takes you to a ravaged future with no memory about how you got there. The playable character is totally customable regarding sex and appearance. The possible enemies largely vary in their appearance and will try brutally to take advantage of the player at any chance. The settings can be configured to allow/avoid homosexuality, furry stuff, etc. The adult content includes non-consensual sex, BDSM, corporal punishment, prostitution, sexual slavery and group sex, among others. I’m still writing the story and new content, but it’s already fully playable. A roadmap of future features can be found .
Updated: 2018-12-7
Developer/Publisher: Rayxelm – –
Censorship: No
Version: 1.3.5
OS: Windows
Language: English
Install instructions
2- Click on “Ethos of Darkness.exe” to start playing.
3. A browser tab will open. Play.
If you encounter any problem, please .
Three new scenes at the inn, both consensual and non-consensual:Bitch waitress is taught a lessonTrouble with the debt collectorsAfter-work meet up with customersNew cross-dressing scenes for skinny male characters with high CTNChanges in the rear female models and clothing graphics New clothing optionsMore descriptions for blowjobsFixed errors in a couple of item’s descriptionsAs of changes in code, the lxml module has been removedv1.3.4:
New location: the inn, with new characters and a new jobThe game now auto-saves the previous two moves.Sex and prison scenes now go faster, requiring fewer clicks.More npc reactions to the character’s actions during sex scenesFixed graphic’s problems in the bent over sex scene.Fixed several bugs affecting the npc’s positions in the bent over sex sceneFixed several typosFixed a bug that made the player get extra STR and AGL after having an injury curedv1.3.3:
New graphics for the prison scenesFixed how menus would annoyingly hide when moving the mouseThree new pain-related perksHandcuffed graphics, options and restrictionsMore consequences to phobias and compulsionsFixed a bug that made shoes not to showText changes and fixesSome other minor changes and fixes I’ve forgotten because I haven’t kept trackv1.3.2:
New “bent over” scene animationNPCs can now join the action too when the PC isn’t the focus of the sceneNew NPCMore facial expressionsAdded a way to remove injuriesAdjusted chance to pacify hostile NPCs based on charismaFixed collar position in blowjob sceneGeneral action buttons made more easily accessibleFixed some eye graphicsFixed a bug that made the text plurals mismatch the number of opponentsFixed a bug that left some prison scenes in an infinite loopv1.3.1:
New animated scenes: blowjob and pussy eatingNew blowjob related actionsTwo new blowjob related perksModels for penis/vaginas in game and character creatorPubic hair selection now shown in character modelsAction descriptions now shown when hovering over buttonsMinor changes in modelsAdded repercussions and details to the warehouse sex sceneImproved the “Repeat action” shortcut to avoid it showing up after one-time actionsFixed an error affecting the character portrait after reloading savesFixed bug that crashed the game after trying to buy items from some vendorsFixed bug that left the player without actions on his prison cellFixed issues with the after combat sex sceneFixed some errors in text descriptionsv1.3
New interface for a graphics oriented gameplayGraphic models for characters, NPCs and itemsItems remakeBackgroundsNew character edition windowFixed some typos and text generation errors
New character creator window
New interface layout for the character creator. This new interface will progressively replace the current one gamewide.Character portrait added in statistics windowSafe new area south of VicaMinor minimap style changesFixed bugs1.2.11
8 new named guards at the prisonCharacters’ names won’t show up in the display until they are named in-gamed-girls and hermaphrodite characters (including NPCs) will be presumed female until seen naked, or their sexuality made known some other wayNPCs will keep memory of some past events and facts, including the player’s name and sex history with the player.Quest menu: new window detailing current quests and their statusSome previous events are now listed as questsMore descriptions for oral sex on female charactersNavigation buttons (North, South, etc) will still remain on place when some of them are not activeFixed a bug where the player would be left without possible actions after skipping a sceneFixed bug where the sex scene would start after combat even if the attractiveness was set to 0 for all the NPCs involvedFixed a bug where the game would crash when looting after letting escape one of the NPCsAdded the beginning of a new quest at the prison
Continued the slavery scene: auction, new punishment, new npcs and locationsExpanded the Council audience scene.More chat options/small quest at Vica’s shop.New location in Vica (hospital reception).New town and trader.New phobia mechanics (see blog post)New compulsion mechanics (see blog post)New injury mechanics (see blog post)Fixed some of the upper bar descriptions and prison stay textsFixed minor bugs in the chat sequence at Vica’s gatesFixed a bug after that prevented continuing the game after looting/robbing
New location: slavers campPlayer will be enslaved after being defeated by slaversNew non-consensual scene in the slavers campDouble anal penetrationsNew texts for sex with voiced actorsExpanded prison scene with options for players not attracted to malesFixed one of the prison escape optionsMutant dogs/lizards now won’t abuse the player when having attractiveness to hybrids in zerov1.2.8
New layout for inventory, statistics and perks windowsNew Vica sex scene with the PC as dominantNew dialog options for shop/armoryFixed problems in sex sequence positioningAdded sex descriptions in upper description bar during sex sceneFixed bug that crashed the game during the prison hall sceneFixed the bug that caused and endless prison hall sceneMinor map updatev1.2.7
Two new locations in VicaThree new NPCsNew text options for several sex actsNew scenes at Vica-gate and Vica Council Hall
New sex act per request: tittyfucking
Several new prison scenes for serious (violent) crimesSpecific gameplay options when the player is handcuffedSeveral game crashing (Internal Server error) bugs fixedFixed the bug making the player loot the shop when waiting insideSeveral typos fixed (brawn hair color, pieces of metal turning into wooden ones, among others)More text descriptions for several sex acts and scenes
Player and NPCs can now wear armor, which reduce damage suffered during combatNew vendor in Vica: armoryNew armored clothes types: lootable armor from dead NPCsleather clothes now offer some armor protectionnew reinforced clothesnew full body armor typesNew higher end mele weapons: caution some NPCs may have them too!steel pikehalberdbattery powered chainsawstainless steel sworddiamond covered bladebattery powered diamond chainsawNext text options for FF sex.New “chat” option: player can now chat with NPCs and ask about their background and the world. Player’s charisma will impact how willing other characters are to speak with them.New loading page to avoid crashes on startFixed bug that crashed the game when sucking cock
Ethos of Darkness: A Post-Apocalyptic Erotic RPG: screenshots
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