404: Overview story not found….
Developer/Publisher: Z-Fied
Censorship: No
Version: 10/01/2014
OS: Windows
Language: English
Bestiality, Necrophilia, Guro, Ryona, Rape
Install instructions
1- Extract to desired location.
2- Click on “Game name here.exe” to start playing.
2- Click on “Game name here.exe” to start playing.
Update 18th May 2013:
Pausing circumstances changed
‘Sprite not exist’ bug fixed
Fixed ‘moving through walls’ bug
Added merchant screen (with extra money drops)
Added Laboratory (in Extras)
Added extra customisation to Laboratory
Fixed zombie HP post-sex bug
Moral bar re-added
Adjustments made to various menus
Update 10th January 2013:
Added Cerberus knotted animations
Added variations to death sprite
Fixed Laboratory Dialogue bug
Added preview to Boutique
Added room names
Added more differences to ‘Cutscene OFF’ option
Clothing damage is now a grapple
Update 1st January 2013:
Removal of sex cooldown time for enemies.
Added full intro, and bartender NPC.
Edited knife range
Indication of where you can change area
Zombies can now grab inbetween lanes
Crouching now has its own key
Examining now freezes time
Fixed memory leak #2 – Gallery
Added Christmas surprise!
Fixed a couple of collisions
Turning Cutscenes off skips several dialogues
Added money
Added display of experience gains
Update 23th November 2012:
Complete Revamp into new “3D”, which includes:
– Changes to AI Behaviour
– Depth system for layers
– Less restrictive Movement
– Particles
– Larger environments
Added changing controls to the options
Made a number of resources load externally
Fixed memory leak
Whore points can be increased through “grinding” in a submit
“Pleasure” system added, with some visual representation
First time sex is unescapeable, and added some text.
“Fap Away!” cheat added
Added sprites that were missing before (namely clothing layers)
Added Cerberus
Added cost of items in Bonus Features
Armor protects against normal attacks
Removed in-game options due to excessive bugs
Stamina system updated, added more use for it
Added White-out on normal death, fade-out on virus death
Update 28th May 2012:
Extras & Cheats Menu
Points Gained from Mercenaries depending on Rank
Sex Grapples changed
Game Over in sex sprite changed
Update 30th September 2011:
Inventory System changed
Sex grapple dependant on position of Reb and position of enemy
Game window now larger
Started on new custom inventory sprites
Submitting to Cerberus
Option to change % of sexual attacks to normal attacks!
Pickup system revamped!
Bug Fix: Mercenaries sound error: “sound does not exist”
Bug Fix: Mercenaries – getting stuck in barriers after grapples
Added HUD + attack chance changing to in game options
Update 17th September 2011:
Bug fix: Ammunition disappearing through manual reload
Bug fix: Teleporting when meeting with boss
Saving/Loading fixed yet again
3 Save slots!
Special Weapon
New HUD (See Graphical Options)
Bug Fix: Knifing would only work in one direction.
Chapter 1 End
Zombie Biting Grabs
Maximum Handgun Ammo in one slot raised to 100
Inventory/Menu Sounds (Wasn’t sure whether to go with more RE2 sounds or RE0 ones, went with RE0 ones)
Hint at new scene (Gotta get them animations first.)
Fade outs on normal death scenes
Update 25th August 2011:
Zombie AI improved
Zombie health tweaked
Saving is now more Resident Evil like.
In-Game Pause Menu
Changed look of options
Removed annoying red flashing when dead from grapple
‘Submit’ option for grapples, to reduce damage taken
Lots of animations
Dialogue changes
New area – On both outside and B2
Fixed Note bug where you’re in the inventory screen, but you can be attacked
Fixed more door bugs
Removed movement while crouching.
Started loading pictures from outside of game.
Added more text to ‘Player Controls’ note
…And other stuff I’ve forgotten.
Update 4th August 2011:
Skills Menu
File Menu
Moving Virus Gauge onto Inventory screen, along with Whore/Innocent status
Herbs temporarily stop virus increase, and combined ones can reduce infection!
Removed no infection rise if at 0% infection
Infection rises faster as you hit certain points
More and more composition (New Intro music, Epic Pre-Game Music, Option Screen Music, 2 Boss themes, another Tense Music and a Credit Theme.
New Area
First Puzzle has been added, with a note to help.
Boss #1 (D-Zombie)
Fixed saving system, there shouldn’t be any more errors.
Competely revamped inventory and the way that it is saved… and then reverted it back because it didn’t work for some reason.
Added combining weapon with ammo to reload gun (before you could only do it by selecting ammo first)
Added a statistics section to inventory screen which shows when selecting the FILE option.
Added a file to start of game explaining controls.
Added a small little bit of text showing current chapter and in-game time.
Changed physics to add ladder functionality
Removed “Easy” difficulty
Added difficulty selection to main menu
Accuracy has been altered
Changed saving to be more Resident Evil-esque
Removed number-pad listening to music.
Added Basic Skill images
Changed Boss move probabilities
Added New door sprite and sound
Update 12th July 2011:
Reloading Shortcut (Hold X + C)
Re-introduced reloading through inventory
You can’t move or bring up inventory while aiming/reloading
Game now has another level of darkness
New Game Over pics for Zombie + Leech
Ink Ribbon now smaller (I will give it that sparkling effect)
Zombies now only drop items in ‘The Mercenaries’
New Compositions (1-9 are all OST now)
‘Retry’ option in The Mercenaries on death
Loading message now slower
Virus gauge now doesn’t go up if not infected at all (I might remove this)
Lift & Ambient noises
Reloading noise
Fixed a couple more glitches (Ammo & Ink ribbon bouncing in save room, grapple glitch, sound glitch, etc.)
Examining objects (such as signs, dead guy, etc.)
Point of death is now more precise (you could die when your health was slightly above 0 before)
Update 6th July 2011:
Blood particle fulld
Character and zombies now bleed when hit
Characters are now invincible while going through doors
Saving and Loading with Ink Ribbons and Typewriters
Mercenaries menu look updated for costumes.
Mercenaries point system updated.
Jumping has been changed
Characters aim is not 100% accurate
Inventory checking updated
Combat Knife added (No attack yet)
Composed new music (Listen to it by pressing 8)
Lift now has controls
Bar now has lighting
Sex noises & particles are now timed with thrusts
Update 3rd July 2011:
EMERGENCY BUG FIX! (Escaping grapples led to millions of characters and zombies being created, and an eventual crash!)
Blood particles for normal bites/attacks
Update 2nd July 2011:
Slightly expanded first area
You can dodge attacks by jumping, however you can’t jump all the time now. (You also won’t be able to jump past EVERY enemy…)
New Aiming sprite, and bullets come out where the new sprites gun is.
Reloading bar and Ammunition HUD Element. Ammunition is displayed as Bullets in current clip / Bullets in Inventory (Removed the ‘bullets in clip’ number from the weapon image)
Morality bar shows when you open your inventory
While in Inventory game fullly pauses
Lifts now stop all movement and aiming to prevent bugs occuring
Leeches have slightly improved AI
Items now appear behind the character, instead of in front
Added a new particle. Those who usually try to get sexed up will notice it.
Key system now fullly free of bugs, so you now can’t get stuck (You could get stuck before by dropping the key that the man gives you.)
Completed Portraits for the Mercenaries… also gives a hint on characters.
Game Variables are now included in SETTINGS.ini, and to stop cheating it is now encoded
Mercenaries clock no longer counts down if you have died during a grapple (Before if the time was almost up when you died to a grapple and the clock hit 0 before the grapple finished you would survive and would receive a result)
Update 28th June 2011:
Intro sequences – Just so both the forum and I get credit
Age Warning – No kiddies allowed!
Revamped Physics Engine – Finally got rid of (most) of the annoying bugs!
Leech Enemy – Only has basic attack at the moment, will add in H-Content after character is fullly remade. (Will probably host a poll on this)
Camera System – One of my personal favourites (when combined with the Darkness)
Darkness in certain places
Lots of Graphic Effects
First couple of areas
New Base Sprite – Still needs animating, but slowly getting there!
Completed Plotline
Keys & Doors
Update 10th June 2011:
Finished Inventory System (With combining, checking, etc.)
Inventory screen now shows weapon statistics.
Item drops by zombies
Mercenaries mode now has points, timer, spawns and final ranking
Character select screen now has portraits and background.
Automatic reloading when out of ammo
Created a code to make it easier when implementing new weapons & items. (not that you guys care about this!)
Update 8th June 2011:
Added Inventory screen (which also shows what weapon you have equipped)
Added a cinematic intro (with a very very brief tutorial) Being grabbed by the zombie in the intro nets you an instant Game Over. I’m hoping to have a different animation for this scene. (and other “panic” scenes)
Added more sound effects
Added some… “visual effects” (still in test)
Changed menu look to a more RE4-ish one
Made a basic sprite for Ashley (Just to show you that you’re not playing as the same character)
Changed zombie/dog attacks (Now added in normal bites.) When hit by a zombie/dog there is a 40% chance of bite, and a 60% chance of grab.
Changed the way sprites are shown on the character (and fixed that stupid jumping bug) NOTE: If you hold down then you will receive that “getting her clothes back” thing, this is not a bug, this is because there is no crouching sprite yet.
Added an option to turn off the corner “picture in picture” view when grappled.
Changed damage to clothing from attacks.
Composed 3 more bits of music: Boss “Test #2”, “Big Meeting”, and “Panic!”
Sounds now work properly with grapples (she doesn’t start making sexy noises until she’s being sexed)
Changed the amount of health Rebecca and Ashley have in “The Mercenaries”
Pausing circumstances changed
‘Sprite not exist’ bug fixed
Fixed ‘moving through walls’ bug
Added merchant screen (with extra money drops)
Added Laboratory (in Extras)
Added extra customisation to Laboratory
Fixed zombie HP post-sex bug
Moral bar re-added
Adjustments made to various menus
Update 10th January 2013:
Added Cerberus knotted animations
Added variations to death sprite
Fixed Laboratory Dialogue bug
Added preview to Boutique
Added room names
Added more differences to ‘Cutscene OFF’ option
Clothing damage is now a grapple
Update 1st January 2013:
Removal of sex cooldown time for enemies.
Added full intro, and bartender NPC.
Edited knife range
Indication of where you can change area
Zombies can now grab inbetween lanes
Crouching now has its own key
Examining now freezes time
Fixed memory leak #2 – Gallery
Added Christmas surprise!
Fixed a couple of collisions
Turning Cutscenes off skips several dialogues
Added money
Added display of experience gains
Update 23th November 2012:
Complete Revamp into new “3D”, which includes:
– Changes to AI Behaviour
– Depth system for layers
– Less restrictive Movement
– Particles
– Larger environments
Added changing controls to the options
Made a number of resources load externally
Fixed memory leak
Whore points can be increased through “grinding” in a submit
“Pleasure” system added, with some visual representation
First time sex is unescapeable, and added some text.
“Fap Away!” cheat added
Added sprites that were missing before (namely clothing layers)
Added Cerberus
Added cost of items in Bonus Features
Armor protects against normal attacks
Removed in-game options due to excessive bugs
Stamina system updated, added more use for it
Added White-out on normal death, fade-out on virus death
Update 28th May 2012:
Extras & Cheats Menu
Points Gained from Mercenaries depending on Rank
Sex Grapples changed
Game Over in sex sprite changed
Update 30th September 2011:
Inventory System changed
Sex grapple dependant on position of Reb and position of enemy
Game window now larger
Started on new custom inventory sprites
Submitting to Cerberus
Option to change % of sexual attacks to normal attacks!
Pickup system revamped!
Bug Fix: Mercenaries sound error: “sound does not exist”
Bug Fix: Mercenaries – getting stuck in barriers after grapples
Added HUD + attack chance changing to in game options
Update 17th September 2011:
Bug fix: Ammunition disappearing through manual reload
Bug fix: Teleporting when meeting with boss
Saving/Loading fixed yet again
3 Save slots!
Special Weapon
New HUD (See Graphical Options)
Bug Fix: Knifing would only work in one direction.
Chapter 1 End
Zombie Biting Grabs
Maximum Handgun Ammo in one slot raised to 100
Inventory/Menu Sounds (Wasn’t sure whether to go with more RE2 sounds or RE0 ones, went with RE0 ones)
Hint at new scene (Gotta get them animations first.)
Fade outs on normal death scenes
Update 25th August 2011:
Zombie AI improved
Zombie health tweaked
Saving is now more Resident Evil like.
In-Game Pause Menu
Changed look of options
Removed annoying red flashing when dead from grapple
‘Submit’ option for grapples, to reduce damage taken
Lots of animations
Dialogue changes
New area – On both outside and B2
Fixed Note bug where you’re in the inventory screen, but you can be attacked
Fixed more door bugs
Removed movement while crouching.
Started loading pictures from outside of game.
Added more text to ‘Player Controls’ note
…And other stuff I’ve forgotten.
Update 4th August 2011:
Skills Menu
File Menu
Moving Virus Gauge onto Inventory screen, along with Whore/Innocent status
Herbs temporarily stop virus increase, and combined ones can reduce infection!
Removed no infection rise if at 0% infection
Infection rises faster as you hit certain points
More and more composition (New Intro music, Epic Pre-Game Music, Option Screen Music, 2 Boss themes, another Tense Music and a Credit Theme.
New Area
First Puzzle has been added, with a note to help.
Boss #1 (D-Zombie)
Fixed saving system, there shouldn’t be any more errors.
Competely revamped inventory and the way that it is saved… and then reverted it back because it didn’t work for some reason.
Added combining weapon with ammo to reload gun (before you could only do it by selecting ammo first)
Added a statistics section to inventory screen which shows when selecting the FILE option.
Added a file to start of game explaining controls.
Added a small little bit of text showing current chapter and in-game time.
Changed physics to add ladder functionality
Removed “Easy” difficulty
Added difficulty selection to main menu
Accuracy has been altered
Changed saving to be more Resident Evil-esque
Removed number-pad listening to music.
Added Basic Skill images
Changed Boss move probabilities
Added New door sprite and sound
Update 12th July 2011:
Reloading Shortcut (Hold X + C)
Re-introduced reloading through inventory
You can’t move or bring up inventory while aiming/reloading
Game now has another level of darkness
New Game Over pics for Zombie + Leech
Ink Ribbon now smaller (I will give it that sparkling effect)
Zombies now only drop items in ‘The Mercenaries’
New Compositions (1-9 are all OST now)
‘Retry’ option in The Mercenaries on death
Loading message now slower
Virus gauge now doesn’t go up if not infected at all (I might remove this)
Lift & Ambient noises
Reloading noise
Fixed a couple more glitches (Ammo & Ink ribbon bouncing in save room, grapple glitch, sound glitch, etc.)
Examining objects (such as signs, dead guy, etc.)
Point of death is now more precise (you could die when your health was slightly above 0 before)
Update 6th July 2011:
Blood particle fulld
Character and zombies now bleed when hit
Characters are now invincible while going through doors
Saving and Loading with Ink Ribbons and Typewriters
Mercenaries menu look updated for costumes.
Mercenaries point system updated.
Jumping has been changed
Characters aim is not 100% accurate
Inventory checking updated
Combat Knife added (No attack yet)
Composed new music (Listen to it by pressing 8)
Lift now has controls
Bar now has lighting
Sex noises & particles are now timed with thrusts
Update 3rd July 2011:
EMERGENCY BUG FIX! (Escaping grapples led to millions of characters and zombies being created, and an eventual crash!)
Blood particles for normal bites/attacks
Update 2nd July 2011:
Slightly expanded first area
You can dodge attacks by jumping, however you can’t jump all the time now. (You also won’t be able to jump past EVERY enemy…)
New Aiming sprite, and bullets come out where the new sprites gun is.
Reloading bar and Ammunition HUD Element. Ammunition is displayed as Bullets in current clip / Bullets in Inventory (Removed the ‘bullets in clip’ number from the weapon image)
Morality bar shows when you open your inventory
While in Inventory game fullly pauses
Lifts now stop all movement and aiming to prevent bugs occuring
Leeches have slightly improved AI
Items now appear behind the character, instead of in front
Added a new particle. Those who usually try to get sexed up will notice it.
Key system now fullly free of bugs, so you now can’t get stuck (You could get stuck before by dropping the key that the man gives you.)
Completed Portraits for the Mercenaries… also gives a hint on characters.
Game Variables are now included in SETTINGS.ini, and to stop cheating it is now encoded
Mercenaries clock no longer counts down if you have died during a grapple (Before if the time was almost up when you died to a grapple and the clock hit 0 before the grapple finished you would survive and would receive a result)
Update 28th June 2011:
Intro sequences – Just so both the forum and I get credit
Age Warning – No kiddies allowed!
Revamped Physics Engine – Finally got rid of (most) of the annoying bugs!
Leech Enemy – Only has basic attack at the moment, will add in H-Content after character is fullly remade. (Will probably host a poll on this)
Camera System – One of my personal favourites (when combined with the Darkness)
Darkness in certain places
Lots of Graphic Effects
First couple of areas
New Base Sprite – Still needs animating, but slowly getting there!
Completed Plotline
Keys & Doors
Update 10th June 2011:
Finished Inventory System (With combining, checking, etc.)
Inventory screen now shows weapon statistics.
Item drops by zombies
Mercenaries mode now has points, timer, spawns and final ranking
Character select screen now has portraits and background.
Automatic reloading when out of ammo
Created a code to make it easier when implementing new weapons & items. (not that you guys care about this!)
Update 8th June 2011:
Added Inventory screen (which also shows what weapon you have equipped)
Added a cinematic intro (with a very very brief tutorial) Being grabbed by the zombie in the intro nets you an instant Game Over. I’m hoping to have a different animation for this scene. (and other “panic” scenes)
Added more sound effects
Added some… “visual effects” (still in test)
Changed menu look to a more RE4-ish one
Made a basic sprite for Ashley (Just to show you that you’re not playing as the same character)
Changed zombie/dog attacks (Now added in normal bites.) When hit by a zombie/dog there is a 40% chance of bite, and a 60% chance of grab.
Changed the way sprites are shown on the character (and fixed that stupid jumping bug) NOTE: If you hold down then you will receive that “getting her clothes back” thing, this is not a bug, this is because there is no crouching sprite yet.
Added an option to turn off the corner “picture in picture” view when grappled.
Changed damage to clothing from attacks.
Composed 3 more bits of music: Boss “Test #2”, “Big Meeting”, and “Panic!”
Sounds now work properly with grapples (she doesn’t start making sexy noises until she’s being sexed)
Changed the amount of health Rebecca and Ashley have in “The Mercenaries”
Download: – –
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