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Curious Town v0.4.5.2

Demo version:No
Last update: 2019-01-15

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Curious Town is an erotic game which include elements like : mind control , hypnosis, M/F, and BDSM. You are a man, driving when suddenly, you have an engine issue with your car. Hopefully you arrive in a town named curious town. A lot of things will happen here! It’s not including a lot of content for the moment but I have some idea that could be interesting in the future. (Like using a spellbook, demon power that could help you in this town… If everything works well!)​

Last update: : 2018-12-31
Creator (developer): :Jonss
Censored: No
OS: Windows
Language: English

RAGS, Hypnosis, Mind Control, BDSM, Corruption, M/F sex

Install instructions: :

1- Make sure you have RAGS 2.4.16. Get it from
2- Download the game
3- Run the game using RAGS 2.4.16 runner

Whats new (last changes):

31-12-2018 – Version :
– Sub Parts for Jennifer is finished. (You know when you have the countdown and try to stop her. Before, on release 0.4.5, you were only able to see the scene but it didn’t stop the countdown etc… and you had only one scene. Now you have the all 4 Scenes with Texts following + a cool feature (to my mind). After each sub scenes, she will try to corrupt you (she will seduce you), if you keep your calm or accept her the favor you could increase a lot the timer and accelerate your potential “End”
– End Events that worked only with maya. Now should works will all characters (It’s true this time. Normally
– Reduced price for Rita (You need at least 35$ instead of 40$ to not been “Punished”. If now you have more, before even if you had let’s say 250$, she tooks you everything, now only half. The end up Here events price are lowered too (70$ then 80$ and last is 100$)
– Added 6 Ends if your will has reached 0 when you are in the slave room (Quite short but it’s different than the original/default one)
– Updated the porn star names in the Mobile Phone “About the game”
I have added for those who are bored about redoing everything the “Admin commands I used to enabled manually between each updates”, Now it’s available to all by opening the mobile phone and choosing : 4 – Activate Admin Commands (You can add money, add souls, I have some useful TP, enable Maddy pre-requisite, Give Spells, Sms Tests) etc… Please tell me if you like this option or want it removed next time. Anyway I think it make sense to have it for now due to “Small additions” and to avoid you guys to redo everything again and maybe discover some interesting things you missed !
27-12-2018 – Version :
– End Events that worked only with maya. Now should works will all characters
– When your mistress is away, you have now a chance that a random item (4 Different items actually) will appear in your room (Slave Room only. Same way as the computer). This should solve or at least help players to drink or eat without having your mistress who feeds you by filling your bowls
– It was already available but I’m giving this tip here : In Witch Altar, you will find a “Strange Seed” that you could keep with you during this gamephase and eat it when you will really need it. That should also help and reduce the “Bad Luck” Factor.
26-12-2018 – Version 0.4.5 :
Added 5 New Characters linked with the forest and Jennifer
– Only dom side is actually possible and all is done (Text + Picture) (only text is missing for maya endings)
Extension of Jennifer
– After she Cuckolded you and you have unlocked the footjobs, you will have a new event that will run. You cannot stop the even for now (Would be the sub side extension and the new characters will follows with this)
New Feature :
– Slave Room concept : It’s linked with jennifer dom extension but I tried to make it more interesting. I need your feedbacks on this.
17-09-2018 – Version 0.4 –
New Features :
Mobile Phone :
– You can check your messages from it now instead of having an event (Only the first event when you enter the first time in your room didn’t change)
– You can check the progressions of the game.
– You can check infos about the game.
About Sms :
– 22 sms are implemented. 2 Sms for each situation (Slave, Normal, Mistress). Actually it’s only messages and new images without really impact on the game. Few sms will give you, money, items, events but I will let you discover it yourself
Added for following characters :
– Bree (Mistress + Slave)
– Roxy (Mistress + Slave)
– Denisa (Mistress + Slave)
– Brooklyn (Mistress + Normal + Slave)
– Carter your Wife (4 different Sms with 3 possible answers that will define future end game options with her)
New Items :
– More clothes !
– Magician letters can be found in different places and will give you additional details about the City (it is the beginning of background of the city and a potential storyline)
Bag :
– You can buy the bag at the Shop. It cost 500$ but you can put some items in if you want to organize your inventory.
– It’s also double the weight capacity. (Ex: You can have 8 wood logs instead of 4)
Updates :
Text Added for :
– Randi (All the scenes should contain texts)
– Gigi (All the scenes should contain texts)
New character content implemented :
– Maddy (at the BDSM Shop)
I have expanded the following characters : (That was normally ended)
– Denisa (very Small content added. Event with roxy and Sms Pictures)
– Roxy (Small content added. Event with Denisa and Sms Pictures + New dom pictures)
– Bree (Big content added. Sms Pictures + 1st Slave End Game (You can finish with her as your slave) + New way to end game as a Mistress (Quite interesting with some personalized content)
– Brooklyn (very Small content added. Sms Pictures)
You will have your mobile phone at the beginning but will lost it during the first night at your room. It’s not difficult to find it back (Search a bit in your room ! )
Fixes – Changes :
– You can only get naked in your Room. You cannot remove your clothes outside your room/shower.
– You can no longer go to the casino with certain clothes on
– Increase sell cost of a wood log (30$ instead of 25$)
– You don’t have anymore to Unlock + Open few doors that was like that on the VIP Floor. (Was useless and non sense regarding other doors)
26-12-2017 – Version 0.3.1 :
Fixed :
– Now in case of a tie at blackjack, you won’t lose your bet.
– The Bar item has been removed as it should be. (Will be now available after few nights working as a Man Stripper)
New Feature :
– You can now Chop Tree buy Buying an Axe at the Shop and can sell the Wood Logs (It’s Another way to earn money and there are not events for now)
Unlocked Feature :
– You can now pay the 10 000$ at the Garage and 5 000$ at the Hotel (Paying only the first and forgot to remove the bracer will generate a event ! Paying both will give you a choice and if you really decide to leave the town, you will meet your wife (No more progress Here) but if you replied to the 4 Sms events and depending your replies, you will get a different content will her.
24-12-2017 – Version 0.3 :
Ariana : (Fully Done)
– Added ~10 new scenes + First ending with her
Brooklyn : (Fully Done)
– 4 New slave scenes (One include 2 parts and could be considered as 5 total new scenes)
– 1 New event resulting of these scenes
– Reduced Pantyhose additional cost from 100$ to 25$
– Added text from Pantyhose scenes. It was missing.
– Removed the option to directly start talking to her about your strange dream. You should first talk to the receptionist to speak with her about it… Make more sense.
Mistress Mandy : (Fully Done)
– Updated Ending Game Image with her
– 7 New Slave scenes
– 1 New Scene due to the infusion of Soul to increase Slave Mind.
Tori : (Fully Done)
– You can now escape the endscene properly if you are a demon.(This result also to new scenes)
– 3 New Mistress Actions (One Action is splitted in 3 Parts/Scenes) (The “Will” can be reduced even if you are a demon. This Could result to the end of the game if it’s reaching “0”)
– 6 New Slave/Sex Actions
Escort Site :
– You cannot loose when your are a demon if you enter in one of escort rooms. (No actions are planned. But you can take their souls !)
– You can now be friend with Gigi, Dahlia, Lea and Randi (Depending of sex actions the kind of friendship can be different with them ! )
Bar :
– Modification regarding the possibility to work as a man stripper. You can earn now 100$ per night instead of 25$ but… You will sleep now each times and will have to pay for your room to the receptionnist (50$) so you earn in fact 50$ but it also include events resulting of sleeping. (Dreams…)
– New event Added when you are working at the bar. (This is the begin of a new feature)
Car :
– You can now leave the town (Endings still in work in progress)
New Characters :
Maddy (She is working at the BDSM Shop)
– Few things are possible with her and she not fully Implemented yet
You Can now drain soul to :
Randi, Tori, Dahlia, Gigi, Lea
New Features :
You will receive sometimes SMS from you wife. You will have to reply her and depending of your replies you will get différent endings with her. (Normal, She will be sub, She will be dom)
You can now in few cases receiving quests/tasks to do before progressing
Mini Games Casino :
– BlackJack
– Slot Machine
– Craps
Divers :
– Dildo now show bunch of dildos instead of one. So it make more sense to use it on different characters.
– You can find a bath towel you can wear in your Room.
24-10-2017 – Version 0.2 :
Characters :
– Brooklyn : Should be fully implemented with text fully written. (With probably some typos)
– The computer girl interactions: The text is normally fully written.
– Jennifer : Is a new character you can found using demon path. Fully written and implemented !
– Mistress Mandy : Is an old character that you could find by completing the last task alexandra entrusted to you. She has now her proper path. But you have to pass by this last task to get it (that one resulted before by the end of the game. Now you have a way to escape it)
– The receptionist : More options are available but still limited. Not by talking to her directly but rather by working in a certain place
– Alexandra : More options are available but still limited. Check yourself at the bar !
– Ariana : More options are available but still limited. It could be a good idea to go to see her and what she could propose you
– Changed regarding the story. For exemple, you cannot remove anymore the bracer because someone stealt in your bar overnight and you have now 5000$ to pay to the hotel… The game is not anymore going to be like you have to find a way to leave at any cost but more a place you have to leave because your wife is waiting you but lust keep you in a certain way in this town and you will have different options to finish the game as some ending actually there. (Most bad ending depending of the point of view of each ones )
– Added demon power. I will let you discover what it is but at the end it will be the path you should take to finish one of the end with ariana.
– Lowered the number of floors in the hotel. (From Ground,1,2,3,4,5,VIP Floor) to (Ground, 1,2,VIP Floor)
– Correction of few bugs
I guess that’s all for now… it has ~150Mo added than the previous version released.
28-06-2017 – Version :
– The map start to be extanded (You have now a park and woods where you will now find few stones were in the street)
– I have added a new interaction with the computer. You can now browse on internet (You should try few times to get all the events. (2 Events)
– Correction of few bugs
11-06-2017 – Version 0.1.4 :
– Brooklyn has now all the features implemented (with 80% of the text already written)
– Bree, Roxy, Denisa are fully implemented
– I have started to implement the Wife of our player. Her name is Carter.
– Adding some text
– Correction of few bugs
– No new features about the spells and ariana (The spell to unlock locked doors is not working for now)
11-04-2017 – Version 0.1.3 :
– Added corruption using the spells of the spellbook with a early new interaction with Ariana the Devilish Girl Sealed in the Book.
– Added a new spell (To unlock specific Access Denied areas as the ones in the elevator) – But it’s not working for now
– Added Ariana House you could find next to the Bar depending the interaction you will decide to have with her.
Regarding Axterix Feedback :
1) – The elevator is now to the east in the Hotel and west to exit (it Should be ok)
2) – Changed the text to your suggestion when you want to leave the elevator before the first night : “Nah, I’m tired and don’t feel like going to town. I think I’ll get some sleep and check in my car in the morning.”
3) – Changed the text to your suggestion : “After walking in the hot sun to town, I think I’d like to take a shower before bed.”
4) – Changed The first dream. it’s not licking the pussy but asshole instead.
5) – Changed all current narration.
– ” Black content ” = when player speaking
– ” Black italic content ” = when player is thinking
– ” Blue content ” = When character is speaking
– ” Blue italic content ” = Will be when character is thinking but it should not have actually
– Normal Black Text = Narration or description of scene etc…
7) – In fact, it should be casual clothes and not casual underwear. Anyway, I have changed the item you can find into the commode to a casual underwear (short + tshirt). I will add the casual clothes with the previous picture later on.
12) – The bar is for now closed as it make more sense and will be opened after the first night. I wanted to do first as if the player didn’t see it due to stress with his car engine problem.
14) – For the moment I will keep the search of the elevator as in some hotels you always have to search it 😆
15) – I have added a explanation by the receptionist to access the VIP Floor.
16) – I have changed it to the proper sentence.
09-04-2017 – Version 0.1.2 :
– Added content for Roxy and Denisa (All Content should be done for them. Still have to add text)
– Added few items in shop. (You cannot talk to Lois for now)
– Added the Spellbook (I will let you search a bit about how to use/activate it)
– I have changed the place where the Second part of the passcard was. (It’s now in another room using search option)
29-03-2017 – Version 0.1.1 :
– Added Text for bree character
– Fixed few bugs
– I have replaced GIF by Images during the sleep event


Characters :
The Reception Girl (You can only talk here for now )
Lois (The shop is not really implemented actually)
Jane (You can just talk her. The money you will give her will do nothing)
Ariana (You can only enter in her house for now. No more content are avaible until next update)
Limited Items :
Sofa (don’t do anything)
Computer (You can make research about the spellbook and can interact with a girl and a website which contain other girls )
Features available:
for Hidden: Hide
– You can find items to combine a Passcard to enter in VIP Room 5 (You will have to find parts of the passcard and combine it with the tape)
– You can find for now:
Casual Clothes (To go out of the hotel)
Pink Underwear (Events will happen if you wear it and enter in some girl rooms like bree, denisa, roxy)
Dildo (You can use it on : bree, denisa, roxy)
– You can turn bree as your slave with few actions
– You can go to the bar to earn money (accessible after sleeping) and could do some special requests.

Curious Town
PC, Mac, Linux
Game rating: 5 80

Curious Town: screenshots

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