Lust Corruption of the Exorcist is published on xGames in our large porn games collection. Free download of this porn game is available with just a few clicks. All new games are are always available for you on daily basis by xGames.
The Weapon, the Body, and the Purity, Threatened by One’s Own…
In this RPG, you play as the protagonist, Minaka Amayuki, a half-demon exorcist known as The Twilight Demon Exorcist. Minaka is a master of the ‘Tsuina no Himitsuho’ (The Secret Art of Exorcism), which allows her to absorb the power of the demons she defeats.
The ‘Tsuina no Himitsuho’ is a skill that allows Minaka to wield the defeated enemies as powerful spiritual abilities. But as the corruption progresses, demons begin to emerge from her body, attacking Minaka herself!
Will Minaka succumb to the power or the lust? As you rescue your companions and uncover the truth behind this strange realm and its anomalies, what will be the final choice that Minaka Amayuki must make?
This game is a tale of trust, bonds, and salvation.
Last update: 2024-01-01
Released: 2024-06-29
Original Title: 淫染の退魔鬼
Creator (developer): touhou-marupon-dou –
Censored: Yes
Version: 2024-06-29
OS: Windows
Language: English
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Lust Corruption of the Exorcist [2024-06-29] [touhou-marupon-dou]: screenshots
In Lust Corruption of the Exorcist, jump on an RPG adventure as Minaka Amayuki, a half-demon exorcist with the power to absorb defeated demons. However, her body is tainted by lust from the demon lord Sitateru. As she uses her exorcism powers, the taint grows stronger, unleashing demonic foes from within her own body! Uncover the truth behind this mysterious realm and decide: will Minaka succumb to power or lust? This game explores themes of trust, bonds, and salvation. Can you resist temptation and save your companions in this thrilling tale? Download now and find out!