![The Ability To Manipulate Demons [COMPLETED] The Ability To Manipulate Demons [COMPLETED]](/wp-content/uploads/screenshots/df1/df18xmlysk-nbsp-The-Ability-To-Manipulate-Demons-xgames-poster.jpg)
Forty, the maid working for the Blanchar household has infiltrated a den of thieves.
After her master, the young lady Risette, was classified as a demon by the church,
she was abducted by a mysterious group of thieves…
The entire incident was seen as a means to let the demon escape and the head
of the Blanchar household was judged guilty of defying the church and executed.
The thieves that abducted Risette are still at large…
In order to save her master and prove the innocence of the Blanchar household,
the once upon a time assassin Forty…… takes up her blade once more.
After her master, the young lady Risette, was classified as a demon by the church,
she was abducted by a mysterious group of thieves…
The entire incident was seen as a means to let the demon escape and the head
of the Blanchar household was judged guilty of defying the church and executed.
The thieves that abducted Risette are still at large…
In order to save her master and prove the innocence of the Blanchar household,
the once upon a time assassin Forty…… takes up her blade once more.
: Features
* You can avoid battles by not entering the line of sight of enemies.
Ambushing and temptation is also possible.
By performing certain events, even the boss battles are avoidable.
By using items and preparing your equipment, victory by battle is possible too.
* In this work, the protagonist’s sensual areas, sexual tendencies,
sexual experience and the difficulty can be set freely by the player.
Message skip and battle speed increasing features available.
Please play the game in the manner that you will most enjoy.
Regarding H scenes, even if you don’t watch them,
they can be added to the reminiscence for viewing at a later time.
* Being defeated in battle will not result in a game over (with a few exceptions)
Upon defeat, the protagonist will be r*ped and begin again from a confined state.
Also, during battle, clothing tearing and violation are possible too.
* The contents of the H scenes will change relative to the
protagonist’s weak / sensual spots and sexual experience.
Encountering an H scene will unlock all variations for that scene
so you don’t have to play with different parameters to unlock.
13 base CG + variations = 100+
There are also erotic pose art displayed upon receiving sexual attacks in battle.
Pretty much all human x human sexual action (+ a little bit of interspecies stuff)
Ambushing and temptation is also possible.
By performing certain events, even the boss battles are avoidable.
By using items and preparing your equipment, victory by battle is possible too.
* In this work, the protagonist’s sensual areas, sexual tendencies,
sexual experience and the difficulty can be set freely by the player.
Message skip and battle speed increasing features available.
Please play the game in the manner that you will most enjoy.
Regarding H scenes, even if you don’t watch them,
they can be added to the reminiscence for viewing at a later time.
* Being defeated in battle will not result in a game over (with a few exceptions)
Upon defeat, the protagonist will be r*ped and begin again from a confined state.
Also, during battle, clothing tearing and violation are possible too.
* The contents of the H scenes will change relative to the
protagonist’s weak / sensual spots and sexual experience.
Encountering an H scene will unlock all variations for that scene
so you don’t have to play with different parameters to unlock.
13 base CG + variations = 100+
There are also erotic pose art displayed upon receiving sexual attacks in battle.
Pretty much all human x human sexual action (+ a little bit of interspecies stuff)
Updated: 21/03/2018
Censorship: Yes (mosaic)
Version: 1.12
OS: Windows
Language: English
Oral Sex, Vaginal Sex, Creampie, Rape, Clothing Damage, Prostitution, Mind Control, Female Protagonist, Pregnancy (it’s not on DLSite, but it’s listed everywhere else so.. let me know)
Install instructions: :
1- Download and extract to desired location.
2- Click on “executable_name.exe” to start playing.
2- Click on “executable_name.exe” to start playing.
Extra information:
Unfortunately, seems that the game was packed in a bad, bad way. So pretty sure that when you’ll extract the game somewhere, what should’ve been japanese instead will be something that has no meaning at all – namely file that can have some strange words or symbols. How to fix? Sadly you need to change your entire locale on japanese, restart the pc, extract the game, setting again the language on american (or whatever your language is), restart the pc and then play, finally. Yeah, a pain in the ass..
Walkthrough and H-scenes – Thanks to
First off, the code to the BAT chest is 2120. There is a clue earlier in the level, but it just demonstrates that the code uses an English alphabet to numerics cipher. So A=1, B=2, etc… So B-A-T is 2-1-20.
What I will do here is list where you might be ambushed, how to avoid the bosses, and any other points of interest. It’s not really a walkthrough, but it should help with everything but battle (I avoided every battle).
Overall Notes:
– You get a level and 2-4 skill points after dispatching each boss (whether you kill them or avoid the fight does not matter) and after completing each side quest in levels 2, 3 and 4. You can restart the game after any bad ends or after the final boss to keep gaining levels until killing enemies is not a problem, even on Hard.
– H-scene unlocks will not be saved until after you save the game. You can circumvent this by saving the game, seeing the scene, saving the game to a different slot then reloading the previous slot. This is especially useful for Bad Ends if you don’t want to start all over again.
– After a Bad End or beating the final boss, you can pick up an Accelerator in the memory room that lets you move faster. Useful for speeding through the game or sneaking up on tricky enemies.
– After beating the final boss, you can pick up an Infinite Brim in the memory room which gives you infinite throwing knives and Metal Strings in battle (you will still use them to pick locks and do special scene attacks). It will also unlock a second floor to the memory room where you can fight against all the non-boss enemies in the game for fun (or… other reasons)
– You can reset your difficulty, weak point and virginity level with each new game cycle. It is a separate choice from the one to reset your skills and level, so you can maintain those even if you change Forty back to a virgin.
Level 1:
– If captured, your stuff will be in the room beyond the special scene (East from the entrance)
– The chest in the far Northwest of the dungeon is trapped and will rip off all your clothes unless you disarm it. There are chests in other levels like this too, but I don’t remember them all. You will always be warned before you open them, though. The second Caution skill will disarm traps automatically without consuming any items.
– The room East of the guy who ambushes you has a map of the cave. I never found maps for any of the other levels.
Ambushes (be concealed to get the jump on the enemy):
– First screen North from the entrance, trigger spot is when you pass by the corridor coming in from the East. This ambush point is unavoidable.
– Straight North from the entrance, you will pass by two screens (the ambush screen and the screen where you meet Mine) before you reach a door. You have to listen at the door before you can get the drop on the boss.
– To avoid the boss battle, after listening at his door, go back to the entrance then take the West path. Go all the way North past the next two screens to find a patch of carpet. Inspect this to drop into the boss’s room and kill him instantly.
Special Scene:
– From the entrance, go East. You have three choices: seduce them (leads to H-scene and takes some HP/SP), use 5 Metal Strings to set a trap (makes them mostly unable to fight in ensuing battle), or get a preemptive strike (You get one free round at the beginning of the battle).
Level 2:
– If captured, your stuff will be in the room with the special scene.
Side Quest:
– Talk to the merchant in the tent right beside you when you start the level. He wants you to find his Ornamental Treasure Sword.
– The sword is in the first (ground) floor of the fortress. Just go South from the stairs up from the underground and open the trapped chest. It’s best to return it on your way out of the level unless you’re killing everyone you see. Once you return the sword, you get a free level and skill points.
– Fortress Underground Key can be found in the room with the special scene. Or you can use Metal Strings to pick the lock.
– Fortress (front door) Key. On the first (ground) floor of the fortress in the far Northeast room. You shouldn’t need this key as you can open the door from the inside (which will also let you sneak up on the doorman). It also unlocks the treasure room on the second floor, but it is not necessary to take that stuff.
Ambushes (be concealed to get the jump on the enemy):
– If you walk too close to the boxes on the West side of the fort, you will get ambushed. This is avoidable, but the guy drops a Stimulant (TP+5/Sensitivity+1/Triggers Arousal) if you want to fight him.
– When you get through the underground and back into the fort (you will pass by a locked gate), there is an ambush if you walk by the corridor that leads to the East. This is avoidable if you never walk by that corridor. You can reach the area beyond the ambush if you go South from the first screen, use the stairs, then go down the other set of stairs a couple of screens Northeast from there.
– On the second floor of the fortress in the far Southeast area. You have to listen at his door before you can use the alternate method to avoid him.
– To avoid him, go to the top of the fortress and grab the oil pot there. You can get there by going to the second floor then going Northeast until you find a rope ladder up to the top.After that, go to the first floor in the far Southeast to find the mess hall. Sneak up behind the guy there (you kill him without fighting) and inspect the crack in the wall he was looking at to start a fire. While the boss is out of the room, you will find the objective and then have the freedom to grab two chests or sparkles in the room. Failing to open the BAT chest counts as one item. The code is 2120. There is a Black Magic Stone in this chest that won’t have a use until level 4.
Special Scene:
– As soon as you get to the underground, go South. You have three choices: seduce them (H-scene and lost HP/SP), use 4 throwing knives (end up fighting one enemy), or preemptive strike (one free turn at the beginning of battle)
Level 3:
– There are two screens where light is streaming in from the left side of the screen. Unless you are playing on casual or have the second caution skill, you will not be able to conceal your presence.
– If captured, your stuff will be in a box one screen North of where you are jailed. You will have to jump out of the prison in order to get out, during which you cannot conceal your presence.
– If you get captured three times in this level, there is a bad end, and you will have the option to start the game from the beginning while keeping all your skills and levels. Redoing bosses and side quests will get you more levels on top of this so it’s an option for power-leveling your character.
Side Quest:
– From the start, go East (you have no other option) then South. Talk to the bandit in the Southwest of this screen. He wants you to find his boss.
– The bandit boss is in the far Southeast of the level. It’s best to wait until working on the alternate boss-killing method as you will have to visit this area anyway. Once you have talked to the bandit boss, go back to the first bandit to get your free level/skill points.
Ambushes (be concealed to get the jump on the enemy):
– Whenever you see a hole in the ground with a patch of dirt beside it, there is a goblin waiting to ambush you when you walk on the dirt. These are all avoidable, but the one in the far Northeast of the level has a Goblin Knife (Attack+32/Not taken if captured) hidden behind it. There are a total of three of these ambush points.
– Two screens East of the start of the level, go North. You have to see the scene between the boss and his minion before doing the alternative method of killing him below.
– Once you have seen that scene, go to the Southeast of the level. In the area that has two screens with light streaming in (you cannot conceal yourself here), go to the far South screen to find a tentacle monster hiding in the woods. Examine it, and it will run away (note: the bandit’s boss is in the far West of this screen). Then go back North one screen and to the East. Examine the tentacle monster on this screen too. After seeing those two tentacle monsters, go back to the screens with light streaming in and go to the far North. There is one more tentacle monster to examine here (the ambush point that has items hidden on the other side of it is on this screen too). It will lead you to a secret path where you can ambush the boss.
– The fight with this boss has to be done, but if you use the alternate method, he will be barely able to move and will only attack you very weakly.
Level 4:
– After you blow up the magic power source, you will be unable to conceal yourself in the castle unless playing on casual or if you have the second caution skill.
– If the castle goes on high alert (due to killing or seducing a lot of guards), you will not be able to conceal yourself inside the castle unless you are playing on casual.
– If you get captured, your stuff will be in the first (ground) floor of the castle. It will be in the room to the far Southwest in a box in the Southwest corner of the room. During the story, you will be captured (but not raped) once, so you will NEED to do this at least once.
– If you get captured three times in this level (not counting the story-related one), there is a bad end, and you will have the option to start the game from the beginning while keeping all your skills and levels. Redoing bosses and side quests will get you more levels on top of this so it’s an option for power-leveling your character.
– Castle Key A (front door) is in the building in the Southeast of the castle grounds. It is in a chest in the middle. You can enter this building through a secret door by following a narrow path around it, but you will still have to sneak by/kill two guards whether you use the secret door or the regular door.
– Castle Key B (storage room in second floor Southeast) is in the castle, third floor, Northwest room. Or you can pick the door with five Metal Strings. You need to go into the storage room to get the bomb which will destroy the magic power source.
– Castle Key C (armory in second floor Southeast) is in the castle, third floor, Northeast room. This only saves you two Metal Strings since you need three to pick the lock of the door to get to the key. You don’t need to go into the armory as it only contains a Calming Ribbon (Defense+5/Arousal immunity) and a Rosary (Defense+20/Magic Defense+5) which can both be bought in the shop.
– Magic Key (MacLaine’s Room on the third floor, far North) is found during the story.
Side Quest:
– In the first (ground) floor of the castle, go in the doors next to the stairs then East to a hallway. The first room to the South has a mage who wants to quit the association, but he wants you to get dirt on the other mages first so he can blackmail them.
– The ledgers he wants are on the third floor in the Southwest room. Return them to the mage for your free level and skill points.
Ambushes (be concealed to get the jump on the enemy):
– Castle, first (ground) floor. After passing through one of the doors in the foyer, there are two locked doors (with no keys that I could find) in front of you. If you lockpick the door on the left, there is a red chest. You will get ambushed if you approach it. There is only money in this chest so there is no need to trigger this ambush.
– Castle, third floor, Northwest room. If you try to enter, you will be ambushed before you enter the door. He guards the Castle Key B for the storage room. You can avoid this if you use five Metal Strings to open storage room door since you will not need the key.
– There’s no boss on this level, but a lot of confusing things to do, so here goes…
1. Go to the building East of where you start to get the Castle Key A. It is in the chest in the middle of the room (I don’t think you can open the other chest). This key opens the front gate of the castle.
2. Go in the castle and up the stairs to see a scene with the lead mage, MacLaine.
3. Go to first (ground) floor, Southwest room. Read the papers on the table.
4. If you don’t have five spare Metal Strings for picking the lock on the storage room, go to the third floor, Northwest room (you will be ambushed just before entering) and grab the key.
5. Go to the second floor, Southeast room. Use the first door to the North to get into the storage room and grab the Mixed Bomb (failure) from the first shelf.
5a. If you want to do the side quest, it’s best to get it done before this next step as the castle mages will go on high alert, preventing you from being concealed.
6. Go to the second floor, far North room and use the bomb to break the Magic power source.
7. Go to the first (ground) floor, far North room and pick up the Magic Key then go North for a story event.
8. From the dungeon you are now in, go up to the first floor, go to the Southwest room and get your stuff from the box in the Southwest corner of this room.
9. Go to the third floor, far North room and open it with the Magic Key.
10. In here, read the notes then open the chest in the middle of the North wall to get a dispelling rune. If you have the Black Magic Stone from level 2, your character will make a copy (making the final boss battle so much easier).
11. Go to the third floor, Southeast room. Sneak up on the guy at the table (you will kill him immediately with no fight) and grab the Sensing Crystal he was making.
12. You can now leave the level.
Special Scene:
– Castle, first (ground) floor, Southwest hallway, door to the North. You have a choice of seducing them (H-scene and lost HP/SP), preemptive strike (free turn at the beginning of battle), or use throwing knives (does not work well, fight against two enemies and you get aroused immediately).
Final Boss:
– There’s not much to say. If you have the second dispelling rune from getting the Black Magic Stone (level 2 in the Northwest chest (code: 2120) in the boss room) and inscribing it (automatically happens in level 4 during the story), the boss will barely attack you at all.
– If you lose all your HP or give up (using the option in the special menu), you will get a bad end, and you will have the option to start the game from the beginning while keeping all your skills and levels. Redoing bosses and side quests will get you more levels on top of this so it’s an option for power-leveling your character.
Unlocking all the H-Scenes:
Each book in the memory room will tell you what to do. Also, when you finish the game by beating the final boss, you can talk to the woman in the memory room to unlock all the ones you don’t already have.
1. Get captured in the first dungeon (lose all HP or choose Give Up from special menu during battle).
2. Get captured in the second dungeon (lose all HP or choose Give Up from special menu during battle).
3. Get captured in the third dungeon (lose all HP or choose Give Up from special menu during battle).
4. Get captured in the fourth dungeon (lose all HP or choose Give Up from special menu during battle).
5. Special scene in first dungeon (look above to find out about it).
6. Special scene in second dungeon (look above to find out about it).
7. Special scene in fourth dungeon (look above to find out about it).
8. Story event after first dungeon.
9. Story event after second dungeon.
10. Get at least the first Avoid Battle skill and get sighted by an enemy. Choose to straddle the guy (choice may not show up until you have more sexual experience, but this is the default position)
11. Get at least the first Avoid Battle skill and get sighted by an enemy. Choose to spread your legs for the guy (choice may not show up until you have more sexual experience)
12. Get captured three times in the third dungeon. This is a bad end, and you will be forced to start over. However, if you start over and save to a different slot, you can then reload to the original slot. This will unlock the scene without having to lose progress.
13. Get captured three times in the fourth dungeon. This is a bad end, and you will be forced to start over. However, if you start over and save to a different slot, you can then reload to the original slot. This will unlock the scene without having to lose progress.
14. Lose to the final boss. This is a bad end, and you will be forced to start over. However, if you start over and save to a different slot, you can then reload to the original slot. This will unlock the scene without having to lose progress.
What I will do here is list where you might be ambushed, how to avoid the bosses, and any other points of interest. It’s not really a walkthrough, but it should help with everything but battle (I avoided every battle).
Overall Notes:
– You get a level and 2-4 skill points after dispatching each boss (whether you kill them or avoid the fight does not matter) and after completing each side quest in levels 2, 3 and 4. You can restart the game after any bad ends or after the final boss to keep gaining levels until killing enemies is not a problem, even on Hard.
– H-scene unlocks will not be saved until after you save the game. You can circumvent this by saving the game, seeing the scene, saving the game to a different slot then reloading the previous slot. This is especially useful for Bad Ends if you don’t want to start all over again.
– After a Bad End or beating the final boss, you can pick up an Accelerator in the memory room that lets you move faster. Useful for speeding through the game or sneaking up on tricky enemies.
– After beating the final boss, you can pick up an Infinite Brim in the memory room which gives you infinite throwing knives and Metal Strings in battle (you will still use them to pick locks and do special scene attacks). It will also unlock a second floor to the memory room where you can fight against all the non-boss enemies in the game for fun (or… other reasons)
– You can reset your difficulty, weak point and virginity level with each new game cycle. It is a separate choice from the one to reset your skills and level, so you can maintain those even if you change Forty back to a virgin.
Level 1:
– If captured, your stuff will be in the room beyond the special scene (East from the entrance)
– The chest in the far Northwest of the dungeon is trapped and will rip off all your clothes unless you disarm it. There are chests in other levels like this too, but I don’t remember them all. You will always be warned before you open them, though. The second Caution skill will disarm traps automatically without consuming any items.
– The room East of the guy who ambushes you has a map of the cave. I never found maps for any of the other levels.
Ambushes (be concealed to get the jump on the enemy):
– First screen North from the entrance, trigger spot is when you pass by the corridor coming in from the East. This ambush point is unavoidable.
– Straight North from the entrance, you will pass by two screens (the ambush screen and the screen where you meet Mine) before you reach a door. You have to listen at the door before you can get the drop on the boss.
– To avoid the boss battle, after listening at his door, go back to the entrance then take the West path. Go all the way North past the next two screens to find a patch of carpet. Inspect this to drop into the boss’s room and kill him instantly.
Special Scene:
– From the entrance, go East. You have three choices: seduce them (leads to H-scene and takes some HP/SP), use 5 Metal Strings to set a trap (makes them mostly unable to fight in ensuing battle), or get a preemptive strike (You get one free round at the beginning of the battle).
Level 2:
– If captured, your stuff will be in the room with the special scene.
Side Quest:
– Talk to the merchant in the tent right beside you when you start the level. He wants you to find his Ornamental Treasure Sword.
– The sword is in the first (ground) floor of the fortress. Just go South from the stairs up from the underground and open the trapped chest. It’s best to return it on your way out of the level unless you’re killing everyone you see. Once you return the sword, you get a free level and skill points.
– Fortress Underground Key can be found in the room with the special scene. Or you can use Metal Strings to pick the lock.
– Fortress (front door) Key. On the first (ground) floor of the fortress in the far Northeast room. You shouldn’t need this key as you can open the door from the inside (which will also let you sneak up on the doorman). It also unlocks the treasure room on the second floor, but it is not necessary to take that stuff.
Ambushes (be concealed to get the jump on the enemy):
– If you walk too close to the boxes on the West side of the fort, you will get ambushed. This is avoidable, but the guy drops a Stimulant (TP+5/Sensitivity+1/Triggers Arousal) if you want to fight him.
– When you get through the underground and back into the fort (you will pass by a locked gate), there is an ambush if you walk by the corridor that leads to the East. This is avoidable if you never walk by that corridor. You can reach the area beyond the ambush if you go South from the first screen, use the stairs, then go down the other set of stairs a couple of screens Northeast from there.
– On the second floor of the fortress in the far Southeast area. You have to listen at his door before you can use the alternate method to avoid him.
– To avoid him, go to the top of the fortress and grab the oil pot there. You can get there by going to the second floor then going Northeast until you find a rope ladder up to the top.After that, go to the first floor in the far Southeast to find the mess hall. Sneak up behind the guy there (you kill him without fighting) and inspect the crack in the wall he was looking at to start a fire. While the boss is out of the room, you will find the objective and then have the freedom to grab two chests or sparkles in the room. Failing to open the BAT chest counts as one item. The code is 2120. There is a Black Magic Stone in this chest that won’t have a use until level 4.
Special Scene:
– As soon as you get to the underground, go South. You have three choices: seduce them (H-scene and lost HP/SP), use 4 throwing knives (end up fighting one enemy), or preemptive strike (one free turn at the beginning of battle)
Level 3:
– There are two screens where light is streaming in from the left side of the screen. Unless you are playing on casual or have the second caution skill, you will not be able to conceal your presence.
– If captured, your stuff will be in a box one screen North of where you are jailed. You will have to jump out of the prison in order to get out, during which you cannot conceal your presence.
– If you get captured three times in this level, there is a bad end, and you will have the option to start the game from the beginning while keeping all your skills and levels. Redoing bosses and side quests will get you more levels on top of this so it’s an option for power-leveling your character.
Side Quest:
– From the start, go East (you have no other option) then South. Talk to the bandit in the Southwest of this screen. He wants you to find his boss.
– The bandit boss is in the far Southeast of the level. It’s best to wait until working on the alternate boss-killing method as you will have to visit this area anyway. Once you have talked to the bandit boss, go back to the first bandit to get your free level/skill points.
Ambushes (be concealed to get the jump on the enemy):
– Whenever you see a hole in the ground with a patch of dirt beside it, there is a goblin waiting to ambush you when you walk on the dirt. These are all avoidable, but the one in the far Northeast of the level has a Goblin Knife (Attack+32/Not taken if captured) hidden behind it. There are a total of three of these ambush points.
– Two screens East of the start of the level, go North. You have to see the scene between the boss and his minion before doing the alternative method of killing him below.
– Once you have seen that scene, go to the Southeast of the level. In the area that has two screens with light streaming in (you cannot conceal yourself here), go to the far South screen to find a tentacle monster hiding in the woods. Examine it, and it will run away (note: the bandit’s boss is in the far West of this screen). Then go back North one screen and to the East. Examine the tentacle monster on this screen too. After seeing those two tentacle monsters, go back to the screens with light streaming in and go to the far North. There is one more tentacle monster to examine here (the ambush point that has items hidden on the other side of it is on this screen too). It will lead you to a secret path where you can ambush the boss.
– The fight with this boss has to be done, but if you use the alternate method, he will be barely able to move and will only attack you very weakly.
Level 4:
– After you blow up the magic power source, you will be unable to conceal yourself in the castle unless playing on casual or if you have the second caution skill.
– If the castle goes on high alert (due to killing or seducing a lot of guards), you will not be able to conceal yourself inside the castle unless you are playing on casual.
– If you get captured, your stuff will be in the first (ground) floor of the castle. It will be in the room to the far Southwest in a box in the Southwest corner of the room. During the story, you will be captured (but not raped) once, so you will NEED to do this at least once.
– If you get captured three times in this level (not counting the story-related one), there is a bad end, and you will have the option to start the game from the beginning while keeping all your skills and levels. Redoing bosses and side quests will get you more levels on top of this so it’s an option for power-leveling your character.
– Castle Key A (front door) is in the building in the Southeast of the castle grounds. It is in a chest in the middle. You can enter this building through a secret door by following a narrow path around it, but you will still have to sneak by/kill two guards whether you use the secret door or the regular door.
– Castle Key B (storage room in second floor Southeast) is in the castle, third floor, Northwest room. Or you can pick the door with five Metal Strings. You need to go into the storage room to get the bomb which will destroy the magic power source.
– Castle Key C (armory in second floor Southeast) is in the castle, third floor, Northeast room. This only saves you two Metal Strings since you need three to pick the lock of the door to get to the key. You don’t need to go into the armory as it only contains a Calming Ribbon (Defense+5/Arousal immunity) and a Rosary (Defense+20/Magic Defense+5) which can both be bought in the shop.
– Magic Key (MacLaine’s Room on the third floor, far North) is found during the story.
Side Quest:
– In the first (ground) floor of the castle, go in the doors next to the stairs then East to a hallway. The first room to the South has a mage who wants to quit the association, but he wants you to get dirt on the other mages first so he can blackmail them.
– The ledgers he wants are on the third floor in the Southwest room. Return them to the mage for your free level and skill points.
Ambushes (be concealed to get the jump on the enemy):
– Castle, first (ground) floor. After passing through one of the doors in the foyer, there are two locked doors (with no keys that I could find) in front of you. If you lockpick the door on the left, there is a red chest. You will get ambushed if you approach it. There is only money in this chest so there is no need to trigger this ambush.
– Castle, third floor, Northwest room. If you try to enter, you will be ambushed before you enter the door. He guards the Castle Key B for the storage room. You can avoid this if you use five Metal Strings to open storage room door since you will not need the key.
– There’s no boss on this level, but a lot of confusing things to do, so here goes…
1. Go to the building East of where you start to get the Castle Key A. It is in the chest in the middle of the room (I don’t think you can open the other chest). This key opens the front gate of the castle.
2. Go in the castle and up the stairs to see a scene with the lead mage, MacLaine.
3. Go to first (ground) floor, Southwest room. Read the papers on the table.
4. If you don’t have five spare Metal Strings for picking the lock on the storage room, go to the third floor, Northwest room (you will be ambushed just before entering) and grab the key.
5. Go to the second floor, Southeast room. Use the first door to the North to get into the storage room and grab the Mixed Bomb (failure) from the first shelf.
5a. If you want to do the side quest, it’s best to get it done before this next step as the castle mages will go on high alert, preventing you from being concealed.
6. Go to the second floor, far North room and use the bomb to break the Magic power source.
7. Go to the first (ground) floor, far North room and pick up the Magic Key then go North for a story event.
8. From the dungeon you are now in, go up to the first floor, go to the Southwest room and get your stuff from the box in the Southwest corner of this room.
9. Go to the third floor, far North room and open it with the Magic Key.
10. In here, read the notes then open the chest in the middle of the North wall to get a dispelling rune. If you have the Black Magic Stone from level 2, your character will make a copy (making the final boss battle so much easier).
11. Go to the third floor, Southeast room. Sneak up on the guy at the table (you will kill him immediately with no fight) and grab the Sensing Crystal he was making.
12. You can now leave the level.
Special Scene:
– Castle, first (ground) floor, Southwest hallway, door to the North. You have a choice of seducing them (H-scene and lost HP/SP), preemptive strike (free turn at the beginning of battle), or use throwing knives (does not work well, fight against two enemies and you get aroused immediately).
Final Boss:
– There’s not much to say. If you have the second dispelling rune from getting the Black Magic Stone (level 2 in the Northwest chest (code: 2120) in the boss room) and inscribing it (automatically happens in level 4 during the story), the boss will barely attack you at all.
– If you lose all your HP or give up (using the option in the special menu), you will get a bad end, and you will have the option to start the game from the beginning while keeping all your skills and levels. Redoing bosses and side quests will get you more levels on top of this so it’s an option for power-leveling your character.
Unlocking all the H-Scenes:
Each book in the memory room will tell you what to do. Also, when you finish the game by beating the final boss, you can talk to the woman in the memory room to unlock all the ones you don’t already have.
1. Get captured in the first dungeon (lose all HP or choose Give Up from special menu during battle).
2. Get captured in the second dungeon (lose all HP or choose Give Up from special menu during battle).
3. Get captured in the third dungeon (lose all HP or choose Give Up from special menu during battle).
4. Get captured in the fourth dungeon (lose all HP or choose Give Up from special menu during battle).
5. Special scene in first dungeon (look above to find out about it).
6. Special scene in second dungeon (look above to find out about it).
7. Special scene in fourth dungeon (look above to find out about it).
8. Story event after first dungeon.
9. Story event after second dungeon.
10. Get at least the first Avoid Battle skill and get sighted by an enemy. Choose to straddle the guy (choice may not show up until you have more sexual experience, but this is the default position)
11. Get at least the first Avoid Battle skill and get sighted by an enemy. Choose to spread your legs for the guy (choice may not show up until you have more sexual experience)
12. Get captured three times in the third dungeon. This is a bad end, and you will be forced to start over. However, if you start over and save to a different slot, you can then reload to the original slot. This will unlock the scene without having to lose progress.
13. Get captured three times in the fourth dungeon. This is a bad end, and you will be forced to start over. However, if you start over and save to a different slot, you can then reload to the original slot. This will unlock the scene without having to lose progress.
14. Lose to the final boss. This is a bad end, and you will be forced to start over. However, if you start over and save to a different slot, you can then reload to the original slot. This will unlock the scene without having to lose progress.
Like DLSite shows: typos, fixes and others. There’s no detailed changelog.
Like DLSite shows: typos, fixes and others. There’s no detailed changelog.
The Ability To Manipulate Demons: screenshots
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