Porn Empire is a simulation/management with light RPG elements where you play as an amateur porn producer. Start small, shoot amateur porn and as you progress, you earn more money, buy better equipment, shoot with better girls and expand your empire.
Updated: 21-Jan-2018
Developer/Publisher: PEdev – |
Censorship: No
Version: 0.75b
OS: Windows/Mac/Linux/Android
Language: English
Engine: Godot Engine
Simulation, Management
Whats new (last changes)s
Female hair types.
New tits.
F & M eyes, outfits and noses.
New backgrounds – Gym locker room & shower
New sex animations
Low level actors(M and F) are visually different from higher level ones.
Option for “max scenes per week” now defaults to 1
Full male customization.
Security levels + break-in events moved to random events.
Staff bling.
Merging Trends and Reports PA roles. Now just “Analytics”
Moved text from Info to Stats tab. You now have every important info on 1 tab.
Talent search and Retirement moved from mails to an actual event. You have a conversation with few choices.
You can fuck every staff member as a FEM MC. Raise their happiness if they are stressed.
Website changed.
Global trends behavior changed.
FEM MC: You can go MMF threesome if seduce check is passed in the city.
FEM MC: You can fuck an angry BF to resolve the conflict.
Retirement is now an event.
Talent search is now an event.
MILF or Teen characteristic was added when you changed the appearance of the girl.
Couldn’t hire weekly talents.
After deleting all websites game broke down.
Faces were swapped in FFM scenes.
When changing appearance wrong type of breasts were showing.
Fixed some outfits clipping issues.
Fixed some floating cloth pieces.
In sex scenes eyebrows/pubes colors were wrong.
Autoschedule checkbox options are now also on likeness tab. This will save you a click or two.
PA autoproduction by best stats didn’t work correctly.
PA autoprodcution now prioritize contract girls.
Some random events were triggered for retired actors
Talent search models had ALL likeness
Male backside hair didn’t show.
Fixed repeating events.
-Girls attributes suddenly dropped to potential value.
-Staff salaries in casting agency were not scaled properly resulting into low level employees having way to big starting salaries.
-Fixed auto production scheduling
-“Max scenes per week” option was ignored
-Weekly report from auto production added to mail
-Manual Production: Chemistry match now updated when selecting actors instead of assigning them. With additional info on hover.
-Manual Production: Models are colorized red to green based on their likeness for particular type of scene.
-Studio overview: list of scheduled scenes weren’t shown.
-Code optimization. Skipping time is much faster.
-Studying in library didn’t add Stress.
-Couldn’t change eyebrows and pubes color outside of character creation.
-Girls weren’t naked in surgery/tattoo customization so it was impossible to see changes.
-Back right arm tattoo was hidden.
-Random level distribution for agency models and staff (until we find a better solution).
-Agency models and staff change more often.
-Websites: bug prevented opening 2 or more websites.
-Websites: Subscriptions were still set on weekly instead of monthly.
-Websites: Marketing removed until next update to avoid savegame breakage.
-Pregnancy fixed.
-Staff Pregnancy fixed.
-Skip 12h and skip to next day 8am button.
-Every costume, except special ones, has 5 variations.
-Sexy clothing. Corsets, garter belts, …
-Gym background
-Change to real dates
-Starting perks
-Retirement options for models
-Contract girls. Offer girl a contract and she’ll work exclusively for you.
-Cheat Panel
-Change clothes for guys
-Change guys appearance
-Change skin color
-Ability to change eyebrows and pubes color separably.
-See girls and boys stats when hovering. More data shown if you have higher intellect.
-Casting agency is tiered. More popular you are, more models are available.
-Auto publish system. New PA role – Publishing.
-PA role – Production – is not by floor anymore. One PA can now cover all studios.
-PA role – Production – You can now choose on which days studios can shoot. (Monday-Saturday)
-PA role – Marketing – Option to set automatic advertising of scenes
-Option to set max movies per week for models.
-Editors now auto edit available scenes (they are swapped with helpers in studio).
-Manual production redone. It uses same UI as in office, so you can now see likes/dislikes and sort them accordingly.
-You can revisit convention girls and take them for a ride.
-Dudes can take drugs.
-Talent Search PA role redone. More options to choose.
-Placing ads removed. You can get models and staff at casting agency/job center.
-UI actor/scene categories are hidden if there’s nothing to list.
-Hover tooltips across for additional info. Disabled buttons will show more info on why that’s the case. Hovering over scene list will show you when the popularity penalty will end and so on.
-Models gain experience weekly and by shooting scenes. Their attributes will slowly raise.
-Option to enable automatic weekly beauty salon visits.
-Various QOL improvements.
-When changing appearance, clothing options weren’t saved .
-Girl looks weren’t updated when going to surgery.
-Female main char had wrong characteristic at creation.
-Condom use option was not saved.
-FEM MC: Friend event went to FFM, instead of FF.
-FEM MC: Some texts referred to you as male.
-Fixed Jenny and Carmen sex scene positions.
-Couldn’t sort the staff in descending order
-Whole lot of small bugs
-“Favorites” button
-Auto schedule options for girls & boys.
-Randomize appearance button at character creation.
-Soft lock when setting preferences at character creation.
-Girls and Boys scene history on INFO tab. Select particular scene to show more info on it.
-Special girls unlock additional locations for quick scenes. (Also owning a car and hotel room)
-Overview tab updated to show more data.
-When hovering over SHOOT button, you can now see all the reasons why you can’t.
-Few new SOLO and GIRL-GIRL scenes
-Added some more sound effects to MF scenes. Some might not be synced with animation exactly.
-Missing piercings & glasses.
-Milf trait disappeared after surgery.
-Could not remove back side clothes when in surgery screen.
-Options in surgery/makeover all defaulted to 1.
-Locations were unlocked from the beginning
-Tooltips on training showed wrong data
New backgrounds
New Haircuts & eyes
Male Expressions
Back side outfits
90 skin colors for girls
New UI
Improved filtering and sorting
Rename girls/scenes by clicking on their name when selected
Store redone
Auto assign staff members and equipment in studio
Hover to see girl’s stats and characteristics. No need to go into conversation. (Higher INT will give you more data)
Play as female character
Random male NPCs accros town
Undressing controls during sex scenes
Convention quiz minigame
More sound effects during s
v0.71 Whats new (last changes)
-Backgrounds: Bar, bar toilet and city map.
-Female: New haircuts, outfits and one more eye color(dark brown).
-Male: More eyes.
-ANAL option for every MF position.
-Skill system. Choose from 9 different classes.
-New location: Casting agency. Substitute for placing ads. (Only female models for now. Non-female NPCs can be recruited with the old method.)
-New Attribute: Potential. Serves as a cap (with some tolerance)up to which the girl is trainable. Important stat to have if you wanna level your girl to the final skill.
-Detailed chemistry view for each girl.
-All attributes changed from 30 to 100.
-Chemistry raised to 200 total.
-Scene popularity raised to 1900 total.
-All levels changed from 5 to 10.
-You can now delete male actors.
-Scene tab: Expanded stats IF your PA has report role.
-Scene tab: A list of websites with their sub happiness values at bottom right. So you can quickly see which websites are in need of new videos when publishing.
-You can impregnate special staff members and assistants.
-The more popular the girl is, the smaller the 14 days scene popularity penalty becomes. If a girl’s popularity is 100, penalty is halved (so 7 days).
-Girls tab: Second characteristics filter and checkbox to show only pregnant women.
-Staff tab: Job filter.
-Animation changes to flow more naturally unlike the sort of robotic movement that was used up till now.
-You can change costumes and accessories on Girls/Image tab.
-Alice(girl on the beach) can be employed as a PR Manager which will boost your earnings.
PA new role: Marketing. Increase the income you earn from a scene by a small factor. The higher level the PA, the bigger the returns.
-PAs who are assigned with an auto production role will first prioritize actors that are already paid, then all the others and lastly those with popularity penalty.
-PA Auto production: option to prioritize girls with best stats.
-Redesigned a bit the Surgery and Makeover tabs.
-Updated quick guide in the main menu.
-Filtering in PRODUCTION wasn’t working right. Some options didn’t do anything, like sorting by last published.
-Staff sex skills increase as you train them. Before they were stuck at 1 position forever.
-Overview tab showed wrong number of actresses.
-PAs scheduled girls that were on training.
-Some outfits didn’t show the right version when in sex scene (like nurse outfit for example).
-Skiping sex scenes fast causes to stay in pause mode.
-Posting videos on the internet lowered the website happiness
Devotee class: One of the skills was bugged and crashed the game in some cases.
Outfits: Maid, nurse and red dress were bugged when you removed top and bottom parts.
Production: Unable to assign males to the scene.
Home & production: Stats on special girls were all shown as 0.
v0.7 Whats new (last changes)
-New female and male haircuts.
-More female outfits.
-New breast shapes and sizes.
-More pube types.
-Updated outfits to fit new breast sizes.
-New special girl – Cop
-New FFM scenes – Go to studio, when status is “shooting”(from 14:00-15:00) open up the studio panel and click on “take a look” button. You have control over the scenes even if your main character is not in them.
-Outfit selection for your girls. Shoes, stockings, tops, earrings, necklaces…
-Right click on girls name in “Girls” tab and you have the option to add her to favorites. A little star will appear next to her name. You can also rename her to whatever you want and confirm with ENTER.
-Hotel’s girls list now show all data + image.
-Production scene is updated to show all the girl’s data.
-You can sort girls by last shot, last published scenes and specific attributes.
-Sex skills builds up for everyone not just the main character (+1 after 4 sex scenes)
-Kimberly(the special nurse girl), her effect changed from -STD chance to -50% for rehab time(surgery and drugs).
-Maya(the school girl from library) can now also be employed as your PA
-You can hire as many PAs as you want. There are 6 roles for them in your company. Trends & fans analytics, talent search, reports, and production for each studio floor.
-As you assign PA to a perticular floor new options open up. You can choose type of movies being made and some other settings.
-Alt girls appear more frequently in the park.
-Sex position selector
-Camera zoom in bedroom & office(With scroll wheel)
-Websites bring way more money (almost *3)
-Increase Beauty on girls. 1 week temporary bonus +10.
-Choosing Alice to be a pornstar sometimes crashed the game.
-Only 2 Actors were showing on the scenes tab, even if there were more in the scene.
-Studio production was charging the actors even if you already them.
Some more female and male haircuts.
Pregnant bodies and some new outfits for preggos.
Different head shapes for more variety.
Few new backgrounds.
-New Studio area with multiple upgradable studios for production of movies. You can assign staff and equipment to them. (Director, camera and lighting are needed if you want to shoot in a studio)
-Male actors. You can only hire them through ads for now.
-Pregnancy event redone. You can now have sex with pregnant chicks, shoot porn and more…
-Bonuses are added to the base not summed together anymore. This means you can train yourself to 30 + all items and reach charisma 40. Same with girls.
-Browse net action changed from popup window to notificaton.
-Staff salaries are cut in half.
-Relaxing in park results in -2 strees, upgrading intellect and fitness no longer increases the stress.
-Girl popuarity has a limit based on her stats. For example low level girl cannot go above 20 points.
-Setting salaries in ads now has some colors which change based on the level/salary. Red price means very low probabilty of geting a reply,
yellow is better, green is around average and blue over. Number of responses are also based on the salary you set. It can also happen you get no mail even if you set the salary way up high.
-Level 5 actors are almost impossible to get via ads unless you overpay.
-Chemistry rewritten. Based on type of scene and partner’s characteristic
-Demo F, FF, FFM and MMF scenes. When studio has status “shooting” you can open the panel and take a look at the scene. It’s only one or two positions per type,
just so it isn’t empty. (FFM coming in 0.7). MF has all positions.
-Some balance tweaks. Everything is a little cheaper and you make slightly more money.
-Delete All mail button.
-Autosaves. At the beginning of each day. Do manual saves nontheless.
-Delete save games button.
+A lot of bugfixes
Female hair types.
New tits.
F & M eyes, outfits and noses.
New backgrounds – Gym locker room & shower
New sex animations
Low level actors(M and F) are visually different from higher level ones.
Option for “max scenes per week” now defaults to 1
Full male customization.
Security levels + break-in events moved to random events.
Staff bling.
Merging Trends and Reports PA roles. Now just “Analytics”
Moved text from Info to Stats tab. You now have every important info on 1 tab.
Talent search and Retirement moved from mails to an actual event. You have a conversation with few choices.
You can fuck every staff member as a FEM MC. Raise their happiness if they are stressed.
Website changed.
Global trends behavior changed.
FEM MC: You can go MMF threesome if seduce check is passed in the city.
FEM MC: You can fuck an angry BF to resolve the conflict.
Retirement is now an event.
Talent search is now an event.
MILF or Teen characteristic was added when you changed the appearance of the girl.
Couldn’t hire weekly talents.
After deleting all websites game broke down.
Faces were swapped in FFM scenes.
When changing appearance wrong type of breasts were showing.
Fixed some outfits clipping issues.
Fixed some floating cloth pieces.
In sex scenes eyebrows/pubes colors were wrong.
Autoschedule checkbox options are now also on likeness tab. This will save you a click or two.
PA autoproduction by best stats didn’t work correctly.
PA autoprodcution now prioritize contract girls.
Some random events were triggered for retired actors
Talent search models had ALL likeness
Male backside hair didn’t show.
Fixed repeating events.
-Girls attributes suddenly dropped to potential value.
-Staff salaries in casting agency were not scaled properly resulting into low level employees having way to big starting salaries.
-Fixed auto production scheduling
-“Max scenes per week” option was ignored
-Weekly report from auto production added to mail
-Manual Production: Chemistry match now updated when selecting actors instead of assigning them. With additional info on hover.
-Manual Production: Models are colorized red to green based on their likeness for particular type of scene.
-Studio overview: list of scheduled scenes weren’t shown.
-Code optimization. Skipping time is much faster.
-Studying in library didn’t add Stress.
-Couldn’t change eyebrows and pubes color outside of character creation.
-Girls weren’t naked in surgery/tattoo customization so it was impossible to see changes.
-Back right arm tattoo was hidden.
-Random level distribution for agency models and staff (until we find a better solution).
-Agency models and staff change more often.
-Websites: bug prevented opening 2 or more websites.
-Websites: Subscriptions were still set on weekly instead of monthly.
-Websites: Marketing removed until next update to avoid savegame breakage.
-Pregnancy fixed.
-Staff Pregnancy fixed.
-Skip 12h and skip to next day 8am button.
-Every costume, except special ones, has 5 variations.
-Sexy clothing. Corsets, garter belts, …
-Gym background
-Change to real dates
-Starting perks
-Retirement options for models
-Contract girls. Offer girl a contract and she’ll work exclusively for you.
-Cheat Panel
-Change clothes for guys
-Change guys appearance
-Change skin color
-Ability to change eyebrows and pubes color separably.
-See girls and boys stats when hovering. More data shown if you have higher intellect.
-Casting agency is tiered. More popular you are, more models are available.
-Auto publish system. New PA role – Publishing.
-PA role – Production – is not by floor anymore. One PA can now cover all studios.
-PA role – Production – You can now choose on which days studios can shoot. (Monday-Saturday)
-PA role – Marketing – Option to set automatic advertising of scenes
-Option to set max movies per week for models.
-Editors now auto edit available scenes (they are swapped with helpers in studio).
-Manual production redone. It uses same UI as in office, so you can now see likes/dislikes and sort them accordingly.
-You can revisit convention girls and take them for a ride.
-Dudes can take drugs.
-Talent Search PA role redone. More options to choose.
-Placing ads removed. You can get models and staff at casting agency/job center.
-UI actor/scene categories are hidden if there’s nothing to list.
-Hover tooltips across for additional info. Disabled buttons will show more info on why that’s the case. Hovering over scene list will show you when the popularity penalty will end and so on.
-Models gain experience weekly and by shooting scenes. Their attributes will slowly raise.
-Option to enable automatic weekly beauty salon visits.
-Various QOL improvements.
-When changing appearance, clothing options weren’t saved .
-Girl looks weren’t updated when going to surgery.
-Female main char had wrong characteristic at creation.
-Condom use option was not saved.
-FEM MC: Friend event went to FFM, instead of FF.
-FEM MC: Some texts referred to you as male.
-Fixed Jenny and Carmen sex scene positions.
-Couldn’t sort the staff in descending order
-Whole lot of small bugs
-“Favorites” button
-Auto schedule options for girls & boys.
-Randomize appearance button at character creation.
-Soft lock when setting preferences at character creation.
-Girls and Boys scene history on INFO tab. Select particular scene to show more info on it.
-Special girls unlock additional locations for quick scenes. (Also owning a car and hotel room)
-Overview tab updated to show more data.
-When hovering over SHOOT button, you can now see all the reasons why you can’t.
-Few new SOLO and GIRL-GIRL scenes
-Added some more sound effects to MF scenes. Some might not be synced with animation exactly.
-Missing piercings & glasses.
-Milf trait disappeared after surgery.
-Could not remove back side clothes when in surgery screen.
-Options in surgery/makeover all defaulted to 1.
-Locations were unlocked from the beginning
-Tooltips on training showed wrong data
New backgrounds
New Haircuts & eyes
Male Expressions
Back side outfits
90 skin colors for girls
New UI
Improved filtering and sorting
Rename girls/scenes by clicking on their name when selected
Store redone
Auto assign staff members and equipment in studio
Hover to see girl’s stats and characteristics. No need to go into conversation. (Higher INT will give you more data)
Play as female character
Random male NPCs accros town
Undressing controls during sex scenes
Convention quiz minigame
More sound effects during s
v0.71 Whats new (last changes)
-Backgrounds: Bar, bar toilet and city map.
-Female: New haircuts, outfits and one more eye color(dark brown).
-Male: More eyes.
-ANAL option for every MF position.
-Skill system. Choose from 9 different classes.
-New location: Casting agency. Substitute for placing ads. (Only female models for now. Non-female NPCs can be recruited with the old method.)
-New Attribute: Potential. Serves as a cap (with some tolerance)up to which the girl is trainable. Important stat to have if you wanna level your girl to the final skill.
-Detailed chemistry view for each girl.
-All attributes changed from 30 to 100.
-Chemistry raised to 200 total.
-Scene popularity raised to 1900 total.
-All levels changed from 5 to 10.
-You can now delete male actors.
-Scene tab: Expanded stats IF your PA has report role.
-Scene tab: A list of websites with their sub happiness values at bottom right. So you can quickly see which websites are in need of new videos when publishing.
-You can impregnate special staff members and assistants.
-The more popular the girl is, the smaller the 14 days scene popularity penalty becomes. If a girl’s popularity is 100, penalty is halved (so 7 days).
-Girls tab: Second characteristics filter and checkbox to show only pregnant women.
-Staff tab: Job filter.
-Animation changes to flow more naturally unlike the sort of robotic movement that was used up till now.
-You can change costumes and accessories on Girls/Image tab.
-Alice(girl on the beach) can be employed as a PR Manager which will boost your earnings.
PA new role: Marketing. Increase the income you earn from a scene by a small factor. The higher level the PA, the bigger the returns.
-PAs who are assigned with an auto production role will first prioritize actors that are already paid, then all the others and lastly those with popularity penalty.
-PA Auto production: option to prioritize girls with best stats.
-Redesigned a bit the Surgery and Makeover tabs.
-Updated quick guide in the main menu.
-Filtering in PRODUCTION wasn’t working right. Some options didn’t do anything, like sorting by last published.
-Staff sex skills increase as you train them. Before they were stuck at 1 position forever.
-Overview tab showed wrong number of actresses.
-PAs scheduled girls that were on training.
-Some outfits didn’t show the right version when in sex scene (like nurse outfit for example).
-Skiping sex scenes fast causes to stay in pause mode.
-Posting videos on the internet lowered the website happiness
Devotee class: One of the skills was bugged and crashed the game in some cases.
Outfits: Maid, nurse and red dress were bugged when you removed top and bottom parts.
Production: Unable to assign males to the scene.
Home & production: Stats on special girls were all shown as 0.
v0.7 Whats new (last changes)
-New female and male haircuts.
-More female outfits.
-New breast shapes and sizes.
-More pube types.
-Updated outfits to fit new breast sizes.
-New special girl – Cop
-New FFM scenes – Go to studio, when status is “shooting”(from 14:00-15:00) open up the studio panel and click on “take a look” button. You have control over the scenes even if your main character is not in them.
-Outfit selection for your girls. Shoes, stockings, tops, earrings, necklaces…
-Right click on girls name in “Girls” tab and you have the option to add her to favorites. A little star will appear next to her name. You can also rename her to whatever you want and confirm with ENTER.
-Hotel’s girls list now show all data + image.
-Production scene is updated to show all the girl’s data.
-You can sort girls by last shot, last published scenes and specific attributes.
-Sex skills builds up for everyone not just the main character (+1 after 4 sex scenes)
-Kimberly(the special nurse girl), her effect changed from -STD chance to -50% for rehab time(surgery and drugs).
-Maya(the school girl from library) can now also be employed as your PA
-You can hire as many PAs as you want. There are 6 roles for them in your company. Trends & fans analytics, talent search, reports, and production for each studio floor.
-As you assign PA to a perticular floor new options open up. You can choose type of movies being made and some other settings.
-Alt girls appear more frequently in the park.
-Sex position selector
-Camera zoom in bedroom & office(With scroll wheel)
-Websites bring way more money (almost *3)
-Increase Beauty on girls. 1 week temporary bonus +10.
-Choosing Alice to be a pornstar sometimes crashed the game.
-Only 2 Actors were showing on the scenes tab, even if there were more in the scene.
-Studio production was charging the actors even if you already them.
Some more female and male haircuts.
Pregnant bodies and some new outfits for preggos.
Different head shapes for more variety.
Few new backgrounds.
-New Studio area with multiple upgradable studios for production of movies. You can assign staff and equipment to them. (Director, camera and lighting are needed if you want to shoot in a studio)
-Male actors. You can only hire them through ads for now.
-Pregnancy event redone. You can now have sex with pregnant chicks, shoot porn and more…
-Bonuses are added to the base not summed together anymore. This means you can train yourself to 30 + all items and reach charisma 40. Same with girls.
-Browse net action changed from popup window to notificaton.
-Staff salaries are cut in half.
-Relaxing in park results in -2 strees, upgrading intellect and fitness no longer increases the stress.
-Girl popuarity has a limit based on her stats. For example low level girl cannot go above 20 points.
-Setting salaries in ads now has some colors which change based on the level/salary. Red price means very low probabilty of geting a reply,
yellow is better, green is around average and blue over. Number of responses are also based on the salary you set. It can also happen you get no mail even if you set the salary way up high.
-Level 5 actors are almost impossible to get via ads unless you overpay.
-Chemistry rewritten. Based on type of scene and partner’s characteristic
-Demo F, FF, FFM and MMF scenes. When studio has status “shooting” you can open the panel and take a look at the scene. It’s only one or two positions per type,
just so it isn’t empty. (FFM coming in 0.7). MF has all positions.
-Some balance tweaks. Everything is a little cheaper and you make slightly more money.
-Delete All mail button.
-Autosaves. At the beginning of each day. Do manual saves nontheless.
-Delete save games button.
+A lot of bugfixes
Put in as your character name
Mr. Rocco – full stats and 10m bucks
if you want to fine tune:
Be on the city map and press
CTRL + SHIFT + m = +$10000
CTRL + SHIFT + f = +1 Fitness
CTRL + SHIFT + s = +1 Sex Skills
CTRL + SHIFT + i = +1 Intellect
CTRL + SHIFT + c = +1 Charisma
CTRL + SHIFT + x = -1 Stress
CTRL + 1 = Add Level 1 Girl
CTRL + 2 = Add Level 2 Girl
CTRL + 3 = Add Level 3 Girl
CTRL + 4 = Add Level 4 Girl
CTRL + 5 = Add Level 5 Girl
You can use Cheat Engine (value 4 Bytes) to cheat on this game.
Mr. Rocco – full stats and 10m bucks
if you want to fine tune:
Be on the city map and press
CTRL + SHIFT + m = +$10000
CTRL + SHIFT + f = +1 Fitness
CTRL + SHIFT + s = +1 Sex Skills
CTRL + SHIFT + i = +1 Intellect
CTRL + SHIFT + c = +1 Charisma
CTRL + SHIFT + x = -1 Stress
CTRL + 1 = Add Level 1 Girl
CTRL + 2 = Add Level 2 Girl
CTRL + 3 = Add Level 3 Girl
CTRL + 4 = Add Level 4 Girl
CTRL + 5 = Add Level 5 Girl
You can use Cheat Engine (value 4 Bytes) to cheat on this game.
Win: – – – – –
Mac: – – – – –
Linux: – –
Win: – – – – –
Mac: – – – – –
Linux: – –
Porn Empire: screenshots
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