![Touhou Kenchinroku ~Record of Penis Viewing~ [COMPLETED] Touhou Kenchinroku ~Record of Penis Viewing~ [COMPLETED]](/wp-content/uploads/screenshots/w4c/w4c0q5pk24-Touhou-Kenchinroku-Record-of-Penis-Viewing-xgames-poster.jpg)
“Could you show me your masturbation?”
A mysterious pretty girl introduces herself to a porn film director (the lead character).
Her name is Yukari, and she says she is a specter and has been feeding herself with human body, but she intends to eat sperm instead as a main meal in the future.
And for that, she looks for a man who has a good c*ck for that purpose.
Title: Touhou Kenchinroku
Original Title: 東方見鎮録
Year: Japan 2010-08-02, English Patch 2013-04-11
Developer: Circle Eden
Publishers: Circle Eden
Language: English
Voice: Not Voiced
Censored: Yes
Translation: Rinruririn
Image editing: Shaolan_kun
Text editing: qazmlpok
Proofreading: balistafreak
Playtesting: Twib, ZEROGRAVITY-A01, MuffinPimp
Install instructions
2. No need to install pre-patched version.
3. Known issues:
Wordwrapping does not always work in the message history.
Save titles may extend outside of the text area.
Some buttons when entering text input are still in Japanese. These are part of Windows and cannot be changed.
Win: – – – – – –
Touhou Kenchinroku ~Record of Penis Viewing~: screenshots
Enter an world with your secret wishes. Get this from MEGA or other file hostings, unzip, easy install in a couple of minutes and play this interactive game.
Try to be a good player and get what you want. It will be you next second life, there will be a lot of interesting persons that you’re totally gonna like. Will you find love and happiness? Will you be a good hero? Will you user your power and authority? Start now!