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Pride and Submission: screenshots
xGames opinion:
The story behind the game is a stubborn and arrogant prince’s journey of becoming a monster’s slave pet (from the original dev site). I was thinking that it was just a mere knight but let’s put that aside. There are tons of slave simulator games but this one is BL/ Yaoi/ Gay Slave Sim/ Visual Novel type of a game which I say the best for it’s category that I find so far the game mechanics is also complex and it gives you diffrent result on how you progressing the game.
Here some information that could help you out on progressing the game.
Unlock bath event
All animations can only be unlock by testing all choices.
Unlock: cleanliness = 0
To activate the male preg/group sex scenes
_If the prince pride and psyche <50 before you activated group sex, the event will never happens
_After loose his virginity (the first time the monster's cock rams in the prince's asshole), if the prince said Fuck off 4 times
_The giant monsters ask the monster "Can we shoot eggs in him?
" Why not?" > male preg “Ask the prince” >groupsex
Tips how to easily beat the game
– If the prince’s water is around 60 or above, he will ask you to release him because he needs to pee. If you make him pee right there, his pride and mental will decrease by 10
– 1 or 2 pee time and he will do everything in the sim menu
The 1.3 version is out introducing some kind of dog event. You can download it on it’s dev blog.