I used my time traveller powers to cuckold myself! is available here in our large porn games collection. Free download of this sex game is served via few clicks. All new games and different updates are are always available for you on xGames.
The year is 20XX. An unknown virus forced humans to take vaccines! As more and more people who did not take the vaccines died, the people started reacting to the threat. The government actually planned ahead and added a little something to the vaccine. Not only did people gain a resistance to the unknown virus, they also got superpowers! Everyone who could not afford a vaccine would die and this led to a spike in crime across the world. After everyone on the world was vaccinated, the superpowers were awakened.
What power did you get? Maybe you can print money? No. You can travel through time. Not wanting to repeat the cycle over and over, you wanted to see what would change if you helped your past self out. Finally able to see yourself live a good life, you thought you would be happier, but the emotions you felt could only be described as anger and rage. What will you do now? The choice is yours to make!
Last update: 2023-05-22
Released: 2023-05-22
Creator (developer): MochingMochi
Censored: No
Version: Final
OS: Windows, Mac
Language: English
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Developer Notes:
Discussion part:
Nowadays, I am able to make multiple scenes within this time frame. The game also ended up with over 100 scenes, because I wanted to prove my worth. I wanted to show the people that I am a hard worker and not just some random dude out there to grab money. Was the game good? It was okay, I guess. Nothing too special, but I would say decent overall. Some scenes were pretty shit, while others were actually quite good. You also had a lot of other content with the bonus pictures. The gameplay was simple, but you had some puzzles and so on. The one thing that was clearly shit though was the layout and the level design in general. At least you can clearly see an improvement on that front. I thought the game would have a bigger impact on the industry, but it turns out this was not the case. That was fine though, because I knew that Koikatsu was not the most loved engine in the community, but I thought it fitted my style with recreating the maps the best.
Then I released my second game “Demonic Sexappeal” rather fast as well. The base was done even before I worked on Grimoiras Armoria, so I just needed to do the scenes and some events. I was a lot faster this time around and found myself enjoying this process more and more. The problem was that my games still did not generate a lot of attention. Some things needed to change, so I decided to test out Honey Select 2. I worked on a little side game called “Good Deeds in a horny Village” and it turned out quite well, if I say so myself. It is pretty lacklustre gameplay wise, but I am proud of a lot of scenes in this game and think that the game overall is pretty good. Again, it is definitely not the best game out there, but I am getting better and better with every game I make. The main problem was still there though. I did not gain a lot of support from the community, even though Good Deeds in a horny Village got me quite a bit of attention. Why is this problematic? Because I slowly realised that people do not give a shit about who you are and how hard you work. Good Deeds in a horny Village was finished within a month. I repeat. I needed one month to do this game. It has more content than a lot of projects out there, even if it is not the best game you will ever play. Even if it does not have the highest quality scenes. I know the game has its own problems, but people still criticised me for the tiniest things.
Do not get me wrong. I think constructive feedback is way better than just saying my game is good or bad and I even learned stuff from meaner Patreons. Please keep in mind that if you want to help a developer grow, say what exactly you like and or dislike and how you think it could have been done better. I do not have to agree with your opinion, but that is so much more useful than just saying “good game” or “shit game”.
One example would be the restaurant event from “Good deeds in a horny village”. People said that the event is shit. It’s the same standard event you have with serve the customers, just without the walking. It probably feels rushed and too quick paced because you do not have to walk towards the table, but nobody said that. I just have to assume that is the case, because all I read until now was “shit event” if someone criticized it.
Some people might say that I prefer quantity over quality if I just brag about how fast I can release games and I get why people could say that, but I would rather get a lot of feedback and improve on my journey instead of sitting on a project for one year, making no money at all and still rely on the game to make a big impact, because otherwise I would get no feedback at all. I will do bigger projects that require more love and time and they will have an improved quality, but I need to find my style and confidence first before I can work on such projects. I never did something like that in my life before. Of course, I would not be confident in my skills, but I am slowly getting there. I am not prioritising quantity over quality. I just need to find my footing first before I can make actually good games and I need your feedback and support to do it.
This game will have two kinds of scenes that I never worked on before. The cum scenes and the spank scenes. Of course they will not be great from the start. Personally, I think the creampie scenes turned out pretty good, but the normal cum scenes could probably use some work. To be fair, I could have probably made some scenes with pulling out and cum gushing out, but I plan on working on something like that for my next project. Same goes for the spank scenes. They are there and look alright, but they are definitely not the most polished scenes I have in the game. If someone could give me some advice on the types of scenes, I would be really grateful. But even without the advice or the feedback, I think that these kind of scenes in my games will get more polished as I try stuff out.
As I said before, I really enjoy making games and I think my development can be clearly seen. This journey is one I want to continue, but if I do not receive enough support, I am forced to stop. I cannot make games and earn basically nothing. What I am proposing sounds desperate I know, but if you think that that I am worth your money, please consider supporting me. It does not have to be the highest tier from the get go and once you have finalised your opinion, you can either support me with more money, drop the subscription if I am not worth your support anymore or continue supporting me.
That kind of thinking does not only apply to me though. If you see a creator out there working their butt off instead of laying down and doing nothing, please consider supporting them. But please consider supporting me first! Just kidding.
I still have a lot of ideas left. Like a whole lot. I could make a game each month and would last for over two years just with the ideas I have now and the number of ideas keep growing.
If you like my games and want to see how much more I develop, please consider supporting me on my patreon. Even if it is “just” two dollars a month, I would already really appreciate it. I am not a scammer. I am a hardworking developer who really enjoys making games. You even get benefits as well from subscribing and I know you are probably annoyed by reading this, but please consider supporting me so I can continue making games. I will always share my content on F95Zone as well, but I just cannot do this for free forever. Thank you for reading this text until here. Maybe you have some better insight now on how it is to be a developer. Thank you very much for playing this game. I hope I could convince you that I am worth putting money and support into.
Intended relations:
Sayura is Kotomi’s daughter
Ayumi is Sayura’s daughter
Ayumi is Kotomi’s granddaughter
Kotomi is Sayura’s mother
Kotomi is Ayumi’s grandmother
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Mac: – – – –
I used my time traveller powers to cuckold myself! [Final] [MochingMochi]: screenshots
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