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Play as the Dragonborn and embark on your quest to discover your destiny… and fuck a lot of hot women on the way.
Last update: 2023-01-04
Released: 2023-01-04
Creator (developer): MG-Gaming
Censored: NO
Version: V1.0
OS: Windows, Mac, Android
Language: English
Install instructions:
Whats new (last changes):
Initial release.
Quests: 2 Main quests, 7 Side quests.
Cities/Towns Available: Riverwood, Whiterun, Falkreath
Hours worth of content: 1-1.5 hours or so.
Developer Notes:
Also… if you encounter someone in the game who asks you for patronage… I’m still setting it up
Final Note: If you encounter bugs or other issues, I’m fine with you dropping that in this thread. Please do title it with “BUG REPORT“,.. that way I can find your post quicker and easier. Thanks in advance.
Planned content:
NTR will likely be included, but the Netori version. Meaning you cuckold others, rather than you getting cucked by others.
What this game will NOT contain is the folllowing
All sex will be consensual. No exceptions. At the most a character can pretend they don’t like it, but at all times, all parties involved in the sexual activity enjoy it and want it.
All characters are of legal age (18+) and also look like they are of legal age. So a 100 year old elf-loli is a no-go. Again, no exceptions.
For those that are into this, sorry, but none of this will be included.
Other things that are even more extreme and/or illegal like Bestiality will also not be included. So no fucking Alduin!
Edge of the Sky: screenshots
Enter an virtual world with your secret wishes. Get this from MEGA or other file hostings right now, unzip, easy install and play this adult game.
Be a smart player and get what you really want. And it will be you next second life, there will be a lot of interesting persons that you will met. What will you do? Will you be a good man? Will you user your power and authority? Try now!