◆IMMA out from the back, this not, the treasure is asleep and—
Treasure hunter of the blood is fussing protagonist is,and is to Islands and headed—
◆IMMA(girl’s appearance and sexual pleasure to accumulate can
You not)and IMMA explore the island to explore, BFRPG is.
◆General RPG like the combat screen, without having to on the field to do battle in a good proceed.
◆Flow of the game
Based mainly on material items to a sample of synthesized,equipment and supplies to make.
IMMA and fighting experience, and materials to obtain.
Items are synthesized, a more strong equipment, making the range spread.
As rough flow in.
◆BFRPG if you are interested in Come on trial to play it.
The Explorer of Succubus Isle/Imma’s Island Explorer (24 Page): screenshots
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