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Darkness. I awoke in darkness. Alone in an eternal in-between, confused and scared. A voice breaks through the silence, “Our mission for you is not yet fulld, you still have much life left. Kaz will be waiting for you on the other side. Good luck Rayce.”. Before I can even get a word out the light begins to flood my eyes.
A mission. A destiny. A new life. With no memory, you are wondering blind and relying on the hospitality of a wolf to regain your bearings. He seems happy to help me for now but how long do I have before I overstay my welcome. Through all the war, love, and pain, you must find your way home. You were given a second shot, so make it count.
Waking up in that forest changed the very future of this place. Will we make it back home?
Last update: 2024-12-17
Released: 202-12-17
Creator (developer): Aces406 –
Censored: No
Version: 1.0
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Language: English
Install instructions:
Whats new (last changes):
initial zone release
Developer Notes:
Written by
Illustrated by Rhae Murrz (Still working on getting socials set up)
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