Dosukebe Chat Lady Chisato-chan is available here in our large porn games collection. Free access to this porn game is served via few clicks. New and only best games are are always available for you on daily basis by xGames.
It was all of a sudden that Chisato Takizawa was burdened with debt.
So she tries to repay it by attracting and getting money from viewers in an online chat service.
offline meeting under hypnosis, cuckoldry broadcasting, titjob, blowjob, sexual violation in a locker, anal vibrator, PE uniform, nipple masturbation, dildo masturbation, vibrator masturbation, gangbang etc etc.
* Hostage System
Her mother Aki and little sister Nanako are forced to work on a fishing vessel and at a men’s dormitory, respectively.
The more the debt inflates with time, the worse their working conditions will be…
* Skip (press the S key)
* Estimated Playtime: 2~3 hours
Last update: 2021-11-19
Released: 2019-01-05
Creator (developer): happypink
Censored: Yes
Version: 1.7
OS: Windows
Language: English (MTL)
Install instructions:
Requires RPG TKool VX Ace RTP:
Win: – – –
Thank you for game and translation.
Dosukebe Chat Lady Chisato-chan: screenshots
Enter an world of meetings with your secret wishes. Free download from MEGA or other file hostings right now, unzip, easy install and play this porn game.
Be a smart player and get what you want. And it will be you next second life, there will be a lot of interesting persons that you will met. Will you find love and happiness? Will you be a good man? Will you abuse your power and authority? Start now!