Your roommate and best friend tries to rape Neus, the most introverted of the whole design school, who bites him just after you save her. You discover that bite was not only for self-defense, it also contains a bewitching that turns your roomate step by step into a girl.
: More
Who everyday that pases, she seem forgeting more his past and becoming more attracted to you.
To save your friend, you make a pact wit Neus to have 4 dates, and the last night she promises to return his original male form to your buddy.
Although it seems that she keeps her word, there are sinister things she had not told you yet.
-Playtime: 120 minutes aprox
-5 endings for now.
-“Namable protagonist”.
-A lot of CGs with expressions and opend/closed mouths.
-Resolution: 800×600
-WORK IN PROGRESS: 40% FINISHED(only in sketches, no color yet).
To save your friend, you make a pact wit Neus to have 4 dates, and the last night she promises to return his original male form to your buddy.
Although it seems that she keeps her word, there are sinister things she had not told you yet.
-Playtime: 120 minutes aprox
-5 endings for now.
-“Namable protagonist”.
-A lot of CGs with expressions and opend/closed mouths.
-Resolution: 800×600
-WORK IN PROGRESS: 40% FINISHED(only in sketches, no color yet).
Thread Updated: 2019-01-10
Released: : 2018-12-25
Developer / Publisher:
Version: 0.9.04 Premium
Censorship: No
Platform: Windows – Linux – Mac – Android
Language: English/Spanish
Interactive visual novel, Male Protagonist, Gender Bending, sexy girls, small tits, sex, blowjob, forced, violation, mystery, romance, date-sim
Install instructions
1- Extract and run.
Whats new (last changes) for Premium:
– If you START a new game, there´ s an option now to Jump to different 7 places in time in the game, wichever date you want to Start, all of them following this Walkthrough. (So, if you forgot some part, you can now acces to it without replaying the whole game).
– You can now Skip the minigame if you want.
– I´ ve started the 5th and last day of the game. – Morning Sex before going to the beach is illustrated.
– All morning scene is done (some images are still placeholders, like kisses, used the Neus ones).
– Second date with the blonde bitch is barely starting to be written (only in Spanish).
(About the previous 4 days of the game: There´ s still some images to be painted, Park scene and Mini-game to be finished, but I need to advance the game and also have new illustrations, so those who help me paint it can advance, I spent too much time on the minigame this last year, I hope I can work better and faster this new 2019. Thanks for your support! None of this would be possible without you! I hope this Christams update worth it!).
P.D. – The game happens on summer, so it´s a bit shocking seeing them hot in a cold winter day like it´s Christmas… xD ”
Whats new (last changes)
– All text written in spanish in the game is now available in ENGLISH.
– Last date at the BEACH with DIDAC is translated (what´s done so far, about 50% of the date).
– Sex-battle with Didac is updated, enhanced and translated. (2nd and 3rd position are not done yet, neither is done yet her expressions nor the penetration dialogues, I hope they will be done for the end of next month ).
– There´s a tutorial now before starting the mini-game, I hope it helps.
– Added some music and sounds, specially on the date with Busty Woman at museum (as well as painted backgrounds).
– New painted art around the game.
– New Hot fix, I hope this time works… please tell me if you see anything. Thanks! (Remember, description for Vaginal sex is still in process, but animations and results “should” work).
Sex-Battle-Minigame –Pose01– – LNipple_Pinch – LNipple_Lick – RNipple_Pinch – RNipple_Lick
Sex-Battle-Minigame –Pose01– –Pose01– – LButtock_Massage – RButtock_Massage – LButtock_Slap – RButtock_Slap
Sex-Battle-Minigame –Pose01– – LBoob_Slap – RBoob_Slap
Park Scene following Didac, Didac doing naughty things with the Pothead guy..
Park Scene following Didac, You find them.
– Bug problem fixed.
– Android Version available.
– Sex mini-game is translated until what is done. So in theory is playable. Tell me what you think about it.
– Beginning of the last day is illustrated a bit. (I left park part for next month since I will go to Barcelona to make photos of the park for better rferences for background artist.
– After Forcing Neus text is now readable.
– New Art and backgrounds around (Keep a track on new stuff was never my best skill, but I promise there are new things around the game,).
– English version is available.
– Game runs faster.
– In Android version doesn´t crash. (In theory).
Whats new (last changes):
– Lot of artwork like MACBA part or First date with Neus in the bar.
– MIni-Game-Sex-Battle with Didac is already inside of the game.
– The way to arrive to that part is also done.
– If you arrive to 5th day you can read the first writing of the new and last day of the game.
Well, at last I could manage to put the mini-game inside the game, so far looks work fine, there´s still an strange bug clicking in the middle of screen while you read the text… weird… I hope to solve it soon.
Mini-game has no translation at all yet, so if you wanna catch anything there, play that part in spanish, even thought there´s a lot of text yet to be implemented, I would really appreciate any kind of feedback about it and if you see any other error, bug or mistake… programming such part had been (and still is) a huge hedache, but I think result is starting to look great.
Now, having this part implemented I can start to write the 5 different ways to start the NEW and LAST day of Pact with a witch. When you get up in the morning and you find Didac there sleeping, doing something else, or even just not being there…
I want first to write those parts so can be translated sooner, before going back to illustrate the park part.
It had been rough months since November after working on the mini-game, (and there´s still much work to do there, mechanics, narrative and pose 02-03), But now everything starts looking a bit much better and getting back to write story and illustrates it´s a relieve for me… I enjoy it a lot. ^^
Thanks for your patience and I hope you enjoy it as much as I´m doing it. ^^
– New colored Backgrounds.
– Scene with Didac and MC masturbation in color.
– Didac in color in many scenes.
– Story advance not too much…
– What happens after 2nd date with Neus at home with Didac if you refuse to fuck with her is all translated.
– Her attempt to seduce you at home is illustrated in the darkness of the home. (Didac bra will probably be different in this scene).
– All bedrooms scenes has now Color.
– Pedrera entrance has now Color.
– Probably more things, but I´m terrible doings Whats new (last changes)s…
v0.6.04b no changelog
v.0.6.0 (as usual, limited change log by Jonnymelabo)
– The date with the mystery woman has now expressions at least the first part of the interrogation before getting inside the MACBA with the Modern art. Classic Part is done 50%.
– In the beginning of the game I added a voice test to see how it works and how could work… by now Renpy doesn´t allow me to use only English voice,
I open this thread about it:
If anyone can go there and explain in words I can understand how it could be solved, I would really appreciate it… By now is not urgent, since seeing how complicated is, probably I will left the voice acting once the game is fulld in one year… probably…
– I added more music and sounds in the 4th morning… nothing special, I didn´ t had the time to continue… ^^
– Color illustrations are comming, but since most of them needs retouchs and final adjustments or many adjustments, I had no time to upload them in this version yet. I hope to do it in the next version… but if I follow the story I can´ t pain… I can´ t do both things… XD
– Programmer is obviously annoying me about sending him the UI for the sex-battle and of course to test everything, asking me reviews of it, playing it, reviewng my own rules and schemes, reading the pdf, reading the rpy files, checking everything is fine so later I don´t complain… (Something I would probably do, but I would prefer not to…).
– Translation in Renpy is a pain in the ass.
Every time I make a simple change on the scene or the text, or change the name of the scene or add a tiny thing, most of things has to be redone… and the date of the mysterious woman wich was being done by translator who I paid, probably will have to be redone from the beginning, since renpy changed everything again… Damn… I hate do something it already done…
– Also I´m having the whole game being revised in Spanish by a professional profreader who usually work for publishing books, so spanish part is fullly well written, for gramar and for style, so later the english part can be also be pretty well translated in a more professional way. Obviously this will affect previous scenes, since the most new ones are still in work in progress.
In general game is advancing, slowly, but advancing. I try to push up the color and sound parts, since I don´ t want to start the fitht and last day before having mostly everything done in the previous 4 days. Music, sounds, color everything, writing in high level, no bugs, …
I know translation in the MACBA scene is still lame… but with her expressions now, you can start to feel, something is wrong with this woman…
Also I understand this is probably the most boring, skipable and annoying scene from all the game, since the woman is not exactly “adorable”.
But it also keeps few important parts of the game and is a basic piece for understanding the whole story.
Anyway, I would fullly understand if you prefer not to pledge while this woman scene happen, since it will probably take a month or so before continuing after the second date with Neus with Didac…
Thanks for your understanding and support!
– I repainted the Butsy Mystery Girl. (Now adding for the next update, more expressions for all this new scene, as well as new postures, like smoking and others).
– 2nd Date with Neus is fullly done (there´s lacking of color, cumshot animation, sound, music… but you understand what I mean… XD).
Now you can make a facial on her while she keeps sucking your huge cock
– Access to the full date with the mystery Butsy girl in english (Poorly english made by Google translator and a kind person who probably didn´t understood too much Spanish, but he did a quick job on that and I do really appreciate him for that. ^^).
A more understandable version will be available on 15th of september since now I will hire 2 translators, one for the second date of Neus and the other for this new date to be translated correctly paiyng professional profreaders, but they need one month to do the job… so… patience is on the line… There are 14.522 words for 2nd Date Neus and 16.430 words on new date with Butsy Woman to be translated after all… ^^).
– Here you will know at last wich is Mystery Butsy Woman NAME, who she is and many other things. (I advice, her personality is quite irritable).
If you can play this new whole scene I would like to know your opinion (take in mind that pronoums usually are mixed with masculine and femenine, is a little caothic, I know I will try to fix it a little for the next update).
. Deepthroat as much as she can your dick, 2nd Date with Neus.
. Start sucking your glans, 2nd Date with Neus.
. Licking your eggs while masturbating you, 2nd Date with Neus.
. Neus refusing going slower licking all your body and specially your dick, 2nd Date with Neus.
. Making you suffer with her tongue all your body, 2nd Date with Neus.
. Masturbate your dick while kissing it, 2nd Date with Neus.
. She puts down your trowsers, 2nd Date with Neus.
. Try to convince Neus to do something at her home, 2nd Date with Neus.
. Arrive at her home, 2nd Date with Neus.
. French Kiss with Neus 2nd Date.
. End of Dinner with Neus in 2nd Date.
. End of interrogation with Neus in 2nd Date.
. Start of interrogation of neus in 2nd Date.
. Continuation of the Story of the 4th day.
. Continue Date with Neus.
. Start the date with Neus.
. Continuation of the Story of the 4th day.
. You can inseminate Dídac (in forced scene).
. You can do it outside Didac (in forced scene).
. You can see what happens if you don´t grab hard his/her mouth (in forced scene).
. You can continue seeing the “forced scene”.
. Continuation of the Story of the 4th day.
. All scenes with Didac are avaible, except “forced scene”.
. Bad endings are also avaible.
. Now Anal happy ending is avaible.
. Only pussy happy ending is avaible.
. You can Start Masturbate him/her.
. Continuation of the Story of the 4th day.
. After she doesn´t allow you to leave, you can grab his/her ass.
. If you have high score with Didac, he/she doesnt´allow you to leave, and he/she starts to masturbate you.
– If you START a new game, there´ s an option now to Jump to different 7 places in time in the game, wichever date you want to Start, all of them following this Walkthrough. (So, if you forgot some part, you can now acces to it without replaying the whole game).
– You can now Skip the minigame if you want.
– I´ ve started the 5th and last day of the game. – Morning Sex before going to the beach is illustrated.
– All morning scene is done (some images are still placeholders, like kisses, used the Neus ones).
– Second date with the blonde bitch is barely starting to be written (only in Spanish).
(About the previous 4 days of the game: There´ s still some images to be painted, Park scene and Mini-game to be finished, but I need to advance the game and also have new illustrations, so those who help me paint it can advance, I spent too much time on the minigame this last year, I hope I can work better and faster this new 2019. Thanks for your support! None of this would be possible without you! I hope this Christams update worth it!).
P.D. – The game happens on summer, so it´s a bit shocking seeing them hot in a cold winter day like it´s Christmas… xD ”
Whats new (last changes)
– All text written in spanish in the game is now available in ENGLISH.
– Last date at the BEACH with DIDAC is translated (what´s done so far, about 50% of the date).
– Sex-battle with Didac is updated, enhanced and translated. (2nd and 3rd position are not done yet, neither is done yet her expressions nor the penetration dialogues, I hope they will be done for the end of next month ).
– There´s a tutorial now before starting the mini-game, I hope it helps.
– Added some music and sounds, specially on the date with Busty Woman at museum (as well as painted backgrounds).
– New painted art around the game.
– New Hot fix, I hope this time works… please tell me if you see anything. Thanks! (Remember, description for Vaginal sex is still in process, but animations and results “should” work).
Sex-Battle-Minigame –Pose01– – LNipple_Pinch – LNipple_Lick – RNipple_Pinch – RNipple_Lick
Sex-Battle-Minigame –Pose01– –Pose01– – LButtock_Massage – RButtock_Massage – LButtock_Slap – RButtock_Slap
Sex-Battle-Minigame –Pose01– – LBoob_Slap – RBoob_Slap
Park Scene following Didac, Didac doing naughty things with the Pothead guy..
Park Scene following Didac, You find them.
– Bug problem fixed.
– Android Version available.
– Sex mini-game is translated until what is done. So in theory is playable. Tell me what you think about it.
– Beginning of the last day is illustrated a bit. (I left park part for next month since I will go to Barcelona to make photos of the park for better rferences for background artist.
– After Forcing Neus text is now readable.
– New Art and backgrounds around (Keep a track on new stuff was never my best skill, but I promise there are new things around the game,).
– English version is available.
– Game runs faster.
– In Android version doesn´t crash. (In theory).
Whats new (last changes):
– Lot of artwork like MACBA part or First date with Neus in the bar.
– MIni-Game-Sex-Battle with Didac is already inside of the game.
– The way to arrive to that part is also done.
– If you arrive to 5th day you can read the first writing of the new and last day of the game.
Well, at last I could manage to put the mini-game inside the game, so far looks work fine, there´s still an strange bug clicking in the middle of screen while you read the text… weird… I hope to solve it soon.
Mini-game has no translation at all yet, so if you wanna catch anything there, play that part in spanish, even thought there´s a lot of text yet to be implemented, I would really appreciate any kind of feedback about it and if you see any other error, bug or mistake… programming such part had been (and still is) a huge hedache, but I think result is starting to look great.
Now, having this part implemented I can start to write the 5 different ways to start the NEW and LAST day of Pact with a witch. When you get up in the morning and you find Didac there sleeping, doing something else, or even just not being there…
I want first to write those parts so can be translated sooner, before going back to illustrate the park part.
It had been rough months since November after working on the mini-game, (and there´s still much work to do there, mechanics, narrative and pose 02-03), But now everything starts looking a bit much better and getting back to write story and illustrates it´s a relieve for me… I enjoy it a lot. ^^
Thanks for your patience and I hope you enjoy it as much as I´m doing it. ^^
– New colored Backgrounds.
– Scene with Didac and MC masturbation in color.
– Didac in color in many scenes.
– Story advance not too much…
– What happens after 2nd date with Neus at home with Didac if you refuse to fuck with her is all translated.
– Her attempt to seduce you at home is illustrated in the darkness of the home. (Didac bra will probably be different in this scene).
– All bedrooms scenes has now Color.
– Pedrera entrance has now Color.
– Probably more things, but I´m terrible doings Whats new (last changes)s…
v0.6.04b no changelog
v.0.6.0 (as usual, limited change log by Jonnymelabo)
– The date with the mystery woman has now expressions at least the first part of the interrogation before getting inside the MACBA with the Modern art. Classic Part is done 50%.
– In the beginning of the game I added a voice test to see how it works and how could work… by now Renpy doesn´t allow me to use only English voice,
I open this thread about it:
If anyone can go there and explain in words I can understand how it could be solved, I would really appreciate it… By now is not urgent, since seeing how complicated is, probably I will left the voice acting once the game is fulld in one year… probably…
– I added more music and sounds in the 4th morning… nothing special, I didn´ t had the time to continue… ^^
– Color illustrations are comming, but since most of them needs retouchs and final adjustments or many adjustments, I had no time to upload them in this version yet. I hope to do it in the next version… but if I follow the story I can´ t pain… I can´ t do both things… XD
– Programmer is obviously annoying me about sending him the UI for the sex-battle and of course to test everything, asking me reviews of it, playing it, reviewng my own rules and schemes, reading the pdf, reading the rpy files, checking everything is fine so later I don´t complain… (Something I would probably do, but I would prefer not to…).
– Translation in Renpy is a pain in the ass.
Every time I make a simple change on the scene or the text, or change the name of the scene or add a tiny thing, most of things has to be redone… and the date of the mysterious woman wich was being done by translator who I paid, probably will have to be redone from the beginning, since renpy changed everything again… Damn… I hate do something it already done…
– Also I´m having the whole game being revised in Spanish by a professional profreader who usually work for publishing books, so spanish part is fullly well written, for gramar and for style, so later the english part can be also be pretty well translated in a more professional way. Obviously this will affect previous scenes, since the most new ones are still in work in progress.
In general game is advancing, slowly, but advancing. I try to push up the color and sound parts, since I don´ t want to start the fitht and last day before having mostly everything done in the previous 4 days. Music, sounds, color everything, writing in high level, no bugs, …
I know translation in the MACBA scene is still lame… but with her expressions now, you can start to feel, something is wrong with this woman…
Also I understand this is probably the most boring, skipable and annoying scene from all the game, since the woman is not exactly “adorable”.
But it also keeps few important parts of the game and is a basic piece for understanding the whole story.
Anyway, I would fullly understand if you prefer not to pledge while this woman scene happen, since it will probably take a month or so before continuing after the second date with Neus with Didac…
Thanks for your understanding and support!
– I repainted the Butsy Mystery Girl. (Now adding for the next update, more expressions for all this new scene, as well as new postures, like smoking and others).
– 2nd Date with Neus is fullly done (there´s lacking of color, cumshot animation, sound, music… but you understand what I mean… XD).
Now you can make a facial on her while she keeps sucking your huge cock
– Access to the full date with the mystery Butsy girl in english (Poorly english made by Google translator and a kind person who probably didn´t understood too much Spanish, but he did a quick job on that and I do really appreciate him for that. ^^).
A more understandable version will be available on 15th of september since now I will hire 2 translators, one for the second date of Neus and the other for this new date to be translated correctly paiyng professional profreaders, but they need one month to do the job… so… patience is on the line… There are 14.522 words for 2nd Date Neus and 16.430 words on new date with Butsy Woman to be translated after all… ^^).
– Here you will know at last wich is Mystery Butsy Woman NAME, who she is and many other things. (I advice, her personality is quite irritable).
If you can play this new whole scene I would like to know your opinion (take in mind that pronoums usually are mixed with masculine and femenine, is a little caothic, I know I will try to fix it a little for the next update).
. Deepthroat as much as she can your dick, 2nd Date with Neus.
. Start sucking your glans, 2nd Date with Neus.
. Licking your eggs while masturbating you, 2nd Date with Neus.
. Neus refusing going slower licking all your body and specially your dick, 2nd Date with Neus.
. Making you suffer with her tongue all your body, 2nd Date with Neus.
. Masturbate your dick while kissing it, 2nd Date with Neus.
. She puts down your trowsers, 2nd Date with Neus.
. Try to convince Neus to do something at her home, 2nd Date with Neus.
. Arrive at her home, 2nd Date with Neus.
. French Kiss with Neus 2nd Date.
. End of Dinner with Neus in 2nd Date.
. End of interrogation with Neus in 2nd Date.
. Start of interrogation of neus in 2nd Date.
. Continuation of the Story of the 4th day.
. Continue Date with Neus.
. Start the date with Neus.
. Continuation of the Story of the 4th day.
. You can inseminate Dídac (in forced scene).
. You can do it outside Didac (in forced scene).
. You can see what happens if you don´t grab hard his/her mouth (in forced scene).
. You can continue seeing the “forced scene”.
. Continuation of the Story of the 4th day.
. All scenes with Didac are avaible, except “forced scene”.
. Bad endings are also avaible.
. Now Anal happy ending is avaible.
. Only pussy happy ending is avaible.
. You can Start Masturbate him/her.
. Continuation of the Story of the 4th day.
. After she doesn´t allow you to leave, you can grab his/her ass.
. If you have high score with Didac, he/she doesnt´allow you to leave, and he/she starts to masturbate you.
Infull Walkthrough:
Here would start the second date with Neus in the 4th day at night.
… What´s wrong with meat?… What´s wrong with eggs?… What´s wrong with milk?I think I´ve already an idea…Yes. I like even B-movies, with blood and guts.Practical Magic, 1998.No.Yes, although at the time I don´t know if I would be able to do it…<Say nothing.><Say nothing.>Maybe in some case…<Say nothing.>Well, certain boys who have a somewhat ambiguous physiognomy…<Say nothing.>If I were really in love with her, it´s possible.<Say nothing.><Say nothing.>Maybe…<Say nothing.>It depends, if she have done it to protect her life, then yes.<Say nothing.>Keep eating even if you don´t like it at all.Exciting…Well, considering I already know where you live, I could accompany you home.<Give her a Fren kiss (with tongue).><Explain her it may be your fault.>Sorry, I couldn´t help it.Of course.Is that, or you´ll have me awake the whole night…Why not?Honestly it tastes terrible.<Encourage her to kiss you.>Then I´d better leave you alone! <(Simulating anger)>I promise.No Neus… if I have to, I´d like to see you.<Accept.>
Correct for Neus and Didac Until night of the 4th day:
. <I´d better go in and stop this madness.>
. Of course not!
. <Punch Didac in the face.>
. Good morning… (Mystery Girl)
. Good morning, Neus
. <Wound his alpha male pride for “being scared of a high fever that even children withstand at home.>
. <I better help him take shi shower.>
. <You get fullly naked.>
. <Legs.>
. <Back.>
. <His front.>
. <His privates.>
. <Go to class in order to look for the weird girl.>
. Good morning (Again the Mystery Girl)
. No, relax, it´s not serious…
. No
. Honestly, no.
. <Grab her wrists and corner her against the wall to show your anger.>
. <Grip her wrist tighter so she can´t move.>
. <Order the same drink as Neus.>
. Yeah, well… a bit, certainly.
. Not at all. Truth be told, I longed to be with you tonight.
. <Show your knowledge about witches.>
. I could escort you home, thought.
. But maybe I´d like to know where you live.
. Neus, let me accompany you.
. Well, since you invited me so kindly, it´s hard to refuse your offer.
. <Approach to kiss her.>
. <Try to cheer her up and ask her how you can help.>
. <Didac… those are some awesome melons…>
. Truth be told, I wouldn´t object…
. Masturbate.
. I would never do that! Especially not when you could get pregnant. Then you´d never get your original body back!
. Truthfully, that´s not such a bad idea…
. I could go with you.
. <Try to calm him down.>
. <Be stoic and hold.>
. <Stay.>
. <Leave.>
. <Grab her ass firmly.>
. <Lower her pants and put a finger in her ass.>
. <Put a finger in her ass and go faster.> (If you want to go to rape scene).
. Like hell I´m going to stop!
. <Put a finger in her pussy, as well, and incrase the speed of both.>
… What´s wrong with meat?… What´s wrong with eggs?… What´s wrong with milk?I think I´ve already an idea…Yes. I like even B-movies, with blood and guts.Practical Magic, 1998.No.Yes, although at the time I don´t know if I would be able to do it…<Say nothing.><Say nothing.>Maybe in some case…<Say nothing.>Well, certain boys who have a somewhat ambiguous physiognomy…<Say nothing.>If I were really in love with her, it´s possible.<Say nothing.><Say nothing.>Maybe…<Say nothing.>It depends, if she have done it to protect her life, then yes.<Say nothing.>Keep eating even if you don´t like it at all.Exciting…Well, considering I already know where you live, I could accompany you home.<Give her a Fren kiss (with tongue).><Explain her it may be your fault.>Sorry, I couldn´t help it.Of course.Is that, or you´ll have me awake the whole night…Why not?Honestly it tastes terrible.<Encourage her to kiss you.>Then I´d better leave you alone! <(Simulating anger)>I promise.No Neus… if I have to, I´d like to see you.<Accept.>
Correct for Neus and Didac Until night of the 4th day:
. <I´d better go in and stop this madness.>
. Of course not!
. <Punch Didac in the face.>
. Good morning… (Mystery Girl)
. Good morning, Neus
. <Wound his alpha male pride for “being scared of a high fever that even children withstand at home.>
. <I better help him take shi shower.>
. <You get fullly naked.>
. <Legs.>
. <Back.>
. <His front.>
. <His privates.>
. <Go to class in order to look for the weird girl.>
. Good morning (Again the Mystery Girl)
. No, relax, it´s not serious…
. No
. Honestly, no.
. <Grab her wrists and corner her against the wall to show your anger.>
. <Grip her wrist tighter so she can´t move.>
. <Order the same drink as Neus.>
. Yeah, well… a bit, certainly.
. Not at all. Truth be told, I longed to be with you tonight.
. <Show your knowledge about witches.>
. I could escort you home, thought.
. But maybe I´d like to know where you live.
. Neus, let me accompany you.
. Well, since you invited me so kindly, it´s hard to refuse your offer.
. <Approach to kiss her.>
. <Try to cheer her up and ask her how you can help.>
. <Didac… those are some awesome melons…>
. Truth be told, I wouldn´t object…
. Masturbate.
. I would never do that! Especially not when you could get pregnant. Then you´d never get your original body back!
. Truthfully, that´s not such a bad idea…
. I could go with you.
. <Try to calm him down.>
. <Be stoic and hold.>
. <Stay.>
. <Leave.>
. <Grab her ass firmly.>
. <Lower her pants and put a finger in her ass.>
. <Put a finger in her ass and go faster.> (If you want to go to rape scene).
. Like hell I´m going to stop!
. <Put a finger in her pussy, as well, and incrase the speed of both.>
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