Heavy Hearts is published on xGames in a collection of porn games. Direct download of this sex game is available with just a few clicks. Games like Heavy Hearts are delivered to you is always here.
Humans have been hunted to near extinction. Now they live in isolation – those that are found are used for slave labor, pleasure, or worse.
Last update: 2021-10-24
Released: 2021-10-24
Creator (developer): Dammitbird – –
Censored: No
Version: 0.2
OS: Windows
Language: English
Install instructions:
Developer Notes:
Heavy Hearts: screenshots
Enter an world with your wishes. Free download from MEGA or other file hostings right now, unzip, easy install and play this porn game.
Try to be a smart man and take what you want. And it will be you next second life, there will be a lot of familiar characters that you’re totally gonna like. What will you do? Will you be a good man? Will you user your power and authority? Start now!