Rabicher is published on xGames as a part of our best adult games list. Free access to this porn game is provided with just a few clicks. Games like Rabicher are are always available for you is always here.
It’s a simply customizable 3D simulation.
You can freely change the appearance, actions, and voice.
There are 84 action patterns per character.
Last update: 2024-12-13
Released: 2024-09-20
Creator (developer): Saiwai
Censored: Yes (mosiac)
Version: 1.2
Language: Japanese, English (MTL)
Install instructions:
Whats new (last changes):
・Product version enhancements
・Wording changed
・Combat motion correction
・Increased stamina recovery speed
Bug fixes
・Fixed the issue where save data could not be shared between the trial version and the retail version.
・Adjustment of battle motion and judgment box
Developer Notes:
Rabisher [Saiwai]
A simple customizable 3D simulation.
You can freely change the appearance, actions, and voice.
There are 84 patterns of actions per character.
Rabisher [Saiwai]
You can play two characters.
You can change one character to a ○ reversion.
・Event mode
Rabisher [Saiwai]
Click to progress the action step by step.
There are 14 event scenes per character.
Rabisher [Saiwai]
You can view all event scenes from the top left of the title.
・Action mode
Rabisher [Saiwai]
This is a difficult swordplay action game.
Please check the readme in the game folder or the tutorial in the game for operation instructions.
You do not need to play the action mode to view all R-18 elements.
Rabicher [v1.2] [Saiwai]: screenshots
Get ready for an exciting journey with Rabicher [v1.2] [Saiwai], a fully customizable 3D simulation game! With 84 action patterns per character and two playable characters, you’ll be immersed in a world of limitless possibilities. Change their appearance, actions, and voice to your liking. Experience both the Simulation mode and Event mode, with 14 event scenes per character. Or test your skills in Action mode, a challenging swordplay game. Download now and explore the captivating world of Rabicher!