Greener Pastures is available here in a collection of porn games. Free access to this sex game is available with just a few clicks. All new games and different updates are are always available for you on xGames.
In a world where cute monster girls are the norm, who wouldn’t want to get out and enjoy the scenery? Unfortunately, a tragic event has left the main character alone with his family farm and a pile of bills to pay off. But when the sinister organization Fornication Under Careful Control (F.U.C.C.) begins quarantining all monster girls for supposedly lewd behavior, their farm becomes the perfect hiding spot for these girls on the run. Can you keep the farm in working order while also sheltering these girls? Will you get into wacky hijinks with your new living companions? Will any of them end up pregnant?
Last update: 2021-04-25
Released: 2021-04-25
Creator (developer): arcaos
Censored: No
Version: 0.1
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English
Install instructions:
Whats new (last changes):
Introduction to the main story and 4/8 girls available
Each girl has:
-5 preliminary story chapters
-1 bathroom scene
-1 repeatable scene and a collection of chat lines that change with the girl’s story.
One character has 4 scenes of additional progress to preview the direction everyone will be taking.
For those of you looking for a quick H Scene, the MC has been saving links to his favorite porn star, Sabrina Sparklez, on his computer. Expect her guest roster to expand over time.
Greener Pastures: screenshots
Welcome to the adult world with your secret wishes. Get this from MEGA or other file hostings right now, unzip, easy install and play this interactive game.
Try to be a smart man and get what you really want. And it will be you next second life, there will be a lot of interesting persons that you’re totally gonna like. What will you do? Will you be a good hero? Will you user your power and authority? Try now!