- fixed culling system not respecting broken state for equipment- applied bandaid fix for “Bandit Camp” not unlocking after load- changed the body sliders changes to be updated per every game tick rather than per slider change – this doesnt solve the flickering problem but is more efficient on resources- upgraded to a new environ sys- fixed bug that cause team members to stop responding to orders after body sliders change
Untitled Enlit3D: screenshots
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